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This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by wheelhomies on Friday, September 29, 2006 and has 53 replies.
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By you, you, and, YES! Even you!
Because no one like to reverse sort order Winking.
Really? You little weirdo.
Hey, branh, do I turn you on?
Yes, I can imagine your frustration.
My last boyfriend was holding out on me (such a tease).
hahah notso it is an insult but in all honesty I was expecting a no, so hey.
I know, we're so damn weird. All this commitment nonsense, just lock us all up.
"did he turn out to be gay?"
No! Just lame.
He was a Scorpio, so he was probably using it to gain power over me or something.
"Aww, why would you say that, hun?"
Because...I...well, I suppose because it's what I was expecting.
"Well Scorpios do have homosexual tendencies."
Very true. I dunno though, he liked it when I sent him dirty pictures and other sexual things that may or mayn not be counted as actual sex, but he never gave me ANYTHING. So selfish.
"Oh wheelhomes, I would never reject a woman with a rack like yours. Yo probably wouldn't provide much of a challenge to me, but at least you'll learn something."
Who knows Winking.
Oh, I accept selfishness, to a point. I accept a lot of shyt. But those Scorpios...damn...they just test and test and test and mind fuk. Gets old.
"Nope young Leo. You aren't a fully developed Leo yet. You're just a small fry at this point and time."
*grovels* Well, I just hope that one day I will spread my wings and become the GLORIOUS sex addict that I was meant to become. Then maybe I'll be able to impress men of your...level of experience. smile
As a fire sign, the problem is that I have these "ideals". Scorpio does not fit them.
"Trust me, you have a long way to go before you're ever at my level. Not being insulting, just speaking the truth."
I believe you.
I, wheelhomies, do solemnly swear never to become a whore. Eeeew, they're gross.
"I'm sure you would learn soemthing and have higher standards, if anything"
You act as though I've never dated older men Winking.
hahaha, branh, I think this thread is evidence of that. goodnight sleepyhead.
The two usually go hand in hand.
*fans self*
onlookers? oh, shyt...
Note: Branh and I were not expressing our sexual frustration on DXP. Anything you think you may have seen, was a craftily deceptive illusion that you will, at this moment, completely forget.
"lol, I thought Leos liked attention"
I like it from you. Tongue
"I would bone someone like wheelhomies, even if I was getting laid on a regular basis."
Aw, gawrsh, no one's ever said something so nice to me in muh whole dang life.
branh, I have some advice for you.
come on, I know you're dying to hear it. Winking
Marry a Leo. smile
(Preferably with an Aquarius moon and Scorpio rising, but hey, a lesser Leo will do, too, I suppose.)
Yeah, I think I've only explained that 20,000 times around here. My family's from the city, but no, not I.
Yeah, the bitches suck. There are those of every sign though. Find a good one and you're set.
*observes branh's list*
Possessive. Check.
Extra jealous. Mm...maybe.
Unreasonable amounts of attention. Possibly.
Total control freaks. Eeeeh. Iffy.
Are you saying I'm jealous? Nope, I'm really not. It's amazing how quickly I can sniff out jealousy a brewin', and snuff it out just as quickly.
"I swear, Sags are some of the most jealous people in the world. But they want total freedom. They just don't want you to have any freedom. They want their partners completely on lockdown."
This is true, actually. On the flipside, one of my best female Leo friends is currently with a 23 year old Sagittarius asshole, but, as I have seen countless time with my female Leo friends, she does not care about having power in the relationship.
They are a good match. He's an asshole, but assholes need love too, and she is good for him.
And is "interesting" to watch the dynamics of their relationship Winking.
Actually, I discussed the whole dominance thing a bit on the Virgo board not too long ago with dyrstr8z.
Leos are assertive, sometimes even aggressive. But that doesn't necessarily mean we need power. A secure Virgo would realize this. But they are rare.
I agree, kris. I can think of a few reasons but to be honest I don't feel like writing them atm.
"I tend to like breaking bossy women down."
And apparently cocky young men too.
You're good at it. Of course.
I'd like to be bossy with branh right about now but I don't think it would be appropriate. I thought you were going to sleep to avoid embarrassing yourself? Tongue
"So no sleep for me, I don't think they want me sleeping in the cafe"
Well go cuddle up on the toilet with a nice book or magazine and you'll be asleep in no time.
"Wheelhomies are you going to watch the new hp movie?"
I don't know. When does it come out?
"This is the south. Such things would be considered awkward here"
Aaahhhh, I see, so you have a snoring problem. Winking