What is it wirh Capricorn men

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by PoloChat on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 and has 31 replies.
I am talking with this guy, like on a regular basis. We have never gone out together anywhere( i want to though!)

We have talked about work, what music he likes/dislikes.

He knows somehow that i am interested in him. But deep down i feel we don't have anything special coz he is not even asking me out.

To top it off, i didn't text him since two days, so we have not talked at all.

Should i just forget him?

I am gonna stay single this Valentine's day too 😭
Posted by Mesquite

Have you considered that maybe he moves ultra slow? What if he's entertaining other ladies?

Those are things you should consider.

If he's entertaining other ladies, then he's not interested in me right? So i should move on?

Coz to make an impression on somebody, you have to meet and talk face to face. Even calls can work but texting - Nah!

Posted by GODZ
Posted by Arielle83

Ya forget him.

You’re impatient and think he’s got issues, because he isn’t getting your mental transference messages.

Asking about music and work is basic chit chat.

You can’t up the anty of his interest.

Or you’re lazy and can’t communicate asking him out yourself.

Does asking a Capricorn male out work?
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Yes, it does! They are too polite to decline an invitation...
Get an Aries lol ... he will come and get you at 200 miles per hour

Posted by GODZ
Posted by Undine
Posted by GODZ
Posted by Arielle83

Ya forget him.

You’re impatient and think he’s got issues, because he isn’t getting your mental transference messages.

Asking about music and work is basic chit chat.

You can’t up the anty of his interest.

Or you’re lazy and can’t communicate asking him out yourself.

Does asking a Capricorn male out work?

Yes, it does! They are too polite to decline an invitation...

Yeah I know I won't decline but at the end do you will have what you came for ?
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Absolutely! And so much more Winking
Lol why you complainin?

What do you expect him to do?

Just ask the guy out.
How long have you been texting one another?
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by GODZ
Posted by Arielle83

Ya forget him.

You’re impatient and think he’s got issues, because he isn’t getting your mental transference messages.

Asking about music and work is basic chit chat.

You can’t up the anty of his interest.

Or you’re lazy and can’t communicate asking him out yourself.

Does asking a Capricorn male out work?

Yep if he’s interested
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And if he's not, embarassment will follow!
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

How long have you been texting one another?

A month maybe
Posted by Subliminals

Lol why you complainin?

What do you expect him to do?

Just ask the guy out.

I am not complaining, i am just scared of rejections
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

How long have you been texting one another?

A month maybe
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Lol. Ok well Caps are slow, if you like him dont rush. If you impatient move on.
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

How long have you been texting one another?

A month maybe

Lol. Ok well Caps are slow, if you like him dont rush. If you impatient move on.
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No i can wait. For him. I just don't want to be disappointed in the end! Sad
If a Cap is interested, he will ask you out.

Talking about music and work doesn’t sound like he’s too interested to me.
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

How long have you been texting one another?

A month maybe

Lol. Ok well Caps are slow, if you like him dont rush. If you impatient move on.

No i can wait. For him. I just don't want to be disappointed in the end! Sad
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Tell him you interested then and ask how he feels. You will soon have a clearer answer
Posted by PuzzlePieces

If a Cap is interested, he will ask you out.

Talking about music and work doesn’t sound like he’s too interested to me.

So you are saying i should let him be?
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by PuzzlePieces

If a Cap is interested, he will ask you out.

Talking about music and work doesn’t sound like he’s too interested to me.

So you are saying i should let him be?
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Ya. Let him see if he wants to talk to you. I have a lot of experience with one Cap, and honestly it takes awhile but the worst thing is to just wait for him. More like take care of you, and if he has interest he will show you. If they are interested, they will come find you even if you aren’t giving them attention. It’s all about what their interest is. You can’t force it. It might not even have anything to do with you, it might just be where he’s at in life.

I just started dating a new Cap and I tell you what he’s been motivated from the start. I was the things he was looking for, and absolutely no hesitation at all. Perhaps it’s just like that. You just have to sit back and let them show you what they want.
Posted by PuzzlePieces
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by PuzzlePieces

If a Cap is interested, he will ask you out.

Talking about music and work doesn’t sound like he’s too interested to me.

So you are saying i should let him be?

Ya. Let him see if he wants to talk to you. I have a lot of experience with one Cap, and honestly it takes awhile but the worst thing is to just wait for him. More like take care of you, and if he has interest he will show you. If they are interested, they will come find you even if you aren’t giving them attention. It’s all about what their interest is. You can’t force it. It might not even have anything to do with you, it might just be where he’s at in life.

I just started dating a new Cap and I tell you what he’s been motivated from the start. I was the things he was looking for, and absolutely no hesitation at all. Perhaps it’s just like that. You just have to sit back and let them show you what they want.
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Yes i can relate with what you said.

I am gonna poke you for tips in case anything goes ahead with us two
Posted by the_verdictofkiki

who wants to go after a cap anyway? whats your sign? caps take themselves too seriously... what something solid since day 1.. and if they cannot have that they will still f on the first day and forget about you... their motto is "i use"... but i guess his other placements matter too... but if he's a dominant cap this would apply

I am cancerian with pisces moon
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PuzzlePieces

If a Cap is interested, he will ask you out.

Talking about music and work doesn’t sound like he’s too interested to me.

i dunno, if he has an aqua venus, talking about common interests (like music) will be a huge plus.

OP what is the rest of his chart?
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My current has aqua Venus. We talked about way more than music and work. First phone call was 3 hours. He thinks of that as our first date. 😂 If they are interested, than they will share more of themselves. Want to know more about you. Even the non-communicative excap did that.
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by Subliminals

Lol why you complainin?

What do you expect him to do?

Just ask the guy out.

I am not complaining, i am just scared of rejections
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Then you should start it, once you can take rejections, you'll be more apt at navigating through things.

Rejections are hard to take. If you are fine with it, then you have achieved one step closer to building your own strength.

I got rejected 3 times from my hard-core crush with the length of 3 years pursuit and always finding time to stay around him and got closer. Fuckin dude is a sag and he's like close to 40 now, have never been married. Lol guess its just him loving too much of freedom, i aimed to get the wrong horse. But hey im a sag rising so I can understand a bit.

Am frikkin married rn and still want huge amount of freedom. Husband is a cap, so you cant get around him to suspend having babies lmao! "You owe me a baby" shit pressure is hard.

So with this cap crush of yours, looking at how caps like to FRIKKIN BUILD SOMETHING, you may get the chance. But case per case though.
I'm curious to know how did you two meet? What was he like then?
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PuzzlePieces

If a Cap is interested, he will ask you out.

Talking about music and work doesn’t sound like he’s too interested to me.

i dunno, if he has an aqua venus, talking about common interests (like music) will be a huge plus.

OP what is the rest of his chart?
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I have no idea about the rest
Posted by the_verdictofkiki
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by the_verdictofkiki

who wants to go after a cap anyway? whats your sign? caps take themselves too seriously... what something solid since day 1.. and if they cannot have that they will still f on the first day and forget about you... their motto is "i use"... but i guess his other placements matter too... but if he's a dominant cap this would apply

I am cancerian with pisces moon

thats why you like him
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What is it with Cap & cancerians!
Posted by virgal_perfectionist

I'm curious to know how did you two meet? What was he like then?

We met at our workplace. Before he switched jobs, i contacted him on social media. The first time i texted him he was kind of aloof and didn't bother replying me properly. So i let him be. After 2 months, he contacted me and since then we have been talking daily.

Funny thing is 2 days ago we talked for 4 hours straight and from next day onwards he is gone and i have left him alone too.

I am getting the feeling that maybe he felt overwhelmed or something like that you know!
Posted by Black-Mamba

Anyways just go out for drinks and get him drunk and take advantage.

Posted by dilettante
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PuzzlePieces

If a Cap is interested, he will ask you out.

Talking about music and work doesn’t sound like he’s too interested to me.

i dunno, if he has an aqua venus, talking about common interests (like music) will be a huge plus.

OP what is the rest of his chart?

I have no idea about the rest

whats his bday?
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31st december
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PuzzlePieces

If a Cap is interested, he will ask you out.

Talking about music and work doesn’t sound like he’s too interested to me.

i dunno, if he has an aqua venus, talking about common interests (like music) will be a huge plus.

OP what is the rest of his chart?

I have no idea about the rest

whats his bday?

31st december
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Glad to know there are others born on this "special" day. It kinda sucks to be born on new year's eve 😐

How old he is?
Posted by PoloChat

I am talking with this guy, like on a regular basis. We have never gone out together anywhere( i want to though!)

We have talked about work, what music he likes/dislikes.

He knows somehow that i am interested in him. But deep down i feel we don't have anything special coz he is not even asking me out.

To top it off, i didn't text him since two days, so we have not talked at all.

Should i just forget him?

I am gonna stay single this Valentine's day too 😭
My attention span ain't long enough to get caught up. I wound up with men who held me down down.

I briefly dated a younger Cap. He was so slow and faded to the back, I barely noticed we were dating. He was really cute and acted like a gray boy (into black culture). It started out like him texting me alot. I didn't realize it was alot but for blogging about him something told me to count the texts and it was alot.

Like one time he was texting me while I was out running errands. When I got home, I hung up my coat with my cell still in the pocket. He had continued to text

And worst of all, one time we went out together and I lost him in the crowd. The music had swept me away.

And another time, I had apparently sat at a bar and didn't notice him at the bar too.
Posted by justlikeheaven
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PuzzlePieces

If a Cap is interested, he will ask you out.

Talking about music and work doesn’t sound like he’s too interested to me.

i dunno, if he has an aqua venus, talking about common interests (like music) will be a huge plus.

OP what is the rest of his chart?

I have no idea about the rest

whats his bday?

31st december

Glad to know there are others born on this "special" day. It kinda sucks to be born on new year's eve 😐

How old he is?
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You are born on the same day?

He is 28
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PuzzlePieces

If a Cap is interested, he will ask you out.

Talking about music and work doesn’t sound like he’s too interested to me.

i dunno, if he has an aqua venus, talking about common interests (like music) will be a huge plus.

OP what is the rest of his chart?

I have no idea about the rest

whats his bday?

31st december

lol we need a birth year
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Don't you need time of birth to get chart details?
Posted by Subliminals
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by Subliminals

Lol why you complainin?

What do you expect him to do?

Just ask the guy out.

I am not complaining, i am just scared of rejections

Then you should start it, once you can take rejections, you'll be more apt at navigating through things.

Rejections are hard to take. If you are fine with it, then you have achieved one step closer to building your own strength.

I got rejected 3 times from my hard-core crush with the length of 3 years pursuit and always finding time to stay around him and got closer. Fuckin dude is a sag and he's like close to 40 now, have never been married. Lol guess its just him loving too much of freedom, i aimed to get the wrong horse. But hey im a sag rising so I can understand a bit.

Am frikkin married rn and still want huge amount of freedom. Husband is a cap, so you cant get around him to suspend having babies lmao! "You owe me a baby" shit pressure is hard.

So with this cap crush of yours, looking at how caps like to FRIKKIN BUILD SOMETHING, you may get the chance. But case per case though.
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I have been rejected by my ex, as in he broke up with me.

After him, i was single for a long time, and then got really close to a friend, i conveyed my feelings to him and got rejected there as well.

So i think this is my low self esteem getting scared that i might be rejected once more by this new guy.

This is me being negative but yeah i can't help it!

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