It’s funny how what you do is never enough and what you do is never right. I love my job, don’t get me wrong, but I’ve been working a lot of double shifts. Which I don’t mind as I could use the extra money. Got asked if I could work another double shift today and tomorrow which I said sure, no problem! Seems my Sag coworker is still up to no good. Thought we had worked things out, but she is still reporting me.
Woke up this morning feeling sick to my stomach….powered through to get out the door on time since I had to be to work at the crack of dawn. I was rushing because not feeling well delayed me a bit and I ended up locking myself out of the damn house! Not to mention my car keys were also in the house!😩. I was so fucking mad at myself! So I ended up being ten minutes late to work.
I was already having the morning from hell, but to make matters worse as soon as I walk through the door my boss tells me as soon as I clock in to come to her office. I’m like oh shit what did I do now? Apparently my Sag coworker reported me again on something else instead of coming to me first and talking to me about it she just goes to the supervisor. There is a lot I could tell my supervisor about her that my supervisor wouldn’t approve of, but I choose not to be petty. I guess I’m going to have to play on her level though. My ex warned me that I shouldn’t trust her and I need to watch my back with her, but I insisted that we worked things out and were good now. Boy was I wrong.
That is one thing I hate about this place. We have a lot of tattle tails who like to go talking about other workers to the boss. That’s why I go to work and keep my mouth shut because shit gets around. The turn over rate is really high at this job and now I see why. Two more good workers just quit yesterday. The week before, two were fired. The boss also plays favorites which is common at jobs, but sucks. This Sag coworker is never asked to work over much less a double shift. She is also a favorite it seems because everything she does is golden while I can’t seem to do anything right. Sigh….I just need to hurry up and take my certification exam so I can move along.