Virgo guy Cancer gal.

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by corex57 on Sunday, October 29, 2006 and has 6 replies.
Hi All a quick question.
I am a Virgo guy and I like a cancer girl. We hung out a number of times and eventually last week I managed to tell her that I like her with a lot of effort. I had been feeling strong emotions towards her but held them back before. Even when I told her it was not the best way but I guess it was the moment.. I did email her the next day and told her honestly about how I felt.
She started blushing and did not really answer at that time. Later in the evening, her reaction was not a.. "Yes I like you too".. but she did not reject me either and I was left a bit confused and started analyzing ( in my Virgo like ways smile ).. and I cannot seem to understand her.
She is very non-commital and does not like to commit to a time to meet etc. and we can go on for weeks before we meet up.. but at the same time she does not tell me to drop it and that she is not interested. I try not to interfere or force things and try to help out in what ever way I can but I cannot understand if she is interested at all or not. We do have a great time when we meet up though..
Can you guys relate to this behavior? What should I be looking for? What am I missing? I usually let things be and take their own course and with this gal, it just seems like if I don't take the initiative, nothing will happen. Which is fine I suppose but I wish that there were a bit more definite signals.. because then I will get it.
This kinda sounds like what I do.
If someone likes me and I kinda like them but I'm not sure Icna't just say "I like you too" and jump into a relationship where I could get hurt. I'd rather not risk it unless I'm really sure. She didn't say no though which means shes keeping her options open.Shes still considering it.
Hello Corex
Many of the cancer females are very shy when they recognise a romantic signal. It is quiet funny actually considering the fact that when she finds soemoen she can communicate with comfortably, she goes full steam ahead. But when it comes to involvements she gets a cold feet specially if the situation demands lots of changes from her.
But let me assure you that she is one helluva adventurous gal. She defintiely lieks you otherwise you would not have been able to express your perosnal feelings for her.....

I guess she may not be sure if she can reciprocate your feelings in the same measure as you may expect her to do so. If she has not said means she likes you and is tyrign to understand her real feelings for it jsut friendship or is there somehing more? This kinda behavior arise due to several reasons. Not easy to pinpoint. Keep on talking to her wihtout making her feel that she maybe obligated to reciprocate your feelings.... this will help her to allow her heart to unfold and realise exactly what it has in store for both of you.
Thanks guys. That helps. I can understand things a bit better now. I guess I will have to be patient and let things take their own course.
Nope not kissed her.
Re: Kitty footing.. the thing is that I was very unsure and did not know how she feels.. and if she was even interested thats why wanted to take it a bit slowly and not jump the gun.. not my nature anyways.. being a Virgo does not help either I guess..
And it was not so much a "I love you" email but more like me trying to tell her that I have been thinking about her a lot and I like her..
Hi Corex,
I am a cancer girl dating a virgo male and I can tell you categorically that your girl likes you a lot. Us crabbies do not waste time if we dont see any potential. We are genuinely shy and scared to come out of our shells to say how we feel. It never sounds right from us either because we are so emotional and feel things very deeply. The fact that you told her how you felt will make her feel loved and cherished and she is trying to find a way that doesnt sound corny to reciprocate the feeling.
I was the first one that said it in our relationship and he didnt tell me back until about 2 months later. I remember breaking down when I told him because it was intense. Crabs do not love lightly and we worry that we are not perect in every sense and that we will be abandoned by our often "reserved and seemingly cold" virgo partners. Hang in there and tell her that you appreciate her around in your life and that simply you dig her. We are worth it.
All the best