Article on the recent Solar Eclipse

This topic was created in the Libra forum by little_sparrow on Wednesday, January 28, 2009 and has 4 replies.
Events that are triggered by an eclipse usually take six months to unfold, so you can expect this process of change to continue as you begin to feel like a flower opening its' petals. Special opportunities to break old patterns become apparent as you begin to make major changes in your life. Metamorphosis is another word associated with eclipses.
The Solar Eclipse on January 26, 2009 occurs at 7:56am at 6?30' degrees of Aquarius. This eclipse has plenty of energy to drive forward new ideas. Expansive Jupiter is conjunct the eclipse and seeds minds with visions far into the future. Saturn and Venus also play a part in this eclipse and reveal fresh forms for love and relationships of all kinds, and assist in overcoming any obstacles. All Aquarius Sun Sign people will be most affected by this Solar Eclipse as will those with Aquarius rising. If you are a Leo or have Leo rising you will feel this eclipse more strongly than most because in our sky the constellation of Leo is opposite the constellation of Aquarius and is in direct alignment with this eclipse. Overall, you will find yourself redoing your life from your toes to the top of your head and your appearance will be changed radically to reflect the massive changes going on within you!! Remember, Eclipses are about endings . . And beginnings!! Ultimately the changes in how you see yourself will affect how you are perceived by others thereby affecting all of your personal AND business relationships!! This is all good!! :-)
Depending on the part of your chart that is activated we can determine exactly what part of your life will be most affected. If you are an Aquarius almost every part of your life will be affected, but all of us will feel a shift of some sort coming on. If the eclipse falls in your first/seventh houses, you are working on yourself, on your marriage or your relationship. If it is the second/eighth houses, it is your earnings or joint finances that are affected. If it is the 3rd/9th houses, it could be a year of travel or educational pursuits. With any eclipse, what is hidden will come to light and your secret desires may not be secret anymore. You may break away from a relationship that no longer suits your needs, or you may be faced with changes beyond your control. The six months ahead will give you the time to sort through your feelings and explore other options. Remember: change is good! Change in thought, manner, speech, dress, life style , career, health, family, expectations and
Change in thought, manner, speech, dress, life style , career, health, family, expectations and goals are all part of the plan and the process of you creating a more fulfilled life. You may feel uncomfortable as you let go of what is familiar and you step way outside your boundaries to make room in your head and your heart for new ideas and ultimately a new life style !

Read on to see how this eclipse will affect you personally!!

ARIES: Expect your romantic life to be shaken as you have an opportunity to heal an old emotional scar if you understand the difference between what happened in the past and what's occurring now. You can experience a deepening of love by being true to your heart. :-)
TAURUS: Adjusting to new responsibilities could be a challenge, especially if you insist on doing things the old way. Don't burn bridges if your career turns upsidedown. Be willing to compromise, as your desire to do your own thing could cause conflict with authorities. :-)
GEMINI: Lightning bolts of awareness illuminate your thinking. There is pressure to grow and you may not be able too contain your desire for change. What you see ahead is mostly pleasant and once you are around the bend, you can confidently take the next step. :-)
CANCER: This is the time to rely on your own truth rather than relying on the judgments of others as your faith in a particular person may be undermined by his/her actions. His or her big promises may fall short of the mark. Prepare yourself by listening to your heart. :-)
LEO:An abrupt shift occurs as partner (business or personal) surprises you with a change of feelings. Though you may try to maintain the status quo, it's really not a wise move to attempt to hold on to anything that is truly not yours. Pay attention as you learn from others.
VIRGO: Drama, drama, drama! There is drama all around you at work! Differences of opinion can grow into major battles-or you may be so bored or stressed that you're itching for change. It IS a good time to broaden your perspective, but not yet the moment to act. :-)
LIBRA: Exposing your vulnerability to those around you is likely as old issues come to the forefront now that will likely be up for review. Take advantage of this opportunity to share your thoughts with others. You are strongly encouraged to express your true feelings! :-)
SCORPIO: You are reminded that your perceptions of reality may be limited by outmoded belief systems. It's now time to trade them in f
SCORPIO: You are reminded that your perceptions of reality may be limited by outmoded belief systems. It's now time to trade them in for more hopeful visions of the future. The price of a more fulfilling life tomorrow is to surrender your cynicism today. Plant new seeds.
SAGITTARIAN: Nobody seems to be listening to you and you are now aware of the impediments standing in the way of you message not getting across. Your confidence runs high, and all obstacles ahead are met with a little self-restraint as you find your own natural rhythm.
CAPRICORN: Be careful to avoid any 'get rich quick' schemes. Your willingness to learn an important lesson can make a big difference . Your energy may be kicked out of whack so try to not overreact as you moderate extravagant behavior. Your life will be easier if you do.
AQUARIUS: You may feel like you are taking a step backward, but if you let go of attitudes that no longer suit you, you stand to gain much more. You ultimately feel inspired with a new vision that excites you because of the opportunities that are presented to you. :-)
PISCES: Ideas flow quickly and you are ready to swing into action as your energy shifts in unexpected ways. Be careful of what you wish for, as it may not turn out the way you imagined. It is best to play by the rules now as sensible actions will be justly rewarded. :-)
Sun Opposition Ascendant... what a beoootch! smile And both signs fixed at that. Sheesh!

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