Posted by _DazedNot working looking for work from home started a side business but I haven’t really been motivated with it over the last week in a half.
What is your work life like currently?
Posted by MyStarsShineSun, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Moon. I know the moon will move but it was like damn am I supposed to die week smh.
Which planets?
Posted by ladylibra21Do you have any planets in the 6th in your natal chart?Posted by MyStarsShine
Which planets?
Sun, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Moon. I know the moon will move but it was like damn am I supposed to die week to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineNothing 6th house natally, but my moon is opposite in the 12th house.Posted by ladylibra21Posted by MyStarsShine
Which planets?
Sun, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Moon. I know the moon will move but it was like damn am I supposed to die week smh.
Do you have any planets in the 6th in your natal chart?click to expand
Posted by ladylibra21That’s good if the 6th is empty.Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by ladylibra21Posted by MyStarsShine
Which planets?
Sun, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Moon. I know the moon will move but it was like damn am I supposed to die week smh.
Do you have any planets in the 6th in your natal chart?
Nothing 6th house natally, but my moon is opposite in the 12th to expand
Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by ladylibra21Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by ladylibra21Posted by MyStarsShine
Which planets?
Sun, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Moon. I know the moon will move but it was like damn am I supposed to die week smh.
Do you have any planets in the 6th in your natal chart?
Nothing 6th house natally, but my moon is opposite in the 12th house.
That’s good if the 6th is empty.
Our son has Sun, Chiron, Venus in the 6th. During a 6th house transit he seemed to have colds all the time. When it didn’t seem to be improving he started taking Vit.C (1gram a day), Garlic and Zinc. Since Covid also he takes Vit+K2 and hasn’t been sick for a long time. He also drinks lots of water and exercises every day.
If you’re not sleeping and feel stressed, taking Vit.B complex may help.
The good thing is, it’ll pass. Have you checked how long the transits will last?click to expand
Posted by Undine
Did you take anything for your "extreme insomnia"? If you didn't, start with some herbal teas (chamomile, valerian root, passionflower, lemon balm, lavender) and a magnesium tablet during the evening. Next step would be Melatonin 3-5mg.
Don't know about house 6 transits...all the six planets you are talking about are in my second. Nothing happened, lol.
Posted by ladylibra21Yes, definitely closer to bed. Black seed oil sounds good, keep it natural :-)Posted by Undine
Did you take anything for your "extreme insomnia"? If you didn't, start with some herbal teas (chamomile, valerian root, passionflower, lemon balm, lavender) and a magnesium tablet during the evening. Next step would be Melatonin 3-5mg.
Don't know about house 6 transits...all the six planets you are talking about are in my second. Nothing happened, lol.
Well I take magnesium usually in the morning to help with anxiety. Maybe I should take it closer to bed? I took black seed oil last night and that at least made me sleepy and I got a deeper sleep when I was finally able to to expand
Posted by UndineThank you that gives me hope! Maybe I’ll finally drop the rest of this weight lol. My 6th hours is pretty big I’m not sure how long the other planets will stay there but I know Jupiter is going into my 7th in April.
Also....about the 6 planets transiting my second house savings are looking better than ever, although not long ago (during the market crash at the beginning of the pandemic) they went down in the dumps!
Maybe a strong transit activating a house causes specific ups and downs, but everything may eventually change for the best....?
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