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Mar 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 659 · Topics: 50
If you had to prioritize- would you choose career over loved ones or loved ones over career- and why and how do you choose?
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Apr 12, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4267 · Topics: 82
Good point archer,I prefer balence in this choice.I don't like my job depending on me too much to the point that they don't have "back up" like they have been lately because I will choose family over a job with certain people.My sister has MS,my brother just got divorced from a crack whore,people in the military at war, bad things can happen at any point to them.
However,my family and friends know they can't ask me to call of or whatever for dumb reasons cause I need to pay bills,working on getting a house,etc.Plus Im normally financially helping them out and prefer to be able to spend cash on them on special ccassions and such.If I only worried about being with them and didn't think of money I couldn't do what I want for them as well as taking care of the stablity part of life.If you were to have kids and therefore have loved ones depend on you to take care of them,you can't not work if you did care about thier well being.