Scorpio sex talk

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Mystic Dreamer on Thursday, February 26, 2009 and has 74 replies.
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My Scorpio and I were making love and while we were he held my face and asked me if I still love him and if I've ever been with anyone else and to look him in the eyes and swear on my daughter.
I did and we continued.
Is this insecurity or just sex talk?
How strange! My scorp has a thing for saying 'tell me you love me' while we are having sex?!?! Hmmm... does this mean they are all insecure???
totally... gotta love that intensity in the eyes! And I must say, I have learnt one thing about them... live in the moment with them, accept who they are and enjoy the mystery smile
sounds like insecurity to can you think about your daughter during that time
Women like this like to bundle up scorpio craziness with pure love and infatuation with them....I think not.
Sorry girls but I am only looking to exchange thoughts with someone who has actually dated a Scorpio....long term. Not 1 week. And not looking for thoughts from jealous bitches either who don't get laid.
No offense Lady_M but you are an Aquarius. I wouldn't expect you to understand that type of intensity.

lol, aren't you a gemini... how did intense make it into your vocabulary??

I'm a Gemini/Cancer cusp, Cancer Rising, Taurus Moon, Taurus Venus.......I'm all about intensity baby.
Oh shut up and quit exaggerating already. It's not like he was actually doing it at that moment. We had stopped. You're an idiot. Quit making him look like a child molester. Seriously. You're the only one with the sick mind taking it the wrong way.
At least I don't call him "Daddy" during sex like other bitches do.
People with Venus in Aries are usually stalkers.
Guys come on! Mystic Dreamer, I totally get where you are coming from, I don't think what he asked you was messed up at all!
As for me, yes things have progressed with my scorpio guy smile And all for the best. I guess I realised that what he really did need was space, so I gave it to him and he came back to me when he was ready. That doesn't make him a bad person or me a bad person for believing smile
I had all but given up on him, as most of you will know if you read my previous posts. But in my heart I know that I am learning a lot from this relationship and I am willing to learn more.
Uhmmm, what's wrong with calling your man "daddy"? LOL!!! Or "Big daddy" for that matter. smile
Yes it is just a sense of reassurance for them. A little strange that he would ask you to swear on your child, but again it is the reassurance he needs. We scorps love very deeply when we love and we need to know we aren't being takn for granted.
My scorpio has never asked me to tell him I love him. He would ask "Are you happy?". And since I always said yes, he knew he was doing the right thing/s. So to him, that was what mattered.
XFoos are you a Scorpio? Just curious. I clearly stated I wanted an opinion from a Scorpio or someone who has been dating a Scorpio for a long time.

Pathfinder was this during sex? Did you notice the topic states sex talk? That's what I'm asking about sorry.
Pathfinder how long have u been with your Scorpio and what are his chart placements?
I do like them though. . when their not reminding me of a serial killer LOL!!!

LOL PP they can be a bit obsessive. Not just with anyone though.
You people need to relax seriously. My daughter was made during sex. Sex is a natural thing.
I've been with my Scorpio a while. I am not sure of his placements. I think Scorpios are very insecure. He may have asked you to swear on your daughter because she is something he and you created together and is special in a way nothing else can be.
"I clearly stated I wanted an opinion from a Scorpio or someone who has been dating a Scorpio for a long time."
Bella clearly stated she had been married to one for sometime and you jumped her. Just saying *shrug*
I'm a Scorpio sun/moon/venus/mercury and jupiter. Do I qualify to comment? Tongue
Ok then... it's creepy that he said that and I'd be suspicious that he was cheating on me. That's just me. I'm suspicious of everything BUT usually bringing up/accusing/interrogating about cheating from your partner means *something*. Projection of guilt? Especially making you swear on your child? A bit much isn't it?
Either that or he's really weird.
Bella clearly stated she had been married to one for sometime and you jumped her.
That didn't last or even work out why the hell would I want her opinion?

Are you kidding me? I'm a very jealous person. I don't cheat though and it's not that I'd be feeling guilty about anything either. Are you saying all jealous people cheat?

What's the problem with swearing? It was honest.
Great Bull.........who cares.
I've been with my Scorpio a while. I am not sure of his placements. I think Scorpios are very insecure. He may have asked you to swear on your daughter because she is something he and you created together and is special in a way nothing else can be.

Thanks Crom. I think you may be on to something here.
Awwwww thanks Starfish.
you probably shouldnt discuss what goes on in your bedroom anyway....too many different opinions to swallow...although i have to admit this is a interesting thread
It's okay dward. Some people have sick minds.

or they just wish they could get laid.
mystic you have a beautiful baby...i just want to squeeze those cheeks....hee hee too adorable
Hmmmmmmmm I just posted 3 times and it keeps disappearing.
[Quote] 2/16/2009 7:00:35 PM | ip:
from Big city of dreams,
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Dunno, but good sex can make me feel like I'm in love.
And before telling other people they need to do soul searching......take a look at yourself.

Sex and love are not the same thing. You're not 16 years old. That's just lust.
Maybe you need to learn what real love is.
Thanks Dward smile

Well gotta go get the baby's lunch ready.


so then you have to take down the "you're a homo" pic then too.

since when? lame, dontcha think? no?
I was talking to the moderator, dumb bitch.
That was corny. Try again.
lOl yalll crazayy! i wanna date a scorpio now! but wooooow. they made a hella cute babie tho..keep the peace yall violence doesnt solve anythaang take it from a REAL hood chick!
"Are you kidding me? I'm a very jealous person. I don't cheat though and it's not that I'd be feeling guilty about anything either. Are you saying all jealous people cheat? "
Do you know how to read? I said I'd be suspicious of HIM cheating.
I don't care if he made you swear on a child you had with your him, the milk man, your German Shepard.... Creepy is creepy.
Yeah, the whole crying during sex thing is um... funny? I'd be so turned off and think to myself that I'm bonking a wimp. Yuck!
Thanks cookie she is a cute baby. She was made with a lot of love Winking
i wanna date a scorpio now! but wooooow.

LOL nothing turns a Gemini on more than a man who talks in bed. It's all about verbal and mental stimulation first for us Gems Winking
Posted by Starfish225
Yeah someone is deleting post thats forsure..Maybe dxp is doing it..Or there is a hacker on the Scorp board...

*Thumbs all the way up for DXP*
It's not DXP. It's a hacker.
Hacker???? Did SXP say so ???
:O ohhhh, maybe I should get off
It's DXP, not a hacker
Are you experimenting with this thread alone?

Quite frankly, we were just having some fun. Nine (?) years into the game, and now you decide to ruin the fun. Tongue

Happy Anniversary DXP.
I thought for some reason you were testing out the idea of mods.

Anyway, on the bright side, my PVC has shot up tremendously since being awarded the honor of "Coolest DXPoster". Thanks again. So once again, I win.
hehehe Tongue
I have a Taurus Moon and Venus.....and Chiron. It's actually fun being a bitch smile

A lot of women on this board hate on other people. It doesn't take a lot for them to hate on someone. All they have to do is find out someone else is getting laid besides them and that's it. All hell breaks lose.
It's okay though. I'm happy with my Scorp man and our little girl. 3 years and counting......hahaha take that sexually frustrated bitches Tongue

XFoos it's okay to be jealous since your Scorpio never paid attention to you.
Boo hoo Sad
Hahahaha!!! I obviously hit a nerve with MD because I got a PM from her telling me I needed to slit my throat and choke on my own blood. LOL I tried to reply back to her but I can't she must have blocked me. Hmmmm... coward. Can dish it but can't take it?
I got a good laugh at it BTW. You amuse me MD but it's really sad you have a kid. Poor thing.
Geee you wouldn't take any of HER advice would you Ginger??? Your toooo good a person! You go girl!

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