Mafia: Game 5

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Astrobyn on Monday, March 16, 2015 and has 366 replies.
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Please sign up for Mafia Game 5 by posting the word "in" in this thread. Game should start tomorrow around noon St. Patrick??s day!
Mafia is a game that pits the forces of light against the forces of darkness. The players in a game of Mafia are residents of a small village. The village is being terrorized by the mafia. During the night, the mafia roam about the village, selecting a law-abiding civilian as their victim. During the day, the villagers gather together, seeking justice, and vote to convict one of their number of secretly being a member of the mafia.
Everyone will get a "You are townie" pm in their DXP inbox. If you??ve been randomly selected for another position you will receive a second pm giving you your roll.
Townie: During the day all players (no matter their roll) must discuss and vote to lynch one person, townies goal is to eliminate as many mafia players by the end of the game. A tie will be broken by using an online random results generator (flip of a coin).
Mafia: Will receive a PM with the identity of the other mafia players, At night mafia will privately discuses who to assassinate with each member PMing me the name of that townie.
Cop: At night the cop has the opportunity to investigate each player, by sending me a PM with a name to inquire if that person is mafia. The cop will get either a "Yes" or "No?? reply.
Doctor: At night the doctor will send me a PM with the name of the person they want to save. You may choose to save yourself but, cannot save the same player 2 nights in a row. In case the doctor saves the townie that mafias picked to assassinate, no one will die that night.
Slut: The slut will send me a PM with a name of the player he/she wants to sleep with each night. If that name corresponds to any of the 5 mafias, no one will die that night.
The game will continue until there there is one side left with the advantage to eliminate the other. Please feel free to PM me with questions, and leave your complaints in the thread to be ignored.

In!!! Big Grin
p.s. I Love Boondock Saints!
Big Grin
May the luck of the Irish be on the townie side this time!
("During the gold and silver rush years in the second half of the 19th century, a number of the most famous and successful miners were of Irish and Irish American birth. . . .Over time this association of the Irish with mining fortunes led to the expression 'luck of the Irish.' Of course, it carried with it a certain tone of derision, as if to say, only by sheer luck, as opposed to brains, could these fools succeed."")
Oh yeah.
Posted by Scruffles
Posted by Astrobyn
Please feel free to PM me with questions, and leave your complaints in the thread to be ignored.

LOL Big Grin
I want to t??r??o??l??l?? play but I don't think I'll be able to due to work. Sad
What's the schedule (voting times etc.)?
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I think the more people who play the more time we need so, I'll just give a rough estimate. (All times posted in this game will refer to Easter Daylight time Zone.)Day: 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Night: 8:00 PM to 11:00 AM
hehehe... easter daylight savings... hop to it y'all
Is DXP in eastern bunny time? ^^^TIME STAMP^^^
I.e. it's 1pm here so I'll be 6 hours behind you... but I'm actually in front by 18 hours...???
Let's go with the hour on the dxp message board.
So we don't have to overthink timezones even more than we already do.
Scruffles, did you know there is a party game out there made after you?
It's called "Poor Pussy"
I wasn't meowing yet, Rom.
You lose.
Damn Aries. follow directions!
wowwww. And they had so much against Harry Potter...
Posted by ARoarLikeThunder
wowwww. And they had so much against Harry Potter...

are you playing?
Lol I remember the last time I tried to participate in something like this and Dazed predicted I wouldn't make it far because I'm too reactive...and I was put on Purr's team and threw a colossal fit and quit
Posted by brianafay
Lol I remember the last time I tried to participate in something like this and Dazed predicted I wouldn't make it far because I'm too reactive...and I was put on Purr's team and threw a colossal fit and quit

I think its time to redeem yourself
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
Lol I remember the last time I tried to participate in something like this and Dazed predicted I wouldn't make it far because I'm too reactive...and I was put on Purr's team and threw a colossal fit and quit

Pretty sure everyone on her team tried to quit.
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Wasn't that the plan though?
God I'm easy.
Posted by e11e
I'm sitting out this round. Three times is enough.
I also managed to destroy friendships because of this stoopid game. Crying

I still like you!
In! I hate losing.....must.....try.....AGAIN!
Posted by MoonArtist
In! I hate losing.....must.....try.....AGAIN!

Yo Cancer, easy on the volatile behavior. You managed to ruin an entire old western town in the last game.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by MoonArtist
In! I hate losing.....must.....try.....AGAIN!

Yo Cancer, easy on the volatile behavior. You managed to ruin an entire old western town in the last game.
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They shouldn't have made it all wood. That shit burns so easy!
I think we still need a few more volunteers. Please feel free to pressure your online buddies to play.
Posted by Astrobyn
I think we still need a few more volunteers. Please feel free to pressure your online buddies to play.

why so you can all gang up and vote them off for no APPARENT reason Big Grin
Second time posting this

Why? So you can all gang up and vote someone off for no apparent reason?

Posted by clooneyyears

Does that mean in?
Posted by deathnirvana
In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In.

Big Grin
We will start the game, in an hour and a half from this post. Any new comers will need to sign up before then.

Once I PM you your rolls, daytime will commence.
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Astrobyn
We will start the game, in an hour and a half from this post. Any new comers will need to sign up before then.

Once I PM you your rolls, daytime will commence.

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Fine! Nighttime*
LOL @ new recruits, you gang up on them and vote them off...
:: notbitter ::
Rob, what are the ratios for this game?
3 mafia 6 townies (1 doc, 1 slut, 1 cop)

PM's Are sent and Game is ON! its night time so... Mafia email your pick for the townie you want to off.
Doc pm me your pick for the person you want to save tonight
Slut pm me your pick for the person you want to sleep with tonight
Cap pm me your pick for the person you want to investigate tonight
Current Players:
Posted by Damnata

You picked a great group and good song girl. They would do well as background music for this Irish mob fest.
role's* sorry I do my best, I was in a hurry, and you know I'm slightly dyslexic. I'm actually trying to read this right now, and its now going well.
Posted by Rambunctious76
This is going to be a problem.
I have deathnirvana blocked. Tried to unblock him twice before but dxp won't let me.

You can sign out of dxp from time to time and see anything that deathnirvana posted.
That's it? No more players? GetMisted isn't in? What about all the looky loos?
Posted by Rambunctious76
Posted by MoonArtist
That's it? No more players? GetMisted isn't in? What about all the looky loos?

No more stabby stabby. Only your smashy smashy now.
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I'm never living that down, am I?
Posted by MoonArtist
That's it? No more players? GetMisted isn't in? What about all the looky loos?

Will you keep your clothes on this time? Hope not LOL. Just bought me some good spyglasses to watch you.
Posted by Astrobyn
3 mafia 6 townies (1 doc, 1 slut, 1 cop)

PM's Are sent and Game is ON! its night time so... Mafia email your pick for the townie you want to off.
Doc pm me your pick for the person you want to save tonight
Slut pm me your pick for the person you want to sleep with tonight
Cap pm me your pick for the person you want to investigate tonight

you will have 12 hours from this post to pm me you're picks, Daytime will begin approximately within an hour of that time.
Posted by kane48txboy
Posted by MoonArtist
That's it? No more players? GetMisted isn't in? What about all the looky loos?

Will you keep your clothes on this time? Hope not LOL. Just bought me some good spyglasses to watch you.
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lol....depends on if I need to incite people to try to kill me, or not. I hate being wrong! It's so degrading!
Posted by Rambunctious76
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by Rambunctious76
Posted by MoonArtist
That's it? No more players? GetMisted isn't in? What about all the looky loos?

No more stabby stabby. Only your smashy smashy now.

I'm never living that down, am I?

No. Scorpio moons NEVER let anything go.
MUhahahahaha Tongue
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Damn. I might have to up the antics so you all forget about that. Tongue
Posted by Rambunctious76
Your crazy posts in the earlier game was probably one of the few signs of life in the game. It was mostly the sound of crickets as we the fire signs slowly got bored.

You'd think the fire signs would have kept the place lit up. Sheesh. I'm wondering what damage can be done to stone buildings, if need be. Down with the dirty English!!
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by Rambunctious76
Your crazy posts in the earlier game was probably one of the few signs of life in the game. It was mostly the sound of crickets as we the fire signs slowly got bored.

You'd think the fire signs would have kept the place lit up. Sheesh. I'm wondering what damage can be done to stone buildings, if need be. Down with the dirty English!!
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C4 or dynamite will bring down buldings run wild you artistic girl...........
Posted by kane48txboy
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by Rambunctious76
Your crazy posts in the earlier game was probably one of the few signs of life in the game. It was mostly the sound of crickets as we the fire signs slowly got bored.

You'd think the fire signs would have kept the place lit up. Sheesh. I'm wondering what damage can be done to stone buildings, if need be. Down with the dirty English!!

C4 or dynamite will bring down buldings run wild you artistic girl...........

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muahahahahaha! Now where to hide such items if I'm nekkid as a wee bebe....
Okay! So when do we start? Are we started? Is 8pm here... So I might be early... Or late... Umm...
Posted by deathnirvana
In the "Mafia Game DXP World" , the time is 3AM now. We'll follow DXP's time like Damny said.

Okay! Good remindering... Check the time stamp Winking
Apologies, I'm excited to play this time
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by kane48txboy
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by Rambunctious76
Your crazy posts in the earlier game was probably one of the few signs of life in the game. It was mostly the sound of crickets as we the fire signs slowly got bored.

You'd think the fire signs would have kept the place lit up. Sheesh. I'm wondering what damage can be done to stone buildings, if need be. Down with the dirty English!!

C4 or dynamite will bring down buldings run wild you artistic girl...........

muahahahahaha! Now where to hide such items if I'm nekkid as a wee bebe....
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C4 is very pliable and mushy,a little goes a long way. I am sure you'll find a sutable hiding place.Even for a wee nekkid lasse such as you...
Posted by kane48txboy
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by kane48txboy
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by Rambunctious76
Your crazy posts in the earlier game was probably one of the few signs of life in the game. It was mostly the sound of crickets as we the fire signs slowly got bored.

You'd think the fire signs would have kept the place lit up. Sheesh. I'm wondering what damage can be done to stone buildings, if need be. Down with the dirty English!!

C4 or dynamite will bring down buldings run wild you artistic girl...........

muahahahahaha! Now where to hide such items if I'm nekkid as a wee bebe....

C4 is very pliable and mushy,a little goes a long way. I am sure you'll find a sutable hiding place.Even for a wee nekkid lasse such as you...
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I C4 costume! What could possibly go wrong? lol