how do u know if an aquarius man likes u?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by kelis on Friday, July 6, 2007 and has 15 replies.
I think it did from my aqua boyfriend and my boss is an aqua and he makes his feelings for me very obvious)which im getting quite uncomfortable about!!!) I dont think aqua men hide there feelings as much as people think they do...
I'm as confused as you about this one....but from what i've read on this board, if he ignores you, is cold towards you, disappears on you and treats you like butter...then he's yours!!! lol!
His head will lean to the side, he'll give you this puppy dog butter wouldn't melt look with his big old eyes staring at u(similiar to a lost child!) this point i would say RUN or be lost in the aqua twilight zone forever!
If he walks around like he's got an "S" on his chest...
well that too. smile
Its hard to tell with an aqua guy honestly...there one of the few who I find hard to read when they like you, but i caught on quick...maybe b/c I know alot of them and am one myself...who knows.
The uber dorky aqua man (those with little o no social skills) will ignore yo; look at you weird, but make you feel like the weirdo.
The smug cocky aqua male will be charming and flirtatious...not too much; just enough to make you swoon Tongue
The in between (comes off as shy) too cool for school aloof type will do a mixture of the two.

[this is just from my personal experience and observations]
correct MrCap.
he tells you you're much hotter than his out its love!
ok ok...let me try again....
He looks deeply in your eyes and tells you he never felt so alive until he met you. You notice him carress your back, he smells your hair and lays tiny kiss on your brow. He's constantly glowing and can't do much to contain his smile. When you look at him you know he's never felt so intensely about anyone before you. Its a mindblowing connection...and then he nears his lips next to your ear and whispers...
"you're way hotter than my sister"
how's that? that's waaaay more romantic i think.
"You'll know when he knows that you know that he knows. That's when."
thats so true.
bend the world.
the hell with this i think ill stick with the pisces