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This topic was created in the Astrology forum by _Dazed on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 and has 37 replies.
In the Gemini/Scorpio connection?

Posted by Scheherazade

Never forget DazzleDickon

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Looks like a clean looking couple that likes to prank everyone.
My ex Gemini is currently with a Scorpio. It’s super toxic but he loves all the attention and seems to be doing ok.
My Scorp music teacher is married to a Gemini lady for 30 years, they are great together
Posted by MyStarsShine

My Scorp music teacher is married to a Gemini lady for 30 years, they are great together
Thought you had me blocked?
Our lad’s friend, her Mum and Dad are Scorp and Gem...two kids and get on well

Topaz and man are Scorp and Gem?
Posted by Sith_Rogen
Posted by PinsAndNeedles

Gemini moon/Scorpio Moon


It works.
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Virgo has Gem Moon?
Posted by Sith_Rogen
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Sith_Rogen
Posted by PinsAndNeedles

Gemini moon/Scorpio Moon


It works.

Virgo has Gem Moon?

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Mercury sun and Moon...she must be sharp?
Posted by Sith_Rogen
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Sith_Rogen
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Sith_Rogen
Posted by PinsAndNeedles

Gemini moon/Scorpio Moon


It works.

Virgo has Gem Moon?


Mercury sun and Moon...she must be sharp?

Sometimes she can even keep up with me...

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Posted by PinsAndNeedles
Posted by Sith_Rogen
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Sith_Rogen
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Sith_Rogen
Posted by PinsAndNeedles

Gemini moon/Scorpio Moon


It works.

Virgo has Gem Moon?


Mercury sun and Moon...she must be sharp?

Sometimes she can even keep up with me...

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This is the type of wit he gives me too. LMAO
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Virgo and Taurus suns?
Posted by PinsAndNeedles
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by PinsAndNeedles
Posted by Sith_Rogen
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Sith_Rogen
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Sith_Rogen
Posted by PinsAndNeedles

Gemini moon/Scorpio Moon


It works.

Virgo has Gem Moon?


Mercury sun and Moon...she must be sharp?

Sometimes she can even keep up with me...

User Submitted Image

This is the type of wit he gives me too. LMAO

Virgo and Taurus suns?


Clorox and Taco Bell suns
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I had a short relationship with a Gemini a zillion years ago. He was a twat.

I will say my Gem rising has an insane attraction to scorpio rising men.
Hell no. Sorry gems. I don't know what it is. Maybe they afraid of emotions when we live in the swamps. My scorpio mars gets way touchy feely.
Posted by MrsElleCappysnatch
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by MrsElleCappysnatch

My parents were a hot mess.

Scorp man/Gem female.

He loved her til he passed.

She hates his guts. 🤣😂🤣

So romantic 😍😍😍


It was very explosive. 😖

He bought her a new car once.....and he had an old pick up truck. He loved that truck.

We were at my aunt's house one night and she got pissed at him and disappeared.

We were in the house and heard a large *crunch* outside.

She had walked back to our house, took his truck, drove it back to my aunt's and rammed it into her new car. 🤣😂🤣😂

Not just once, she kept backing up and doing it again.

I have no idea what story they gave the insurance company....but they totaled it out and she got another new one.

I was embarrassed of them most of my childhood. 🤣😂🤣😩
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Yeah. No Gemini women for me 🤣🤔🤔🤔
Yes. My Gemini sun/Libra moon friend recently got married to a Scorpio sun/Pisces moon after 6 years of dating.
If it's a Scorpio like...

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...i'm down with that. Can't deal with the overly serious type. :\

Gemini's belong with Aries. ✊

I think Scorpios are a little too sensitive for Gems
I've seen Scorpio men and Gemini women do well but not much the other way around. I think Gemini's do best with Aquarius, Libra, Sag and Aries.
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by Basorexia


Gemini's belong with Aries. ✊

I think Scorpios are a little too sensitive for Gems

Aries is the worst sign for Gemini, thank you very much.
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You're welcome 👋

I know many together and they're adorable...never a dull moment 😊😊😊!!
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by Basorexia
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by Basorexia


Gemini's belong with Aries. ✊

I think Scorpios are a little too sensitive for Gems

Aries is the worst sign for Gemini, thank you very much.

You're welcome 👋

I know many together and they're adorable...never a dull moment 😊😊😊!!

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Posted by Scheherazade

Gemini is best with Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Aquarius.

Air-Air is more of a buddy relationship and Air-Fire is just getting constantly annoyed. Well, I guess Sags are alright but even them sometimes.
No I'm not wrong, I'm married to a Gemini and we have a red hot sex life and lots of fun together. I know 2 other Libra women married to Gemini's and one Aquarius and all are blissfully happy.
Wow, I'm talking about real life here. Someone is butt hurt that Geminis love Libras.
My ex’s mother and father are Libra and Gem

They hate each other lol

Too much air....
Posted by DonnaLibra
Posted by Scheherazade

Gemini is best with Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Aquarius.

Air-Air is more of a buddy relationship and Air-Fire is just getting constantly annoyed. Well, I guess Sags are alright but even them sometimes.

No I'm not wrong, I'm married to a Gemini and we have a red hot sex life and lots of fun together. I know 2 other Libra women married to Gemini's and one Aquarius and all are blissfully happy.
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Do people have red hot sex when they’re married (to each other)?

Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DonnaLibra
Posted by Scheherazade

Gemini is best with Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Aquarius.

Air-Air is more of a buddy relationship and Air-Fire is just getting constantly annoyed. Well, I guess Sags are alright but even them sometimes.

No I'm not wrong, I'm married to a Gemini and we have a red hot sex life and lots of fun together. I know 2 other Libra women married to Gemini's and one Aquarius and all are blissfully happy.

Do people have red hot sex when they’re married (to each other)?

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If not what is the point? smile
Posted by DonnaLibra
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DonnaLibra
Posted by Scheherazade

Gemini is best with Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Aquarius.

Air-Air is more of a buddy relationship and Air-Fire is just getting constantly annoyed. Well, I guess Sags are alright but even them sometimes.

No I'm not wrong, I'm married to a Gemini and we have a red hot sex life and lots of fun together. I know 2 other Libra women married to Gemini's and one Aquarius and all are blissfully happy.

Do people have red hot sex when they’re married (to each other)?


If not what is the point? smile
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Loads stay together and have little or no sex. They stay out of fear, finances, kids etc.

Some find hot sex elsewhere...affairs, prostitutes

You’ve struck gold ma’am😀. How long ye been married? Any children?
why are there so many scorpio threads right now?

coz scorpio/gemini connection.
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by sagaciouscorp
Posted by virgoOPPP

why are there so many scorpio threads right now?

coz scorpio/gemini connection.

No ! No such connection. we/Scorpio run year round.

Gemini is the 8th house for Scorpio so....
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do you know a site with more information about that?
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by sagaciouscorp
Posted by virgoOPPP

why are there so many scorpio threads right now?

coz scorpio/gemini connection.

No ! No such connection. we/Scorpio run year round.

Gemini is the 8th house for Scorpio so....

Some of it’s a little doomy but

6-8 Pattern

A 6-8 pattern describes a relationship between two signs that fall six or eight spaces apart from one another on the zodiac wheel, respectively. According to Goodman's book, combinations in this pattern include:

Aries — Virgo and Scorpio; Taurus — Libra and Sagittarius; Gemini — Scorpio and Capricorn; Cancer — Sagittarius and Aquarius; Leo — Capricorn and Pisces; Virgo — Aries and Aquarius; Libra — Taurus and Pisces; Scorpio — Aries and Gemini; Sagittarius — Taurus and Cancer; Capricorn — Gemini and Leo; Aquarius — Cancer and Virgo; Pisces — Leo and Libra

This relationship pattern is like a witch's spell. You are absolutely drawn in by one another, the charisma that this person exudes is what you find sexually stimulating about them.

There is a desire to understand and get to the bottom of who this person is, and sex is generally the tool you use to do so. There's also a greater than average willingness to be of service to this person, or a willingness on their part to be of service to you. Unfortunately this person puzzles you, and makes you feel as if you'll never get the natural sympathy required to make the relationship work.


We have decided to begin our journey in spiritual matching with the 6-8 sun-sign pattern. We did because we have ourselves felt the intense chemistry in these relationships and we want you to feel the same. These relationships may not last forever in the physical realm, but are for sure created by the spiritual destiny the two share under this pattern.

You are involved by the 6-8 Sun Sign vibration pattern with the signs listed above - in friendship, business, family or love relationships.

You will have some problem in communicating with these individuals born under the Sun Sign here opposite your own. Yet, you'll be oddly intrigued by the puzzling charisma, and powerfully drawn into its spell. If the tie between you is a love relationship, you'll feel an irresistible sexual attraction toward the individual.

If the relationship is not love, but is one of friendship, or a business or family association, then the person will draw you, not through sexual chemistry, but through some shared interest in the supernatural-death, birth, reincarnation, adoption and all spiritual matters-or situations involving money which belongs to neither of you-i.e.: other people's money. There may be times when this person will seem unnecessarily secretive in your association.

In some way, these individuals will have a desire to help you, and you'll feel an urge to help them. One or both of you will serve the other willingly, with little or no resentment-and one will often protect the other from those who attempt to harm her-or him. There may be times when the favors extended are resented; yet there will be no choice in the matter. Under this vibrational pattern, service given will always be repaid by the fascination of the association itself. In some way, a great benefit will come from one to the other through the relationship, and the one who serves will usually remain loyal.

*Mutual aspects between the planets, the Moons and the Ascendants of the two horoscopes will somewhat modify the description of the relationship given above (in a positive or negative way) but will not basically alter the foundation of the 6-8 Sun Sign Pattern interchange as described.
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yeah explains the virgo/aries connection

but i personally can't connect emotionally with them even if i admire them

though i have to say, i'm extremely attracted to aqua suns, especially aqua venus men

i adore them ❤️
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DonnaLibra
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DonnaLibra
Posted by Scheherazade

Gemini is best with Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Aquarius.

Air-Air is more of a buddy relationship and Air-Fire is just getting constantly annoyed. Well, I guess Sags are alright but even them sometimes.

No I'm not wrong, I'm married to a Gemini and we have a red hot sex life and lots of fun together. I know 2 other Libra women married to Gemini's and one Aquarius and all are blissfully happy.

Do people have red hot sex when they’re married (to each other)?


If not what is the point? smile

Loads stay together and have little or no sex. They stay out of fear, finances, kids etc.

Some find hot sex elsewhere...affairs, prostitutes

You’ve struck gold ma’am😀. How long ye been married? Any children?
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No kids. Married for more than a decade.

Posted by DonnaLibra
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DonnaLibra
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DonnaLibra
Posted by Scheherazade

Gemini is best with Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Aquarius.

Air-Air is more of a buddy relationship and Air-Fire is just getting constantly annoyed. Well, I guess Sags are alright but even them sometimes.

No I'm not wrong, I'm married to a Gemini and we have a red hot sex life and lots of fun together. I know 2 other Libra women married to Gemini's and one Aquarius and all are blissfully happy.

Do people have red hot sex when they’re married (to each other)?


If not what is the point? smile

Loads stay together and have little or no sex. They stay out of fear, finances, kids etc.

Some find hot sex elsewhere...affairs, prostitutes

You’ve struck gold ma’am😀. How long ye been married? Any children?

No kids. Married for more than a decade.
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There’s the kids!!
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DonnaLibra
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DonnaLibra
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DonnaLibra
Posted by Scheherazade

Gemini is best with Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Aquarius.

Air-Air is more of a buddy relationship and Air-Fire is just getting constantly annoyed. Well, I guess Sags are alright but even them sometimes.

No I'm not wrong, I'm married to a Gemini and we have a red hot sex life and lots of fun together. I know 2 other Libra women married to Gemini's and one Aquarius and all are blissfully happy.

Do people have red hot sex when they’re married (to each other)?


If not what is the point? smile

Loads stay together and have little or no sex. They stay out of fear, finances, kids etc.

Some find hot sex elsewhere...affairs, prostitutes

You’ve struck gold ma’am😀. How long ye been married? Any children?

No kids. Married for more than a decade.

There’s the kids!!

Exactly lol
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Doesn’t it just change everything?

Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DonnaLibra
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DonnaLibra
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DonnaLibra
Posted by Scheherazade

Gemini is best with Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Aquarius.

Air-Air is more of a buddy relationship and Air-Fire is just getting constantly annoyed. Well, I guess Sags are alright but even them sometimes.

No I'm not wrong, I'm married to a Gemini and we have a red hot sex life and lots of fun together. I know 2 other Libra women married to Gemini's and one Aquarius and all are blissfully happy.

Do people have red hot sex when they’re married (to each other)?


If not what is the point? smile

Loads stay together and have little or no sex. They stay out of fear, finances, kids etc.

Some find hot sex elsewhere...affairs, prostitutes

You’ve struck gold ma’am😀. How long ye been married? Any children?

No kids. Married for more than a decade.

There’s the kids!!

Exactly lol

Doesn’t it just change everything?


Pretty much. Just takes up so much time and energy lol

The reward is good but yeah it’s much easier to have a relationship outside of that.
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The most rewarding job ever and yes to the rship outside of that for sure. The most passionate lover I ever had was after I became a mum. It was long distance and our son never knew about it. It was my release from the constant giving. Am so glad I experienced it 🔥🔥🔥

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