Gemini Man Abandons Pregnant Ex

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Libro on Monday, January 13, 2020 and has 4 replies.
So i need some help on this gemini man’s behaviour (or if you experience the same feel free to leave your advice).

I found out i was pregnant and called my ex, the baby father (gemini sun) and he started going crazy and blocked me off all social medias immediately. I was desperate to have him accompany me to the hospital so i contacted his friends to hope that they will talk to him but he ended up calling my phone (then blocking me after) telling me that he doesn’t care if i die or bleed to death and to leave him and his friends alone or they will call the police on me. Just been hard on me to have him abandon me completely and been feeling lost and hurt.

Would it be common for a gemini man to be like this or he is just an ass in general?

There had to be red flags prior to your pregnancy. This is crazy as hell 🤦

In no way, shape or form is this "normal" for any sign. There are ZERO excuses for his poor behavior and attitude. He sounds dangerous and highly unstable. Please don't attempt to force him back into your life or the baby's.
Because he isn't in love and is in fear of you paying you child support for the next 18 years. That is why he blocked you.
the trolls are out again