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Jan 13, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 266 · Topics: 2
WTF why are you entertaing this guy...If he doesnt want to be with just you, and you both have different ideas of what you want in a relationship why waste your time..I would say have fun fucking your co-worker and get the hell away from this situation..If you dont leave him, I expect to see another thread from you saying how heartbroken you are...You deserve so much better..
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Jan 13, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 266 · Topics: 2
***entertaining, (was typing to fast)
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Nov 16, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 2245 · Topics: 36
You did exactly the right keep on doing it! Don't let him coerce you and make you feel like you are not evolved if you don't let him screw other people.
A characteristic of some Gems is that what should remain in our thoughts spills out of our mouths, instead. He should be working out all his frustration privately instead of laying his entire thought process on you. It's not your concern. You told him what you want, and the ball is in his court now.
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Nov 11, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 181 · Topics: 68
Something weird happened tonight. Again, I'd love to hear your opinion about it.
For the past days he's been possessive and aggressive towards me. Being upset that I push him away. And I told him clearly why I did it.
Because the other girl is a major turn off for me and I don't wanna talk to him as much.
Well, now he's doing grandiose things to get my attention.
Being very needy, always texting me even if I don't reply. He even offered to do a webcam show for me.
As I know all his fetishes, and knowing he's an exhibitionist, he offered to masturbate on Skype so that I can tell him what to do, all the freaky things he's into.
I told him I would, but only if he understood that the other girl has to go or else, I don't wanna be that kinda friend anymore.
He agreed.
So we did that sex Skype thing (btw, Geminis are real freaks in bed, I can confirm it. And not vanilla freaks. No no, real!)
After, we stayed on Skype. Chatted, had a lot of fun.
Next thing I know, he's typing like crazy on his laptop and I mention something about it.
He makes a face like "hmm guilty!" And I said, are you talking to Margaret? And he said yes.
I said, ok well I have to go, and closed the lid of my laptop. He texted me upset and I didn't reply.
Anyways, did he do the sex Skype thing to reel me back? Like a desperate attempt to win me back?
Is this a Gem thing? Like wanting my attention so bad he decided to do something out of the ordinary?
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Nov 16, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 2245 · Topics: 36
Anna, Anna, Anna...Aaaargh!
He was upset that you didn't want to continue with him the way things were, so he manipulated you back into exactly the same situation! You put your foot down with him, but you didn't LEAVE it down. So, he's back to the status quo of having sex with you (yes, getting a guy off on Skype is a sexual act) while still hanging out with the other girl, too. Nothing has changed. Not a thing!
It will only change when you stick to your guns and think enough of yourself to make him earn the right to be your man.
Signed Up:
Nov 11, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 181 · Topics: 68
We got in a fight tonight.. Because I logged on gmail, he was online. And I asked him if he was online there to talk to her and he said yes. (I know his habits, he never used gmail chat until he met her because it's what she uses)
And I said ok, and logged out. Didn't wanna talk to him.
So he texted me and talked about something he was doing, and I told him I didn't wanna be close with him anymore. He snapped at me.
Told him what I said the first time but, clearer.
He asked me to knock it off.
So I wrote to him that, I've always been a good friend to him, that I really like him as a person and I always loved how we get along and love the same thing, and that I always accepted him for who he is. Never judged him like his exes since we're into the same weird sex things. And that I thought we had something special but that I don't wanna be part of whatever we have anymore and that if he lose me it won't be because I didn't try. Said: "I never asked anything in what we have until now, and I always hoped you respect me enough to do that one thing for me and us. In order to keep what we have" Told him: Genuinely, good luck with her. I want you to be happy.
He replied with: "I don't wanna be exclusive with you. Flat out, I refuse." (Because he always felt trapped when he was in previous relationships)
And then said: but ya ooook let's keep doing this back and forth shit.
Didn't replied.
Signed Up:
Nov 16, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 2245 · Topics: 36
Yay! Eye on the prize, girl! If an exclusive relationship is what you want, then find someone who also wants one.