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Dec 28, 2012Comments: 14 · Posts: 1482 · Topics: 13
I would like to know what your personal experiences are with people who have Venus in Sagittarius. I have read the descriptions on the internet saying they love their freedom, are brutally honest, mostly find love abroad and tend to be very flirty even when in a relationship causing people to think they are prone to cheating.
I have this placement but I never really thought it was that important... until I started thinking a couple of weeks ago. So now I want to know what people think.
Share your stories with us.
Romantically, as friends? Be they old lovers or if you're one yourself.
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 287 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
every venus in sag i met, had someone on the side.
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May 25, 2012Comments: 122 · Posts: 5590 · Topics: 41
I'm a Sag with Venus in Sag. I tend to be very idealistic in love and see the best in everybody. The downside is I hang on for longer than I should and I tolerate a lot but no longer.
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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
I've dated two Sag Venus Caps. One was my first boyfriend (on-off for 5 years), the other one (Cancer moon) disappeared after two months of dating.
Were they flirting causing people to think they were cheating? My first boyfriend definitely was. The fact that my mum nicknamed him Casanova (after the Italian womanizer) says it all.
The other one...ho-hum. When we were dating, he was displeased to find out that I lived close to his ex. He mentioned that he used to live there with her, from Thursday to Sunday. He also said he never stays friends with his exes. However and very interestingly, we only met Monday to Wednesday!
Then he disappeared on me. Since then, I've seen him twice (by chance and from afar) close to his exes place (and mines). One could deduce he's with her again. However, every 2-3 months, he becomes active on the dating site (where we've met), where he logs in everyday for a few weeks. That was the amount of time we chatted there, before exchanging emails/numbers and meeting in person.
Is he two-timing his girlfriend with women he "dates" for a a couple of months only (before they discover what's going on)?
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Dec 28, 2012Comments: 14 · Posts: 1482 · Topics: 13
What I've realized in myself is that I have a lot of female friends and that might be difficult for some women to deal with.
If I am already seeing someone it doesn't even cross my mind to look for someone else. Hell, I have even rejected girls because I was already dating someone else.
But especially last month has been unlike any time before for me. Like I am on fire when it comes to flirting. It feels like I am waking up or something.
And then it struck me; Sag Venus as a serial dater might be somewhat true. At least for me, even though I would prefer something a bit more long-term.
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Dec 28, 2012Comments: 14 · Posts: 1482 · Topics: 13
Thanks Jahlia, I hadn't seen that one before but it does ring true for me.
Crustacea, what did the other ones do if I may ask?
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
My husband's cousin has a Sagittarius Venus, the professional athlete guy, and he's AWAY from home almost the entire year, and only home during the winters for a little while but still does training. Crazy. Definitely not good for women who need their man near them. His wife has a Venus in Aquarius. So it fits for her. Dont recall what house it's in.
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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
Something strange happened to me yesterday. The Sag Venus Cancer Moon Cap I was talking about earlier on this thread contacted me by email (after 8 months!). He said he's been thinking about me and asked me some trivial things.
The strange thing is that his email reached me only a few minutes after I broke up with my boyfriend of 6 months (we agreed not to see/contact each other for one week, to re-evaluate our relationship). the Sag Venus psychic? Or must have been his Cancer moon (in trine with my Moon and Sun conjunction)?
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 287 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
definitely the cancer moon. they also seem to know things.
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Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
My Sag is in Venus and I agree with the need for freedom and not being controlled. That doesn't mean I won't stick by your side. Once I commit, I'm in it for good. When I love I love hard, my passion is hard to match at times. I'm somewhat of a go-getter in matters of the heart/what I want. I consider anyone I'm involved with a long term prospect (otherwise I wouldn't even get involved - I've never been out on a 'date' with a man I didn't end up in a relationship with). I've never cheated or considered cheating. However, I have been known to come across as flirtatious or, rather, my words are often construed as such, I'm just playing around - it's either for shock value or to get a smile/laugh. It's a friendliness I chalk up to my Asc (Gem). I can't recall actually ever flirting with any man I've been in a relationship with though, I've always been more serious and on my best behavior with men I were interested in and ended up pursuing.
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Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
*My Venus is in Sag
I'm a little dyslexic today...
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Jul 15, 2013Comments: 6 · Posts: 248 · Topics: 13
My Cap bf has a Sag in Venus. I desperately try to understand him. We've discussed the fact that he is supposedly not supposed to like emotional pssession..he says it doesnt bother him and Im not sure he knows what he's talking about. Haha. Mostly I'm disturbed that Sag Venus isnt likely to want to "merge souls." My Venus is Aquarius and that's exactly what I want. I want to crack him open, see what makes him tick. Tell him all the things I love about him, and then vice versa. I'm worried our ways of loving will never find a way to compromise.
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Mar 10, 2012Comments: 136 · Posts: 9227 · Topics: 154
My Leo Venus can handle a Sag Venus.
The question is do I want to.
I would prefer that the guy I'm with not have a mutable Venus (including Virgo), and more of a strong cardinal or fixed Venus.
I briefly dated a Scorpio with Sag moon and Sag Venus.
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Mar 13, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 1266 · Topics: 237
The main thing I would say from a consideration of people with Venus in Sagittarius (both famous people and people that I have met) is that they are pretty "cool", i.e. that they like to be, and usually are, in tune with the "zeitgeist" (even at an advanced age). A lot of them are big in showbiz, such as for example David Bowie and Scott Walker, also the songwriter Tim Rice. They usually aspire to be sophisticated and cosmopolitan.
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Mar 10, 2012Comments: 136 · Posts: 9227 · Topics: 154
The Scorp with Sag Venus was very religious.
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Sep 17, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 197 · Topics: 21
My husband has a Sag Venus ( Cap Sun & Cancer Moon) Mars in Leo
He directly pursued me after We meet in Army training.....we were long distance for a while. He said he knew he wanted to marry me right
We instantly clicked to be honest
I'm a Cancer sun ...Sag Moon& Ascendant my Venus is in Leo
Usually we are talking, laughing and flirting with each other
He is definitely fun loving and Blunt
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Apr 17, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1528 · Topics: 33
My Venus is in Sagittarius.
I think it depends a lot on your other placements as well. Though I have a Venus in Sag I am not a "serial dater." I had one time in my life where I was very upset with life in general and I slept around. Other than that, I have dated two women in my life. One of six years. One for two years. I'm not very carefree when it comes to sex. I'm looking for real connecting of souls. Sex without the connection is boring and a complete waste of time.
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Mar 13, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 1266 · Topics: 237
Apart from my son who is only 13 years old and who is thus still very much "a work in progress", I have only ever really known one person with Venus in Sag. She was a Capricorn woman that I used to know. Perhaps the main way that the Sag. thing came out was that she was quite artistic/bohemian. She never married or had kids. She also loved dogs which may be a Venus in Sag. thing. Her partner (if you can call him that - I think it was mostly platonic) was a Sag. guy. I think he rather exploited her though. She had emotional health issues and although pretty intelligent was I think something of a vulnerable person.