8th house synastry and composite overlays

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by thecrazyariestaurus on Sunday, January 26, 2020 and has 1 replies.
I’ve been dealing with my Sag FWB for years, and we were talking earlier, and he told me at one point he had really strong feelings for me and he wished I was in love with him so we could be together lol. I used to have a little thing for him, but I never pursued it because something about him is disturbing. It has to be something super subconscious because I can’t even really determine why lol.

I think back and wonder why I never pursued it because he’s really good looking, super nice, has always protected me, really cares for me etc. So of course I look to astrology to figure out why lol

His mars is in my 8th house, and I hear that usually there’s strong sexual energy, but the 8th house person tends to feel too disturbed by the mars person so they run.

We also have 8th house sun in composite, and one astrologer said this isn’t a good overlay to have because it can lead to danger (physically and emotionally).

Any experiences with these overlays?