Just a word of advice...

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Tauro on Saturday, September 30, 2006 and has 18 replies.
if you're a taurus...
Such a headfukc you woulden't believe. Seen her once in the past 9 days, super aloof and detached, i'm over it, next time i see her i'm spilling how i feel about the whole situation and letting her go...they really do want to be free.
I also get a vibe that she's kind of lost interest. So yeah, just letting you know that if you're a taurus, be careful with this one.
Oh no...not again.
I was rooting for ya, but I guess you need to move on.
Some are assholes, some aren't.
You just got to develop a thick skin. You're a Taurus; you're suppose to have the "I don't give a fuck attitude". Where is it?
you're suppose to have the "I don't give a fuck attitude". Where is it?
Yeah, Where is it? Why are you so clingy?...be independent of her.
Aquas are self-righteous, think they know virtually everything, and can be quite argumentative and deceptive. Why deal with it? From what I remember about what you said about this Aquagirl, I am surprised you clung to her. You must be on the Taurus/Gemini cusp because a true Taurus would have told that chick to Fuck Off ages ago.
No aqua bashing plz....keep it for the "Dont Care" thread. smile
Ok, let me break that comment apart and re-word it: Many Aquas are self-righteous, think they know virtually everything, and can be quite argumentative and deceptive.
yeha am on the gemini taurus cusp...may19th
nah i just can't be bothered with her distant attitude towards me. Haven't seen her in like 9 days, a little bit too much space for me. Got a vibe she's lost interest and pushing me away, workin well.
I wish i did have a thick skin! i do and i don't, it's really weird. Don't get me wrong, love aqua girls to death, they facinate me and intrigue me but on the other side thier far too flirty and flighty for me. Also, when i'm around her i just feel like i'm "there" not "with" her. Known her for 9 months, we started out as great friends and i worked through all that "be a friend first" bullshit.
Give up. She was away for the weekend at a wedding, called me lastnight at like 3am to tell me she lost her bag with her wallet and phone in it (got stolen in a nightclub) and was crying to me and saying "what have i done to do this? Why am i being punished like this?" it was weird, she kept going on about karma and all that stuff. i re-assured her that she was a good person to everyone. So i think i'll let her cheer up before i break it off...probably do it this coming weekend OVER MSN BECAUSE SHE CAN'T TALK FACE TO FACE.
Nah, I'd do it now. She's dealing with "karma" and other drama. If you are serious aobut breaking it off with her, do it now while she's licking her wounds. This way, she doesn't have to do it twice.
You'll feel better about it, too. If this is bothering you this much now, you'll just agonize over it, question your intentions, change your mind several times, etc...I say just do it.
Be that Tough as Nails, Noone Can Hurt Me Taurus and nip it in the bud! smile
yeah you're right. i'll do it when the timing is right. think she said she was coming around tomorrow night to do some work...yeah...quality time...not
i think i'll write her a long letter explaining how i feel and give it to her after we break up so she will understand and not get the wrong idea from the heat of the moment.
I was thinking about this flightyness quality in the aquarius personality and I gotta say that I have it too. It's a pretty selfish drive in us that insists on feeling free. It's not exactly the same as wanting to be free from relationships or emotional ties but it is the strong urge to at least feel that if I want to do X that I can do it if I want to. The Leo trait is that they like to be bossy and dominate everyone to bend to their will while kissing their butt; the aquarian wants to feel that they are not being dominated by anyone and that they have the freedom to choose whatever they so wish to do. This can be anything from staying in for 5 hours and reading a novel or deciding to go for a walk up the mountains on a whim. I think this leads to the eccentric nature in quite a few aquas because they indulge even the most bizarre whims that don't make any real sense or serve any purpose except for the fact that they feel like doing such and such at that particular time. If the aqua feels restricted from doing what they wanna do either directly or by emotional guilt trips from their significant other etc it prompts a kind of flight response to try to loosen the grip that this person has on them and thus be free.
Yes I agree that sometimes it is super selfish and shouldn't be tolerated if it is upsetting the other person. But at the same time the urge is strong in aquas to want to feel that they have their freedom in tact even when they enter into a relationship with someone else and I think this is good info to be armed with for people who are interested in persuing an aqua.
Tauro it sounds like your aqua gf isn't aware that her very nature is offending you this much and perhaps it is better to state your case to her once again and then make a break for it. I don't think it's gonna make her change her instrinsic behavior just because you dislike it. I know for myself that if a man asked me to show more attention to him and see him more often it would probably make me more flighty because I would probably be subconsciously rebelling against these "rules" (to see him more often, show more committment etc) that this guy was enforcing on me.
yes and it is because of this reason that i must let her go.
i'm a hopeless romantic. i have nothing against her or any bad regrets. i've found my true self in being with her. i know exactly what i want and that's to find my soulmate and fall deeply in love. my feelings are very intense and she will never understand me and vice versa.
time will heal me and i must remind myself that i didn't fail in this relationship. I learnt so much about people and myself that i can take that away with me.
Hopeless romantic
Awww...your too good for her.
The only way you'll know if she really liked you is when you let her go...granted, she'll probably want to remain friends (so, that tells you nothing really...and its mainly a guilt issue), but eventually it will come up and she'll let you know.
Goodluck in Love...
ok update!
girlfriend came round lastnight and i could tell she was reallly tired and drained. She said she feels like a really bad girlfriend because she works so many hours a week and dosen't have much time to see me, she works for a real estate company doing HR and marketing. Seems like i had her completely misunderstood. My mind wonders and draws conclusions when i'm left in the dark, ever get that? She sounded very trusting and genuine because she said that i could get a better girlfriend who would treat me better and this really upsetted me because i love her. She's always worked this hard, she hired me in her last job in January and she worked her absolute ass off, then she left that job and we kind of stuck together because we worked closely together on a magazine publication and the attraction was there.
She said that she loves hanging out with me and has so much fun with me and that i'm the best boyfriend she's ever had. She said that she dosen't want to hurt me and that we would be better off as friends, which i can't do. Too many feelings for her. I told her that if we broke up, i'd never see her again. She said she has very strong feelings for me but feels like she's being unfair on me by not seeing me much. She still wants to be with me but she just thought we would be better as friends because she feels like a bad girlfriend.

She works 5 days a week then overtime of 3 nights a week. When we see eachother she's very tired from working so hard but i still enjoy her company. I see her on the weekends.
Question is that i have to ask myself, can i compromise the time and still make it work? It would be a very platonic relationship.
Anyone has a similar experience? Maybe i should let her go...how sad.
"She said that she dosen't want to hurt me and that we would be better off as friends"

Ask any Aqua, that's code for "I am not ready to be tied down to anyone, including you"
The what's the point in entering a relationship in the first place?
Thats why we dont enter them, its usually when were forced to enter, we enter.
HP's right tho.
or a Capricorn.