2021, are fixed signs in early degrees fucked?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by deckedandecker on Saturday, January 16, 2021 and has 7 replies.
I hear 2021 is gonna be rough for anyone below 14 yet like above 7 degrees in a fixed sign
Yes you're fucked.

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Why is that?

Where did you hear it?
Could we get a link please?
Posted by GenXgem
Posted by MyStarsShine

Why is that?

Where did you hear it?

Hey star,

I follow this British astrologer on YouTube (Steve Judd astrology) and he mentioned it in some of his most recent videos. He has been off sometimes though, but ok other times. So take it with a grain of salt.
click to expand
Thank you Gem....will check him out!
2020 was a rough year for everyone. It’s not so much of a stretch to predict another tough year.

You’re in charge of your destiny. Navigate it and handle the difficulties as they come.

It doesn’t have to be doomed.

Manifest a positive outcome, see the path in front of you, then take steps to make it a positive one.
Posted by peachy06

I heard fixed signs will have a hard time this year. I hope it's a joke.

It's not. It's because Saturn just entered Aquarius and is conjuncting, opposing and squaring the Fixed Signs.

It's squaring my Venus/Mars conjunction as of now and I'm feeling it so again it's not a joke. Having a hard time, why else do you think I'm back on dxp? LOL