Date with a Gemini

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by Octoberbaby91 on Sunday, December 7, 2014 and has 32 replies.
So after countless attempts to be aloof with this gemini guy he still pursuits me.
I've ignored him and been cold to him but for some reason that made him like me more. I swear I don't get men sometimes.
We went out a few weeks ago and he was sending me too many red flags and wasn't courting me right. Which is why I became aloof to begin with.
I seriously have this guy a hard time but he is persistent.
Last night he mustard up enough courage to ask me to hang out again so I said yeah. I usually don't give people chances after I observe some red flags but I decided to just go out and have some fun since I haven't been out in awhile.
To my suprise he did a complete 180 he picked me up, open my car door had a better conversation. We were riding downtown trying to find somewhere to eat but almost everything was closing. Sigh I miss New Orleans when everything stayed open past 12am.
So I had fun better than I expected and his courting improved much better!
He called me this morning and we are going see a movie tonight. I'm starting to come around and maybe become good friends with him.
I only talked to one gemini man before and that was a disaster. I find scorpio woman and gemini man an odd pairing. Only see gems as friends we are kind of opposite.
Has any gems dated a scorpio before? If so what is it like?
never dated a Gem Man ever, they just don't touch my heart. Very good friends though I have a lot of them. But no more than that.
Red flags as in signs that I should stay away from. He was kind of an asshole the first time we hung out So I fleed.,
@brothertucker Lol that just sounds like a man with commitment issues who just like to hunt and conquer. I've had my share of those that is why I flee soon as I see red flags!
@airman where is MB? It is close to Texas?
I agree coco I only see them as friends as far as romantics no.
He has a sag moon and virgo rising so I know freedom is #1 for him. We are just hanging out so forming a friendship is fine with me.
Posted by Octoberbaby91
@airman where is MB? It is close to Texas?
I agree coco I only see them as friends as far as romantics no.
He has a sag moon and virgo rising so I know freedom is #1 for him. We are just hanging out so forming a friendship is fine with me.

ata girl. followed a few advice on other scorpio threads bout datin a cappie and it turned out fun..hmm made me think you should try a cappie too. Winking
No coco I dated a cap for 3 years it was the best and worst relstionship I ever had.
He started off nice then became crazy and possessive. I can't do another cap again. They are crazy lol
Only earth sign I will date is Virgos
I think this pair works better with gem female / scorp male. And, as people say over and over on here, it depends on the rest of the chart. Both charts really. Also, depends on how hard you want to make it work.
There are quite a few gem females here that are or have been with scorpios. Currently with one myself. It's... The most challenging but the most fulfilling relationship I've ever had. It's far from smooth sailing though.
Communication is the biggest hurdle. Inconjunct sun signs... Theres something about it I can't explain it really. It's hard though, don't think it's really for someone who just wants to be casual.
This won't be like a relationship with a Pisces for you... Everything effortless and so much understanding between the two. Gemini will be a challenge. But I think scorpio likes that. Gem likes the challenge also, it keeps them both on their toes and constantly stretching and growing. Well, if they don't they will just fall apart.
I love my scorp... It's been a roller-coaster ride though. My chart is very earthy and his is mostly water, so in a whole sense we are more compatible than just sun signs.
Also another thing... Unless gems have really airy charts, they are not as flakey as astrology portrays. We don't just disappear when we are bored or distracted by something shiny... I hate that shit. Well, I guess I can't speak for all gems this is just me. I prefer to be tied down and faithful. But you have to earn that.
You said you're just looking for friend though so idk how that will play out. Cuz that amazing sex... Well that does help to smooth over alot of the rough patches haha and you won't be getting that.
Good luck smile maybe try to be open minded and give him a fair chance. He obviously surprised you already.
Did his chart he is Leo dominate with a sag moon. I'm earth dominate with a Leo moon. He has a virgo rising I have Cancer rising.
He seems cool as a friend Im giving him a chance and I just see friendship right now.
He stole a kiss from me last night lol. There were no sparks that's why I said friendship.
I agree I think romantically gem woman with scorp man is a better fit.
I need more magic in a relationship.
Posted by Octoberbaby91
So after countless attempts to be aloof with this gemini guy he still pursuits me.
I've ignored him and been cold to him but for some reason that made him like me more. I swear I don't get men sometimes.
We went out a few weeks ago and he was sending me too many red flags and wasn't courting me right. Which is why I became aloof to begin with.
I seriously have this guy a hard time but he is persistent.
Last night he mustard up enough courage to ask me to hang out again so I said yeah. I usually don't give people chances after I observe some red flags but I decided to just go out and have some fun since I haven't been out in awhile.
To my suprise he did a complete 180 he picked me up, open my car door had a better conversation. We were riding downtown trying to find somewhere to eat but almost everything was closing. Sigh I miss New Orleans when everything stayed open past 12am.
So I had fun better than I expected and his courting improved much better!
He called me this morning and we are going see a movie tonight. I'm starting to come around and maybe become good friends with him.
I only talked to one gemini man before and that was a disaster. I find scorpio woman and gemini man an odd pairing. Only see gems as friends we are kind of opposite.
Has any gems dated a scorpio before? If so what is it like?

My gf has been with her Gem man for 3yrs and they are solid. She will tell you that they are each others best friend, Scorpio Sun Sag Moon, Gemini Sun, Taurus Moon.
If you are looking for magic take him to bed, if a gemini is into you they won't disappoint smile
Lol I'm not trying to sleep with him but he can't keep his hands off me he says I do something to him LOL.
I've dated a Gemini in high school I do recall the sex was great lol
When I saw that you were OP I immediately thought, wait, shes a Scorp.. my V is Scorp and I had my heart broken into a zillion pieces by a Gemini guy. He approached me that he'd had a crush for years and I thought that was sweet so I paid attention. He showered me with affection, gifts, etc. It takes me awhile to warm up because shy, don't trust people etc. I made it very clear early on that I don't waste my time w casual dating, strictly playing for keeps. Once I reciprocated feels he did a 180, completely cooled. It was awful. I was trying to figure out how to work up the nerve to say ILY while he was working up the nerve to dump me. I don't think people with major Scorp placements mix well in love w Gemini placement people.
Maybe you wouldn't fall for him anyways though. My moon is Gemini so there's that. lol
Lol I only see gemini as good friends I just think he is up for a chase. That's why I'm yielding my gifts plus I just needed some fun my heart is with a virgo who lives back home.
This gem has a sag moon and Leo placements I know later on it will be a dead end.
I'm just in the moment he is FRIENDZONED lol
Posted by brothertrucker
I'm warning you, as soon as you'll start showing the same interest back he's gone. That's how they are, one time they are all into you and the other time there's 0 interest., only with women they're not serious about. Once they're in love with you, it's different. Somewhat, hahaha. Been with a Gem for 4 years now...what a fucking adventure...
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by brothertrucker
I'm warning you, as soon as you'll start showing the same interest back he's gone. That's how they are, one time they are all into you and the other time there's 0 interest., only with women they're not serious about. Once they're in love with you, it's different. Somewhat, hahaha. Been with a Gem for 4 years now...what a fucking adventure...
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Posted by Octoberbaby91
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by brothertrucker
I'm warning you, as soon as you'll start showing the same interest back he's gone. That's how they are, one time they are all into you and the other time there's 0 interest., only with women they're not serious about. Once they're in love with you, it's different. Somewhat, hahaha. Been with a Gem for 4 years now...what a fucking adventure...

Share details please smile
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About??? My relationship or A Gemini?
Posted by TokerX
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by brothertrucker
I'm warning you, as soon as you'll start showing the same interest back he's gone. That's how they are, one time they are all into you and the other time there's 0 interest., only with women they're not serious about. Once they're in love with you, it's different. Somewhat, hahaha. Been with a Gem for 4 years now...what a fucking adventure...

If you tell me you love me I'll shut down. Even if that's all I ever wanted to hear from you.
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Shut down??? Why? I actually told my Gem I loved him a text...hahaha...doesn't really count. After that, he was always the 1 to say it 1st. Now, it doesn't matter. We're way passed the honeymoon phase.
TokerX you just sound like a man in general hunt and conquer.
Yes realtalk details on your relationship with the Gemini man.
This guy is seriously after me
Yeah, he may be after you now. He's attracted to you. Like another poster said, he'll chase you until he gets you. After that...he's done. Seen it happen before. ALOT.
Well the relationship with my Gemini & I hasn't been easy. We've been through a lot & has gotten through it. We just accept each other. We've seen the absolute worst in each other, hurt each other, but grew in the process & we work at our relationship.
He just met his match. Lol, I never chased him, questioned him about shit, or tried to pin him down. I allowed him to lead the relationship, while I was in control.
I've grown to know him well. I know he changes his mind 1000 times in 5 minutes, lol, his moods & why he does what he does & I just accept him the way he is. It's a challenge sometimes, but I love him dearly. smile
Just be yourself, but if you see the red flags now? Then yes, I'd blow him off too, but I would call him out on it. If he continues, fuck it you'll have your answer. But if he makes changes to show you otherwise, he may really like you, rather than just having an initial attraction.
Your situation sounds like my relationship with my virgo actually. We seen eachothers worst and best and came out in a better place. I live in another state now but he is visiting me soon.
As go the Gemini Im still cautious I know when guys are trying to hard si Im slowing him down. I'll see about him right now I just want to be friends.
He claims to be an asshole but I have yet to see it maybe I challenge him back.
Most of the time I make these guys that wants my time a man so we will see. Lol
Posted by Octoberbaby91
Your situation sounds like my relationship with my virgo actually. We seen eachothers worst and best and came out in a better place. I live in another state now but he is visiting me soon.
As go the Gemini Im still cautious I know when guys are trying to hard si Im slowing him down. I'll see about him right now I just want to be friends.

That's usually how it is. You go through hell & back with each other, but still wanna be together, you definitely come out stronger because you defeated all odds. Yeah be careful with that gem tho. Why would he even tell you he's an asshole? FOH, I wouldn't tell anyone that. Especially if I'm attracted to them, & is trying to know them better. Sounds like he has an agenda.
Yes I sense that he just want to conquer. He's not getting my cookies.
I agree makes us stronger
Posted by TokerX
Posted by RealTalk

Shut down??? Why? I actually told my Gem I loved him a text...hahaha...doesn't really count. After that, he was always the 1 to say it 1st. Now, it doesn't matter. We're way passed the honeymoon phase.

I don't know. Like this one girl, we were away for the weekend and I had texted her a few times that I loved her but on the last day of that weekend she told me she loved me and I just look at her. She kept talking and asking questions, I didn't say a word. She started crying and I gave her a hug, still not saying anything. Didn't say anything for the rest of the day, when we got to her place, she started crying again, gave her a hug and still said nothing. That was the last time I ever saw her again.
Or now with this Scorp, she's the one I want to marry. She told me she loved me. I went over to her place, she asked me why I couldn't say it back and that she needed confirmation. I said "you know I do". She kept staring in my eyes for an eternity, still couldn't say 3 stupid words all I could do was think "please stop staring, please stop staring...".
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Damn...prolly cause she was showing too many emotions & you couldn't understand it, so you comforted her the best way you could. She wasn't enough of a challenge for you anyway...breaking down like that? I wouldn't be surprised if you were even turned off.
Scorpio may have challenged you more. No one likes an east target, male or female. Maybe you just have a problem saying I love you. Just mouth the words olive oil or if she says ILY say I love YouTube Tongue
Oh & btw, texting someone ILY for the first time, really doesn't count...seriously.
Posted by TokerX
Posted by RealTalk

Damn...prolly cause she was showing too many emotions & you couldn't understand it, so you comforted her the best way you could. She wasn't enough of a challenge for you anyway...breaking down like that? I wouldn't be surprised if you were even turned off.
Scorpio may have challenged you more. No one likes an east target, male or female. Maybe you just have a problem saying I love you. Just mouth the words olive oil or if she says ILY say I love YouTube Tongue

I don't know.
She's the mother of all challenges, she's so unstable. I don't want her to be a challenge, I just want her.
I just have a problem with emotions. Emotions cause pain and make me feel uncomfortable and stupid.
That wouldn't really work in Dutch. Winking
Posted by RealTalk
Oh & btw, texting someone ILY for the first time, really doesn't count...seriously.

But soooooooooo much easier. And not any less sincere.
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Easier because you're saying it through the phone & not to the persons face, hahahaha.
Yeah emotions can be a mofo, but you should never feel stupid because you have them. You're human. My Gem is the same way sometimes. He suppresses his emotions & lashes out in other ways. He's quite sensitive & emotional, not to mention unstable as well. Hell, so am I. Guess that's why I get him.
Just allow yourself to feel what you're feeling. You're allowed, it's ok. If you surpress your emotions for too long Hun, you'll drive yourself insane.
You won't look weak by expressing your emotions, you look weak when you don't.
What is your moon & venus btw? Just curious...
Married 2 a gem for 12 years today. We would've been great as friends I think... things moved really fast between us. After "kicking it" 2 or 3 days he wanted to make things official. I too at one point became aloof and disinterested and he was all over me. It's been that way ever since. He's a cancer moon virgo rising. He's very sensitive, doesn't do casual relationships, quite loyal, and always lots of fun.
There are areas where we differ particularly COMMUNICATION I just don't require it as much. Intellectually he's not very deep. Actually quite he's shallow. But he gets me and works extremely hard to meet my needs/wants and is always open to change if something in our relationship isn't working. It works. I keep him on his toes so he doesn't get bored. Even a little drama now and then keeps it interesting. So although it's an odd pairing it can work it just takes effort on both parts smile
My gem guy has a scorpio moon and virgo rising he is definitely all over me and always wants to be around me. I am very aloof towards him I do keep him on his toys he is treating me like a princess I do like it.
He also is moving very quickly keep asking me to be his girlfriend Im slowing him down I want to know him more. We go on a lot of dates and he is very intellectual I can talk to him about anything.
We are kind of opposite in some things but he's growing on me. I doubt he will be bored with me I always twist his brain Winking