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Jan 29, 2021Comments: 753 · Posts: 859 · Topics: 22
Lol. I smoked me one and my mental aptitudes have expanded lol
When we search for power, we lose it before we even gain it. But when we look for leverage, we will find power. The most powerful illusion of all is control. We either think we have it or we simply dont. Death is one of those things we all have zero control over. This realizations empowers some of us. Some of us its consumed. The leverage is understanding. Viewpoint. Those who accept it gain power over their life by understanding its alot they cant control. But its alot they they can.
Those of us who at consumes loses all power of their own life. They either live it on the edge and chase death. Or they live in a constant paranoia. Not from the thought of death being so unpredictable. Just from the anxiety about the paranoia. Its that small thought that echos. From deep somewhere. From ya body, ya instincts and emotions and finally your thoughts. Every action taking from this point is controlled by anxiety. Caused by a simple thought.
A simple action. A simple word. That was so powerful you couldn't shake it. Things take hold of us long before we can shake its grasp. Thats why you gotta go back and face those raw moments. Moments of extreme pride or embarassment or both(sun). Moments we hold on to, like first love, first kiss, first touchdown. First family reunion. Weekends with ya cousins.(moon). Comversations, any mental exchange(mercury), your first experience valued. It doesn't have to be with a person or a possession it just usually is lol But its things that you attract to you and what you attract to, you have to go and question that. Or your motives and your plans in action. Personal ambition. "This for me".
What has leverage in our life has power. Thats pluto. And the lesson is to and find it and change what can be changed, let what cant die. Change. From deep down. The spark that never dims and the fire that won't go out.