Can I ask what you think about this natal chart?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Subliminals on Sunday, December 13, 2020 and has 15 replies.
What to look for or pay attention to?

Posted by bmoon8

Can you post a picture of it in here instead of at the top? I can’t see the whole thing up there.
I dont know how to. Its been too long since the last I came here
Posted by bmoon8

I found this in your profile and it looks like a Transits chart. It’s better to look at the natal chart with the transits on the natal chart to get an idea of how they are affecting you.

User Submitted Image
No, it itsn't a transfit chart. It's my newborn baby's chart. I'm too curious.
Posted by bmoon8

I found this in your profile and it looks like a Transits chart. It’s better to look at the natal chart with the transits on the natal chart to get an idea of how they are affecting you.

User Submitted Image
No, it itsn't a transfit chart. It's my newborn baby's chart. I'm too curious.
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by Subliminals
Posted by bmoon8

I found this in your profile and it looks like a Transits chart. It’s better to look at the natal chart with the transits on the natal chart to get an idea of how they are affecting you.

User Submitted Image

No, it itsn't a transfit chart. It's my newborn baby's chart. I'm too curious.

Do you want the bad and the good? This is what sticks out to me...

He has Jupiter, which is his chart ruler in his 2nd house. That shows that he will have luck/fortune in obtaining money. Saturn is there as well showing that he will take responsibility/obligations with money/finances.

He has Mars square Pluto in tight aspect, which can be a scary placement. He may have anger issues in his youth, but that aspect shows he will gain self-control of this as he gets older.

Sun square Neptune.. watch this one in a chart.. he may be prone to substance abuse for escapism, so it is a good idea to teach him not to use drugs/alcohol. Mercury squares Neptune and he may not always be honest, but his Sag and Scorpio placements help him with that.

These are the aspects that immediately jumped out to me. I will leave the chart posted for any others to chime in if that is okay with you?
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Thank you so much for your insights. Thats interesting on mars aspecting pluto. Whereas my focus darted on the fourth house. I feel like there may be things I need to be aware of that.
Are you still with the father?

Chiron 4th can indicate some kind of rejection etc when growing up
Posted by MyStarsShine

Are you still with the father?

Chiron 4th can indicate some kind of rejection etc when growing up
Yes, we are still together that's why I was wondering. I also read it the same thing, like there are some discord in home environment. So I am trying to have my head's up on that.
Posted by Subliminals
Posted by MyStarsShine

Are you still with the father?

Chiron 4th can indicate some kind of rejection etc when growing up

Yes, we are still together that's why I was wondering. I also read it the same thing, like there are some discord in home environment. So I am trying to have my head's up on that.
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Whenever you see Chiron in the 4th (home and family) it can indicate where the wound will be found. If you are aware of it, you can help your child through it.
Mars in 4th can be challenging too.

Our son has that and he was demanding and somewhat controlling when growing up. That placement wants their own way in the home environment...
Posted by MyStarsShine

Mars in 4th can be challenging too.

Our son has that and he was demanding and somewhat controlling when growing up. That placement wants their own way in the home environment...
Ohh maybe he will get a little bit too pushy at home then leaves the parents to feel annoyed and say words that make him feel rejected?

Well we can see it coming now as he is like that now when he's a baby. He's quite strong willed.
Posted by ImperfectStorm
Posted by MyStarsShine

Mars in 4th can be challenging too.

Our son has that and he was demanding and somewhat controlling when growing up. That placement wants their own way in the home environment...

Ooof. My son has mars and Pluto in the 4th 🥴 He can be very demanding 😑 lol this is good to know...
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Yes it can be challenging for sure

Are his Mars and Pluto conjunct?
Congratulations! He looks like a Sag, walks like a Sag, talks like a Sag (well, not yet but soon, lol). And he has this lovely moon-Venus conjunction in Scorpio, to add depth, grounding and stubbornness to his feels and likes, which work in unison.

He’s Aries Mars in 4th house like me, meaning he wouldn’t be a pushover, and most likely will try to take the lead in family matters. One of the funniest things I remember, is me as a 6 years old trying to berate my father on how to dress and live his life. I considered him to be a clueless, younger brother of mine, because I’ve been raised by his mother, with stories of how clueless and hopeless he was as a child, lol! Chiron is also in my 4th house....the worst and the best things have been at home, although I also like travelling and moving countries, as a Sag rising.
Posted by ImperfectStorm
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by ImperfectStorm
Posted by MyStarsShine

Mars in 4th can be challenging too.

Our son has that and he was demanding and somewhat controlling when growing up. That placement wants their own way in the home environment...

Ooof. My son has mars and Pluto in the 4th 🥴 He can be very demanding 😑 lol this is good to know...

Yes it can be challenging for sure

Are his Mars and Pluto conjunct?

Yes with a 1 degree orb
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In Capricorn!

Moon in Gemini?
Posted by ImperfectStorm
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by ImperfectStorm
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by ImperfectStorm
Posted by MyStarsShine

Mars in 4th can be challenging too.

Our son has that and he was demanding and somewhat controlling when growing up. That placement wants their own way in the home environment...

Ooof. My son has mars and Pluto in the 4th 🥴 He can be very demanding 😑 lol this is good to know...

Yes it can be challenging for sure

Are his Mars and Pluto conjunct?

Yes with a 1 degree orb

In Capricorn!

Moon in Gemini?

Yes! Sun, mercury and Venus in scorp.

As of right now he is so nurturing and kind, the rare kind of kid who would rather share rather than be selfish.

But I have noticed control issues.. they’re innocent now, but I can see how it would be problematic as he gets older. For instance I have long hair and my hair is like his security blanket, after a long day he wants to cuddle and wants to smell my hair and run his fingers through it to calm his senses. So when my hair is up in a pony tail he will *tell me* to take my hair down. 😂 he is well behaved though and respectful/obedient
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I get what you’re saying!
Sag sun in the 12th square Neptune in combination with an aries mars square Pluto and a sag merc in the 12th square Neptune is what sticks out to me. Could be a tough combo, but it seems to me that with work on behalf of the individual, it could grow into wisdom and drive in a very positive way.

Also, air void with the above. The individual might over-compensate.

Sag asc conj sun is a great help in this chart, imo. Might make it easier to overcome the Sun(in the 12th)-Neptune square.