My Capricorn ex and I had a messy breakup with fault on both sides. At first he wanted to fix things and go back to the way we were but I was still working through my hurt and resentment and ended up pushing him away. I now know that I am sure about him but realized too late and had already hurt him too much and he has made up his mind to end things between us.
The thing is that I know he still cares...he admitted that he’s still hurt and ideally he wants us to end back up together but that he can’t even consider doing anything with me moving forward because he needs to focus on himself and his career first. He’s adamant that he wants to just be single now and only focus on himself which hurts because just a month ago he was still interested and everything seemed fine.
I know I screwed up by pushing him away when he was trying to fix things and I realized that too late. I want so badly to make it up to him and fix things between us but he’s already made up his mind and won’t budge.
The thing that gives me hope is that he says he wants to stay friends and has been pretty responsive. He hasn’t shut me out and seems genuinely willing and wanting for us to be friends. He’s never been this way with any of his exes but insists this is all platonic for him now.
What are my chances? What can I do? I’ve truly changed and truly come to understand and appreciate who he is as a person, I want to show him so badly we can get back what we had and be even happier and secure this time around but he has shut his heart to me now...
Signed Up:
Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
People focus on themselves and their career just fine while also being in a relationship, having kids, caring for their elderly parents, etc etc.
The excuse, because it is an excuse, that he doesn’t want to get back together because he needs to focus on his career is the equivalent of him saying... it’s not you it’s me.
Take the L and move on with your life.
Signed Up:
Oct 11, 2017Comments: 3 · Posts: 3193 · Topics: 7
You've been downgraded to the "friendzone" which never quite gets back on track to be a real relationship again. Basically if you have sex with him at this point you'll never be more than his FWB. I would move on if I were you until he actually came back and asked me to be his girl again.
Signed Up:
Oct 11, 2017Comments: 3 · Posts: 3193 · Topics: 7
What is your sun and moon?
Part of what gives me hope is how despite everything and how hurt he is by me that he still wants to be friends. I heard caps are notorious for not staying friends with their exes and especially will not stay friends with an ex out of respect for any new partner. Knowing that I at least have this, what can I do to show him i've truly changed and won't hurt him anymore? How can I get him to trust me again and fall in love with me again?
Signed Up:
Oct 11, 2017Comments: 3 · Posts: 3193 · Topics: 7
I have no experience with Cap men (except my friend's husband and a female cap friend) but why don't you just risk being vulnerable and tell him what you told us in the paragraphs above. What do you have to lose at this point and at least you'll know where you stand as not to waste your time.