Posted by Chessmess
Would like to know more about Grand Trines and what do they mean; is it good or bad to have a gran trine in fire, water, air, earth? which one is the most stable or which one is the most unstable? How does it affect you?
I have a grand trine in water. What's yours?
Mars in 22° Pisces
MC in 17° Cancer
Uranus in 20° Scorpio
Posted by Nel_SacramentPosted by Chessmess
Would like to know more about Grand Trines and what do they mean; is it good or bad to have a gran trine in fire, water, air, earth? which one is the most stable or which one is the most unstable? How does it affect you?
I have a grand trine in water. What's yours?
Mars in 22° Pisces
MC in 17° Cancer
Uranus in 20° Scorpio
Did you also look on astro-charts? show me you chart paterns from thereclick to expand
Posted by saggurl88Interesting. I do think the earth elements make it more stable for a fire sign. Mine has water elements so I feel a lot of emotions yet I don't express them much. I keep them inside.
I have a Grand Trine mostly in Earth, I think this is the reason why I'm such a stable Sagittarius.
Trines are usually always good, but like all things in water- your trine is in emotional aspect, so this could be a reason why you may think of it in a bad way.
Harnessing lots of emotions takes skill and emotional maturity, I would assume.
Here is mine.
I think of earth elements as being stable, or being known for stability.
Posted by ChessmessPosted by Nel_SacramentPosted by Chessmess
Would like to know more about Grand Trines and what do they mean; is it good or bad to have a gran trine in fire, water, air, earth? which one is the most stable or which one is the most unstable? How does it affect you?
I have a grand trine in water. What's yours?
Mars in 22° Pisces
MC in 17° Cancer
Uranus in 20° Scorpio
Did you also look on astro-charts? show me you chart paterns from there
I also looked but I am not very knowledgeable with reading charts. Wanted to know more about the meaning of grand trines in someone's chart and if they have a an important part in someone's chart. to expand
Posted by Nel_SacramentThank you!Posted by ChessmessPosted by Nel_SacramentPosted by Chessmess
Would like to know more about Grand Trines and what do they mean; is it good or bad to have a gran trine in fire, water, air, earth? which one is the most stable or which one is the most unstable? How does it affect you?
I have a grand trine in water. What's yours?
Mars in 22° Pisces
MC in 17° Cancer
Uranus in 20° Scorpio
Did you also look on astro-charts? show me you chart paterns from there
I also looked but I am not very knowledgeable with reading charts. Wanted to know more about the meaning of grand trines in someone's chart and if they have a an important part in someone's chart.
Basically what saggurl said, also water grand trine represents a vivid inner life, strong feelings, intimacy, sentimentality,
and a desire to reflect. Trines even though it is harmonious, is not necessarily a source of active benefit for the native.
We actually have to work with them consciously to get the good out of to expand
Posted by ImperfectStormThat makes sense.
You have libra rising which is probably why you keep your feelings inside. As libra rising we can come across as being aloof or detached even if we are naturally emotional.