Signs of Trails (DXP Astro Game)

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by SirHorns on Saturday, June 11, 2016 and has 485 replies.
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Yo DXP folk, SirHorns here as your gaming host for this DXP Astro Game.

The game is simple enough, those playing will be given situations where you'll do to achieve some action/reaction to "win". (Could be simple as maintaining a conversation or as difficult as seducing someone, etc) You'll have 3 users acting as judges to see how well your responses actually have a chance at working. There will be 12 situations total that will be in the game. To win this game, you'll have to have more "passable" answers than your competition.

As for the prize of doing this whole game aside from standard DXP bragging rights?
Devil You'll just have to win and findout what it yourself now won't you?

[#1 StarWars-8]
[#2 ElleDuMonde-7]
[#3 GetMisted-6]
[#4 RumiL/No/AriesLove/HappyCapper-3]
[#5 Foreverloveme-2]
[#6 GreenTea-1]
Situation #1: (Target: Saturian/Capricorn heavy influence)

Details: [Your mission is simple, your target is a man with heavy Capricorn/Saturn energy in his chart. You're encountering him in work social mixer event. Your superiors want to win him over since he's rumored to be the next CEO of the company your superiors want a score a deal with. You catch site of him standing with his back against the nearest wall, arms crossed and a neutral expression on his face. Wearing gray designer suit with oddly enough a red tie with a rose design on it. He's of average height and build, Caucasian, brown eyes and sandy hair. He's near a table that has a few snacks and aside from giving a few glances at his watch (yes even in the Iphone age...), he doesn't seem to be planning to move from his spot anytime soon.]

You have until June 13th 11:59PM EST to submit answers.

Your judges will be the following users: [ @Quantum / @Foreverloveme / @No ]
Posted by starwars
will it seriously take two days ? i already have the answer

I will walk up to the table where the snacks are placed, pour two glasses of whatever drinks are there and hand him his glass.

"how about making a deal with someone whos moon conjunct your sun?"

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i know caps love that line Smug

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You might win him with that line if he knew what you meant~
I'd be too much for your moon sadly.
Ever get your moon conjuncted in 3 different ways while being opposed?
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Oh my God. The first one itself is Capricorn!

I will think a little and come back.. Big Grin

Nice game Sir!! You are very creative! (:
Posted by RumiL
Oh my God. The first one itself is Capricorn!

I will think a little and come back.. Big Grin

Nice game Sir!! You are very creative! (:

Thank you~ You're so kind and I look forward to seeing what you say!
Boring party huh? If you want to come out with us after it won't be so stuffy.

Nice suit btw, but what's with the rose tie?

I assume caps can't play this instance of the game...? My fingers want to write stuff.Crying
Posted by Instantkarma
Posted by HappyCapper
I assume caps can't play this instance of the game...? My fingers want to write stuff.Crying

I'm sure you find the Q a toughie :-p
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Posted by SuperMercurial
Posted by HappyCapper
I assume caps can't play this instance of the game...? My fingers want to write stuff.Crying

No, play!
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My fingers itch.
If I don't win, I could always sniff about how the judges are wrongBig Grin

If I don't win...>Sad
I agree with arieslove and I am a cap. Caps and certain Scorps dress impeccably so noticing the detail of style will get him to comment. Since you both work together, move into a chat about careers and goals ( that always impresses me). He would be a challenge to engage but once you find a common interest, he should open up. If you are standing near a snack table, there is no harm in offering him a drink/ snack. I didn't see any thing in the quest that said what the sex of the player is so making advances isn't part of the sitch. Most cappies like being complimenting on their attributes and intellect.
Posted by Scorpioluver
I agree with arieslove and I am a cap. Caps and certain Scorps dress impeccably so noticing the detail of style will get him to comment. Since you both work together, move into a chat about careers and goals ( that always impresses me). He would be a challenge to engage but once you find a common interest, he should open up. If you are standing near a snack table, there is no harm in offering him a drink/ snack. I didn't see any thing in the quest that said what the sex of the player is so making advances isn't part of the sitch. Most cappies like being complimenting on their attributes and intellect.

As I read it, it's a guy.

This is a guy who is quite used to get complimented on whatever - he will probably find it boring and may even get irritated if I do, so I approach him, asking him if he's seen a specific person or whatever is convenient in the moment.

Now, this is a business event and my goal is to snatch him for business purposes and nothing else. This is why I must see to it that he finds that I can be "of use" to him professionally, while being interesting. He needs to be intrigued by me and by what I can offer, which is why I need to be p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l at all times(because this is how I want him to see me)...but never boring. Since he is in the position he is in, I have already done my research on him and work my strong suits to match his needs.
Posted by Foreverloveme
Posted by Scorpioluver
I agree with arieslove and I am a cap. Caps and certain Scorps dress impeccably so noticing the detail of style will get him to comment. Since you both work together, move into a chat about careers and goals ( that always impresses me). He would be a challenge to engage but once you find a common interest, he should open up. If you are standing near a snack table, there is no harm in offering him a drink/ snack. I didn't see any thing in the quest that said what the sex of the player is so making advances isn't part of the sitch. Most cappies like being complimenting on their attributes and intellect.

Please stop giving the answers lol
Honestly this is 100% accurate
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Woot Woot! I'm glad I know us lol!
Posted by starwars
me waiting for the cappies to finish bonding with each other
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Posted by Foreverloveme
Posted by HappyCapper
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to, but three caps have already commented, so here it goes:

This is a guy who is quite used to get complimented on whatever - he will probably find it boring and may even get irritated if I do, so I approach him, asking him if he's seen a specific person or whatever is convenient in the moment.

Now, this is a business event and my goal is to snatch him for business purposes and nothing else. This is why I must see to it that he finds that I can be "of use" to him professionally, while being interesting. He needs to be intrigued by me and by what I can offer, which is why I need to be p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l at all times(because this is how I want him to see me)...but never boring. Since he is in the position he is in, I have already done my research on him and work my strong suits to match his needs.

I like the part about staying professional and working your strong points. Or you researched me? What do you know? Could go either way on this point depending on the accuracy of the information and how you present it. Intrigue is nice, but what you have to offer...don't know about this part.
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If I don't know if the info is accurate, I won't go with it, or if I'm not sure, I'd fish within the convo...until I know...or not - and again, if I don't know, I won't go for it.

I'm a cap. I'm good at presenting it.Winking

He ofc needs to think I have something to offer him, carreerwise, or I'm not on-board.

And also, the other cap said that you worked together with this guy, but as I read it, you don't, so that approach wouldn't work, imo.
Posted by Foreverloveme
Posted by Greentea
Boring party huh? If you want to come out with us after it won't be so stuffy.

Nice suit btw, but what's with the rose tie?

Come out where? Father's day present
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He looks mysterious and not socializing, so he's probably bored. Usually some friends/coworkers go out after mixers. It would be a good chance to introduce him to some of them, and discuss work a little. Probably go amd get a meal, aND a martini, since there are only snacks provided.

The tie comment...well that would open him up to talking about himself a little, even if its to get a reaction lol.

I'd tell him, he doesn't need it, he already makes the suit look good. (That's if he really does)

He's not CEO yet, so I'm just going to get him to loosen up a little, and enjoy himself.

Otherwise, I'd probably do something more subtle to get his attention. Lol.

I actually give pointers to my cap male friend on his clothes, shoes etc. I tell him what won't look good on him, what will, etc, bcuz he's always asking my opinion.
Posted by starwars
Posted by Foreverloveme
Posted by Greentea
Boring party huh? If you want to come out with us after it won't be so stuffy.

Nice suit btw, but what's with the rose tie?

Come out where? Father's day present

the funny part is that greentea is a cappy, and you share similar aviis as well I'm dead LOL
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We both have libra moons too.

Posted by SirHorns
Situation #1: (Target: Saturian/Capricorn heavy influence)

Details: [Your mission is simple, your target is a man with heavy Capricorn/Saturn energy in his chart. You're encountering him in work social mixer event. Your superiors want to win him over since he's rumored to be the next CEO of the company your superiors want a score a deal with. You catch site of him standing with his back against the nearest wall, arms crossed and a neutral expression on his face. Wearing gray designer suit with oddly enough a red tie with a rose design on it. He's of average height and build, Caucasian, brown eyes and sandy hair. He's near a table that has a few snacks and aside from giving a few glances at his watch (yes even in the Iphone age...), he doesn't seem to be planning to move from his spot anytime soon.]

You have until June 13th 11:59PM EST to submit answers.

Your judges will be the following users: [ @Quantum / @Foreverloveme / @No ]


while all these other ladies are fighting over him, i slowly approach, not saying a word, reach out and lightly play with his tie, small smile on my lips, mischievous glint in my eye and whisper " what wonderful things one could do with a tie such as this." keep eye contact for a moment, then lightly touch his hand, i introduce myself. After our brief interaction, i too glance at my watch and have to let him know that saddly we must part ways as i have a pressing engagement for a business adventure. But perhaps, him and i can continue our discussion when we have more time. As i approach the door, i glance back and see him staring my way, i smile knowingly, he is intrigued.. or thinks im a pyscho, neither he can resist! I then reach into my pocket and glance at the item i am holding, a designers mens watch, oh i know he will be in contact, he glances at his bare wrist and quickly looks up, but alas i am gone- poof.


Signed, Selina Kyle

Posted by AriesLove
Posted by HappyCapper
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to, but three caps have already commented, so here it goes:

This is a guy who is quite used to get complimented on whatever - he will probably find it boring and may even get irritated if I do, so I approach him, asking him if he's seen a specific person or whatever is convenient in the moment.

Now, this is a business event and my goal is to snatch him for business purposes and nothing else. This is why I must see to it that he finds that I can be "of use" to him professionally, while being interesting. He needs to be intrigued by me and by what I can offer, which is why I need to be p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l at all times(because this is how I want him to see me)...but never boring. Since he is in the position he is in, I have already done my research on him and work my strong suits to match his needs.

Business people have interpersonal relationships as well. They play golf, go out to eat. My business went to Six Flags and I met others family. Sometimes having a respectable personal relationship and talking about other things besides work brings people together and allows them to have a liking for you.

Who you know not what you know sometimes

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I do agree that getting people to like you is a part of it, and I would surely strive for that, but if this guy is close to being a CEO, he will go for professional and reliable people who have things to offer, carreerwise,...whom he likes, sure, so that's what I would go for.

What you said is the reason why I though that interesting, intriguing and non-boringand (and not just on a business level) is a must. This is a mixer and it should be fun...while professional,
Posted by AriesLove
Posted by HappyCapper
Posted by AriesLove
Posted by HappyCapper
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to, but three caps have already commented, so here it goes:

This is a guy who is quite used to get complimented on whatever - he will probably find it boring and may even get irritated if I do, so I approach him, asking him if he's seen a specific person or whatever is convenient in the moment.

Now, this is a business event and my goal is to snatch him for business purposes and nothing else. This is why I must see to it that he finds that I can be "of use" to him professionally, while being interesting. He needs to be intrigued by me and by what I can offer, which is why I need to be p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l at all times(because this is how I want him to see me)...but never boring. Since he is in the position he is in, I have already done my research on him and work my strong suits to match his needs.

Business people have interpersonal relationships as well. They play golf, go out to eat. My business went to Six Flags and I met others family. Sometimes having a respectable personal relationship and talking about other things besides work brings people together and allows them to have a liking for you.

Who you know not what you know sometimes

I do agree that getting people to like you is a part of it, and I would surely strive for that, but if this guy is close to being a CEO, he will go for professional and reliable people who have things to offer, carreerwise,...whom he likes, sure, so that's what I would go for.

What you said is the reason why I though that interesting, intriguing and non-boringand (not just on a business level) is a must. This is a mixer and it should be fun...while professional,

The CEO is sometimes the most down to earth and likable. It's the managers and supervisors that are so uptight.

But I would mix a little of both since he already seems a bit bored by the atmosphere.
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Oh yes, agreed, times a billion!

*Edit: Just thought I'd add that he's not the CEO yet, so he really has to behave and not loosen up tooo much - be professional.
This reminds me of how I was introduced to our new DVP. I had been consumed in my work and didn't realize he was coming down for a visit.

I was in my office when he and my superior came in, and he introduced himself and I had no clue who he was. (Very embarrassing moment. In my head I was like and who are you and what's your purpose here again.)

He said he's the new DVP. I was like, wow this looks bad, I'm sorry I've buried myself into work, it completely slipped my mind you were coming.

He said, oh don't worry about it.. I could use more of you then. So we all discussed work a little and something compelled me to ask his birthday and so I did. He said.. I'm a Capricorn.

(I freakin knew it!!)

You're into that astrology stuff? He asked.
Just learning about it, I'm a Cap too.

Hard workers right? He asked.

Yup! I said smirking.

Then he went into reading a book about birth orders (oldest to youngest) and their personality traits in business and how to cater to that individuals needs as a worker, client, etc. So we discussed that a bit.

Then he said, next time he's in town, let's all go out to dinner so we can all get better acquainted. He's coming out in the next few months. Really cool guy.
Posted by Foreverloveme
Posted by Greentea
Posted by Foreverloveme
Posted by Greentea
Boring party huh? If you want to come out with us after it won't be so stuffy.

Nice suit btw, but what's with the rose tie?

Come out where? Father's day present

He looks mysterious and not socializing, so he's probably bored. Usually some friends/coworkers go out after mixers. It would be a good chance to introduce him to some of them, and discuss work a little. Probably go amd get a meal, aND a martini, since there are only snacks provided.

The tie comment...well that would open him up to talking about himself a little, even if its to get a reaction lol.

I'd tell him, he doesn't need it, he already makes the suit look good. (That's if he really does)

He's not CEO yet, so I'm just going to get him to loosen up a little, and enjoy himself.

Otherwise, I'd probably do something more subtle to get his attention. Lol.

I actually give pointers to my cap male friend on his clothes, shoes etc. I tell him what won't look good on him, what will, etc, bcuz he's always asking my opinion.

Yes he's bored, and he would enjoy going out afterwards it's a more relaxed environment. My cap friend is all for martinis, I'll join if I can have margaritas (I know less classy and professional, but they taste so much better lol)
I like this approach ☺
Ps i don't like clothing suggestions unless I ask for the opinion from a person, but that's just me. Greentea he must really trust your judgement 😉
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I love margaritas!! Taco Tuesdays too. Ha!
Posted by starwars
Posted by Greentea
Posted by starwars
Posted by Foreverloveme
Posted by Greentea
Boring party huh? If you want to come out with us after it won't be so stuffy.

Nice suit btw, but what's with the rose tie?

Come out where? Father's day present

the funny part is that greentea is a cappy, and you share similar aviis as well I'm dead LOL

We both have libra moons too.

are you fishing for points ◔‿◔
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Whaaaaa...I would never.....

tisk, tisk
I did no such thing. He reached into his pocket and found his watch, right where it was placed. Upon further inspection, he realized the clasp had come undone and it had fallen into said pocket. He realized he almost made a grave error in judgement, all is not as it seemed. He sips his chilled drink, pondering the strange, mischivous lady, who he cant seem to forget!

Also, @forevermore i do not work for his company. I was invited to the social mixer to entice and lure him tfor a deal, as we all are where remember . Which would imply he is not at the same company.
Posted by SirHorns
Wearing gray designer suit with oddly enough a red tie with a rose design on it.

There's no way this guy has heavy Cap/ Saturn energy in his chart.

Was this whole scenario a riddle?Laughing
Posted by Impulsv
Posted by justagirl
The discription given reminded me of Bruce Wayne lolol

Or the physcho killer in American psycho lol
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ya.. but Batman!

Posted by AriesLove

Yes the females are very reserved and humble. I had a Cap friend from high school. She had recently moved to my city. We went to a bachelorette party, she didn't talk about herself not once.

I drove her home. She stayed in a beautiful house. I was like "girl what have you been up to". She was like I got a degree in nursing and working as a RN".

She was so wild in high school.

This is me for the most part but at times my aqua side shines through and I'm socially mysterious lol. I don't talk about myself but if I'm in a social setting with friends then I'll talk about stuff if it's for a good reason and to be helpful (Aqua/ Virgo moon at work lol). Work peeps don't know my business.
I think it's open to everyone and the judges pick the winners. He collected all the signs ( the earlier thread) for judges I believe. I might be wrong but that's the way it looked to me.
Posted by Foreverloveme
Posted by sunkisses26
Posted by starwars
Posted by Ryoko
I'm confused 😕 weren't we playing another game? What happened to it?

this is the game thread, that one was to pick the judges.

was that for the judges....I thought those were the players....hmmm soooo when he post a scenario for cancer I would be the judge yes? as the cancer sun rep....and also I can totally answer this question then right!

correct to both questions
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Thank you for clearing that up😄
Posted by Foreverloveme
Posted by justagirl
Also, @forevermore i do not work for his company. I was invited to the social mixer to entice and lure him tfor a deal, as we all are where remember . Which would imply he is not at the same company.

He has your company's contact info, doesn't matter who you are or where you work, he'll find you with his inveatigative skills. I like the twist in your previous post your back in lol
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I may play like im Cat woman, but I am certainly no thief! lolol
Hid to not derail this thread.

SirHorns is gonna come back to a ton of notifications lol
Posted by Jahlia
Posted by starwars
lol @ complimenting caps looks. they dont buy all the ass kissing (◕‿◕✿)

It makes me suspicious lol.
"Omg you look so nice!"
"Mhmmmm so what the Fuck do you want?"
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This would be my reaction.
Posted by ElleDuMonde
When he finally gets annoyed with all of these chics coming at him from every angle and feels the need to duck into the coat room to get away from all of you....

That's where I will be. We will sneak out the back door through the kitchen and spend the night chatting at the coffee shop down the street.

Before we call it a night...I will hand him the proposal for the position....and tell him that I suggest he negotiate...they are thirsty and he is worth more.

Boom. Sorted.

Not that simple, we already know that we're worth more amd who is thirsty. I agree on the back door. If I was standing alone, looking at my watch... I've already planned by escape.
All of these people slinging compliments are going to get shut down.

Moreso with my Scorpio Moon.

Posted by ElleDuMonde
Posted by Greentea
Posted by ElleDuMonde
When he finally gets annoyed with all of these chics coming at him from every angle and feels the need to duck into the coat room to get away from all of you....

That's where I will be. We will sneak out the back door through the kitchen and spend the night chatting at the coffee shop down the street.

Before we call it a night...I will hand him the proposal for the position....and tell him that I suggest he negotiate...they are thirsty and he is worth more.

Boom. Sorted.

Not that simple, we already know that we're worth more amd who is thirsty. I agree on the back door. If I was standing alone, looking at my watch... I've already planned by escape.

Yeah, but nobody else came prepared....I have it on paper....and the insidea scoop of how high he could negotiate.

It serves two purposes...something he can go home with and look over...and also he knows he already has someone on the inside who has his back.

The other ladies only brought their cleavage. Tongue
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Very true. You would be taken seriously.
Posted by AriesLove
Posted by Quantum
All of these people slinging compliments are going to get shut down.

Moreso with my Scorpio Moon.

A unique outlandish tie is a mere compliment considering the thorough description given.

People are scared of simple compliments now and days. If someone told me they liked my scarf I'm going to get irritated?! No! If someone says my scarf brings out the grey tint in my eyes then yes, I would think they are overdoing it.
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Yeah but I look at it kinda like @Greentea said...I already know how much I'm worth and I already know I make this look good.

Compliments won't work.
Posted by AriesLove
Posted by Greentea
Posted by ElleDuMonde
Posted by Greentea
Posted by ElleDuMonde
When he finally gets annoyed with all of these chics coming at him from every angle and feels the need to duck into the coat room to get away from all of you....

That's where I will be. We will sneak out the back door through the kitchen and spend the night chatting at the coffee shop down the street.

Before we call it a night...I will hand him the proposal for the position....and tell him that I suggest he negotiate...they are thirsty and he is worth more.

Boom. Sorted.

Not that simple, we already know that we're worth more amd who is thirsty. I agree on the back door. If I was standing alone, looking at my watch... I've already planned by escape.

Yeah, but nobody else came prepared....I have it on paper....and the insidea scoop of how high he could negotiate.

It serves two purposes...something he can go home with and look over...and also he knows he already has someone on the inside who has his back.

The other ladies only brought their cleavage. Tongue

Very true. You would be taken seriously.

Yeah sneaking out the back door like children
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And deal with all the childish hoopla...the back door looks more entertaining...or a suggestion to go out afterwards and discuss over a meal and drink. He hasn't touched the snacks, he's hungry and bored.

And don't forget, we're business minded people, we know how to work a room full of colleagues if/when in the mood.
Posted by ElleDuMonde
I am not even playing and I just stealth snatched your mark right out of the room.


welll, he just reached into his pocket again and found my busniess card that somehow 'slipped" in with his watch Winking

he steps away to make a call.

"hello" yes, he tells me over the line, " can you help me?' i seem to have this crazy scoprio lady dragging me away to some remote location, she has 'crazy eyes"


We make plans to meet and have a dinner to discuss his upcoming positon. While there, he signs the contract after some negotiations, which were all a facade as the compnay knows his value and worth. Done deal!



it's over. he signed the contract!

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Posted by SirHorns
Situation #1: (Target: Saturian/Capricorn heavy influence)

Details: [Your mission is simple, your target is a man with heavy Capricorn/Saturn energy in his chart. You're encountering him in work social mixer event. Your superiors want to win him over since he's rumored to be the next CEO of the company your superiors want a score a deal with. You catch site of him standing with his back against the nearest wall, arms crossed and a neutral expression on his face. Wearing gray designer suit with oddly enough a red tie with a rose design on it. He's of average height and build, Caucasian, brown eyes and sandy hair. He's near a table that has a few snacks and aside from giving a few glances at his watch (yes even in the Iphone age...), he doesn't seem to be planning to move from his spot anytime soon.]

You have until June 13th 11:59PM EST to submit answers.

Your judges will be the following users: [ @Quantum / @Foreverloveme / @No ]

I will approach him, "excuse me, sir, may I speak with you?"

And then I will ask him about his job, what he likes and dislikes about the current job he's holding and ask him what he desires in a job then...slowly put forward the positive aspects of our job, impress upon a few but be a little balanced about it and mention the little setbacks also.. And again impress upon the position that is vacant for him and how he could benefit... and how we could also benefit based on the things he says about himself.

IN BETWEEN while I see he is getting comfortable, I will offer him snacks and the drink...ask him if he'd like to sit..

Be sincere about it Big Grin ..and ask a few other questions like where do you stay?(Caps hate traffic, conveyance problems piss them off even though we never see them complain) Incase his residence is near the office :p

Whether he is showing positive signs of being impressed or not - I will give him necessary contact details in the end..


That's all I guess Sad

Just a dream..back to reality
Posted by SuperMercurial
I better not have to deal with non virgo answers with my panel of judges when the time comes. Cap men love compliments.

You'll deal with Virgo Sun, moon, and ascendant.

Just like Sir Horns intended.
Posted by AriesLove
Posted by Quantum
Posted by SuperMercurial
I better not have to deal with non virgo answers with my panel of judges when the time comes. Cap men love compliments.

You'll deal with Virgo Sun, moon, and ascendant.

Just like Sir Horns intended.

Moon and Ascendents are nothing like Sun.
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He also stated this was about a person with heavy Saturn influence...not just Cap Suns.

Posted by SirHorns
Situation #1: (Target: Saturian/Capricorn heavy influence)

Details: [Your mission is simple, your target is a man with heavy Capricorn/Saturn energy in his chart. You're encountering him in work social mixer event. Your superiors want to win him over since he's rumored to be the next CEO of the company your superiors want a score a deal with. You catch site of him standing with his back against the nearest wall, arms crossed and a neutral expression on his face. Wearing gray designer suit with oddly enough a red tie with a rose design on it. He's of average height and build, Caucasian, brown eyes and sandy hair. He's near a table that has a few snacks and aside from giving a few glances at his watch (yes even in the Iphone age...), he doesn't seem to be planning to move from his spot anytime soon.]

You have until June 13th 11:59PM EST to submit answers.

Your judges will be the following users: [ @Quantum / @Foreverloveme / @No ]

I often question the average DXPers reading comprehension skills and their ability to conceptualize.

Sir Horns specifically designed this to get responses from Sun, Moon, and Ascendants from each sign.
Posted by starwars
"hmmm so there's a snack table"

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With lots of bread.

Oprah loves bread.
Gaaaaad, i just hope a Cap man who is about to become a CEO of a company doesn't wear a red tie with roses!!

Posted by starwars
Posted by Quantum
Posted by starwars
"hmmm so there's a snack table"

User Submitted Image

With lots of bread.

Oprah loves bread.

and ranch sauce. #ding #ding
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Oprah likes ranch?

IDK...she doesn't look like she likes fat people ketchup like Rockyroadicecream calls it.
Posted by AriesLove
Posted by Greentea
Gaaaaad, i just hope a Cap man who is about to become a CEO of a company doesn't wear a red tie with roses!!

They do though. They'll even wear a red suit. My date came from work and met me at the theatre in a red suit.
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We don't claim him then.
