The cure to a stable life and relationship

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by gee-kron on Friday, July 6, 2007 and has 3 replies.
all people should know this, there is only one definate cure for a good solid relationship, and this is between you and your consule, be it play3 xbox or w11 - now i'm not saying that a gamecube cant help cause it can and can give hours of satisfaction of the kind a woman could never develop, i mean a girl has grown some breasts an all but have you seen the characters on final fight those jap girls are way hotter than any i seen, they may move a bit jerky but they are truly dope and work there way into many of my mayonaise dreams.
so what am i saying ? well , theres a lot of complainin from people about there women here, just get a consule and life just becomes that bit easier, there is a way there is a narrow corridor we all need to enter, a hole we should all jump over, its here its now , theres no need to worry about this other stuff, your consule will never let you down.
Im going to buy a wii.
I'm with the fellas on this! shoot dudes all in their face has relieved many a frustrated nights....
And this is the worst about being a female gamer... i have gotten rid of 2 dudes cuz they had a problem with me playin my PS2!!!! I hear dudes on the games ALL the time talkin bout why can't i find a chick that plays blah blah blah.. well... i'm a female that deals with the same things. DO NOT MAKE ME CHOOSE! HAH