Is this guy a player?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by LadyVenusxox on Sunday, November 22, 2020 and has 31 replies.
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Posted by dillweed

anyone can be a player.
Yeah, obviously but there are certain things in a chart that can indicate this.
Posted by dillweed

anyone can be a player.
Yeah, obviously but there are certain things in a chart that can indicate this.
Posted by Moon_River

Libra Moon and Scorpio Mars... yes! Must be!
Yeah, right he says he's not though....
Posted by dillweed
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by dillweed

anyone can be a player.

Yeah, obviously but there are certain things in a chart that can indicate this.


i have seen “unloyal” placements stay true & “loyal” placements cheat.

cheating/player vibes isnt astrological. it’s an environmental formation.
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He does have Saturn in aspect to his Moon and Venus.
Posted by Arinoaqua

Libra moon...yep issa hoor
Libra Moons are usually hoors huh? I figured lol I'm Aquarius Moon and we always get a bad rep.
I'm just going to meet up with him once for some good sex and then stop talking to him.
Poor guy he may be thinking, is she the one?

But he never stood a chance

astrology 1, this dude 0
I’m not a player I just Crush a lot 🎼🎶
Posted by MadTwins80
Posted by LadyNeptune

Poor guy he may be thinking, is she the one?

But he never stood a chance

astrology 1, this dude 0

His own fault for having a player-shaped chart
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Posted by Hypnotoad
Posted by LadyVenusxox

I'm just going to meet up with him once for some good sex and then stop talking to him.

Show us your chart then, so we know what a playa look like.
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Posted by Hypnotoad
Posted by LadyVenusxox

I'm just going to meet up with him once for some good sex and then stop talking to him.

Show us your chart then, so we know what a playa look like.
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Posted by dillweed
Posted by Hypnotoad
Posted by LadyVenusxox

I'm just going to meet up with him once for some good sex and then stop talking to him.

Show us your chart then, so we know what a playa look like.


taurus sun

aqua moon

aries merc

pisces venus

gemini mars

dat venus & mars...

plaaayyyyaaaaaa turn your head ‘rounddddd
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Venus in Pisces aren't players people always think Mars in Gemini are players but we just like mental stimulation. Virgo Venuses are picky they like skinny plain jane looking women and that's not me lol. I'm curvy so I know he's not attracted to me even though he says he is.
Posted by dillweed
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by dillweed
Posted by Hypnotoad
Posted by LadyVenusxox

I'm just going to meet up with him once for some good sex and then stop talking to him.

Show us your chart then, so we know what a playa look like.


taurus sun

aqua moon

aries merc

pisces venus

gemini mars

dat venus & mars...

plaaayyyyaaaaaa turn your head ‘rounddddd

Venus in Pisces aren't players people always think Mars in Gemini are players but we just like mental stimulation. Virgo Venuses are picky they like skinny plain jane looking women and that's not me lol. I'm curvy so I know he's not attracted to me even though he says he is.

sounds like you have major trust issues.

you cant even trust that this dude is attracted to you based on some astrology placement.

dont blame him for being a potential player when it’s clear you have trust issues that have nothing to do with him.
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I am speaking from experience I know another guy who has Venus in Virgo and he's a Virgo Sun. And he would always tell me how he didn't like the way I look and would tell me I needed to lose weight. He even made a comment about how my breasts looked.
Posted by dillweed
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by dillweed
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by dillweed
Posted by Hypnotoad
Posted by LadyVenusxox

I'm just going to meet up with him once for some good sex and then stop talking to him.

Show us your chart then, so we know what a playa look like.


taurus sun

aqua moon

aries merc

pisces venus

gemini mars

dat venus & mars...

plaaayyyyaaaaaa turn your head ‘rounddddd

Venus in Pisces aren't players people always think Mars in Gemini are players but we just like mental stimulation. Virgo Venuses are picky they like skinny plain jane looking women and that's not me lol. I'm curvy so I know he's not attracted to me even though he says he is.

sounds like you have major trust issues.

you cant even trust that this dude is attracted to you based on some astrology placement.

dont blame him for being a potential player when it’s clear you have trust issues that have nothing to do with him.

I am speaking from experience I know another guy who has Venus in Virgo and he's a Virgo Sun. And he would always tell me how he didn't like the way I look and would tell me I needed to lose weight. He even made a comment about how my breasts looked.

thats just one person’s preference. not an entire placement population.
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Other people have said the same thing about this Venus.
Posted by peachy06

Scorpio sun Libra moon, I remember one flirting with me even though I wasn't interested. He gave me "player" vibes.
Yeah, I bet but he says he's not.
I asked him if he was talking to anyone else and he said he doesn't have the time. Yeah well, I told him I talk to other men and that I just want sex with him I'm not going to let him play me.
Posted by peachy06
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by peachy06

Scorpio sun Libra moon, I remember one flirting with me even though I wasn't interested. He gave me "player" vibes.

Yeah, I bet but he says he's not.

He's not what ?
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He says he isn't a player.
Posted by peachy06
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by peachy06
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by peachy06

Scorpio sun Libra moon, I remember one flirting with me even though I wasn't interested. He gave me "player" vibes.

Yeah, I bet but he says he's not.

He's not what ?

He says he isn't a player.

But maybe he isn't though. Mine has venus and mars in Sagittarius, so maybe this could explain that.Yeah, my friend has Venus in Sag and she never talks about having a boyfriend.

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Posted by peachy06
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by peachy06
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by peachy06

Scorpio sun Libra moon, I remember one flirting with me even though I wasn't interested. He gave me "player" vibes.

Yeah, I bet but he says he's not.

He's not what ?

He says he isn't a player.

But maybe he isn't though. Mine has venus and mars in Sagittarius, so maybe this could explain that.
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Yeah, my friend has this placement and she never says anything about having a boyfriend.
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by Moon_River

Libra Moon and Scorpio Mars... yes! Must be!

Yeah, right he says he's not though....
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They all say that.
And another thing he's always saying how he likes my appearance. But I'm curvy and on the heavy side with large breasts, Venus in Virgo men aren't into heavy or curvy women. And his ex looks like a plain Jane and she hardly has any breasts she has Mars in Virgo I look nothing like her at all.
Men may like a certain appearance for their main girl but every now and then desire something different from their norm for sex. Not saying this is the case in your situation but just so you are aware. Anyway, does it really matter since all you are looking for is sex with him?
Posted by DonnaLibra

Men may like a certain appearance for their main girl but every now and then desire something different from their norm for sex. Not saying this is the case in your situation but just so you are aware. Anyway, does it really matter since all you are looking for is sex with him?
Yeah, I know that but I'm saying he said he likes how I look whether it be for sex or not.
Posted by LadyNeptune

Poor guy he may be thinking, is she the one?

But he never stood a chance

astrology 1, this dude 0
I keep trying to think like this but it's difficult.
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by dillweed
Posted by Hypnotoad
Posted by LadyVenusxox

I'm just going to meet up with him once for some good sex and then stop talking to him.

Show us your chart then, so we know what a playa look like.


taurus sun

aqua moon

aries merc

pisces venus

gemini mars

dat venus & mars...

plaaayyyyaaaaaa turn your head ‘rounddddd

Venus in Pisces aren't players people always think Mars in Gemini are players but we just like mental stimulation. Virgo Venuses are picky they like skinny plain jane looking women and that's not me lol. I'm curvy so I know he's not attracted to me even though he says he is.
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As someone with heavy Virgo placements your dead wrong. That is a very shallow interpretation of Virgo. Secondly you sound young so I'm assuming he is too. If this is the case neither of you probably know what you actually need or want yet. People change and adapt over time.

You are assuming waaaay to much about this guy based off of astrology.

If all you want is to use him as a fuck boy then own it and stop looking for justification. He will either be game for that or not.
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by LadyNeptune

Poor guy he may be thinking, is she the one?

But he never stood a chance

astrology 1, this dude 0

I keep trying to think like this but it's difficult.
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Play them before they play you.

Thing is you won't find something real if you don't take a chance and be vulnerable.
define player though

could one consciously feign interest and talk a bunch of bullshit just to get a nut?
Posted by Lostthoughts
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by dillweed
Posted by Hypnotoad
Posted by LadyVenusxox

I'm just going to meet up with him once for some good sex and then stop talking to him.

Show us your chart then, so we know what a playa look like.


taurus sun

aqua moon

aries merc

pisces venus

gemini mars

dat venus & mars...

plaaayyyyaaaaaa turn your head ‘rounddddd

Venus in Pisces aren't players people always think Mars in Gemini are players but we just like mental stimulation. Virgo Venuses are picky they like skinny plain jane looking women and that's not me lol. I'm curvy so I know he's not attracted to me even though he says he is.

As someone with heavy Virgo placements your dead wrong. That is a very shallow interpretation of Virgo. Secondly you sound young so I'm assuming he is too. If this is the case neither of you probably know what you actually need or want yet. People change and adapt over time.

You are assuming waaaay to much about this guy based off of astrology.

If all you want is to use him as a fuck boy then own it and stop looking for justification. He will either be game for that or not.
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This is what I get on Venus in Virgo men when I search google I'm not modest lol. And the chick he dated was exactly like the description below. So I'm just not getting why he would say he's attracted to me. He claims that he likes women with big tits but his ex basically had none lol it's insane.

Venus in Virgo Man

He prefers modest, humble, nice girls, but he can also get turned on by a bad girl in a “school girl” outfit with glasses. Men with Venus in Virgo are most attracted to women who are unassuming, unpretentious, even a little shy.
Posted by dillweed
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by Lostthoughts
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by dillweed
Posted by Hypnotoad
Posted by LadyVenusxox

I'm just going to meet up with him once for some good sex and then stop talking to him.

Show us your chart then, so we know what a playa look like.


taurus sun

aqua moon

aries merc

pisces venus

gemini mars

dat venus & mars...

plaaayyyyaaaaaa turn your head ‘rounddddd

Venus in Pisces aren't players people always think Mars in Gemini are players but we just like mental stimulation. Virgo Venuses are picky they like skinny plain jane looking women and that's not me lol. I'm curvy so I know he's not attracted to me even though he says he is.

As someone with heavy Virgo placements your dead wrong. That is a very shallow interpretation of Virgo. Secondly you sound young so I'm assuming he is too. If this is the case neither of you probably know what you actually need or want yet. People change and adapt over time.

You are assuming waaaay to much about this guy based off of astrology.

If all you want is to use him as a fuck boy then own it and stop looking for justification. He will either be game for that or not.

This is what I get on Venus in Virgo men when I search google I'm not modest lol. And the chick he dated was exactly like the description below. So I'm just not getting why he would say he's attracted to me. He claims that he likes women with big tits but his ex basically had none lol it's insane.

Venus in Virgo Man

He prefers modest, humble, nice girls, but he can also get turned on by a bad girl in a “school girl” outfit with glasses. Men with Venus in Virgo are most attracted to women who are unassuming, unpretentious, even a little shy.

you do realize astrology isnt everything right? that tastes & preferences differ from person to person? that sometimes someone can date someone wih no tits & next time be interested in someone with big tits?

you sound wildly insecure & you are projecting onto this guy. you are coming up with all of these weird ideas based off astrology alone.
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How am I being insecure when this is what people really say about Venus in Virgo men? And this has also been my experience with one? It's not being insecure if it's the truth. And all I'm saying is that Venus in Virgo men are picky and they usually aren't into women with large tits or curvy. I actually had one tell me I was fat and that my tits were saggy. So I'm not being insecure I'm telling it how it is. Now I know a guy with Mars in Cancer and he loves my tits and curves so you see the difference? I'm not being insecure I'm just telling the facts.
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by Lostthoughts
Posted by LadyVenusxox
Posted by dillweed
Posted by Hypnotoad
Posted by LadyVenusxox

I'm just going to meet up with him once for some good sex and then stop talking to him.

Show us your chart then, so we know what a playa look like.


taurus sun

aqua moon

aries merc

pisces venus

gemini mars

dat venus & mars...

plaaayyyyaaaaaa turn your head ‘rounddddd

Venus in Pisces aren't players people always think Mars in Gemini are players but we just like mental stimulation. Virgo Venuses are picky they like skinny plain jane looking women and that's not me lol. I'm curvy so I know he's not attracted to me even though he says he is.

As someone with heavy Virgo placements your dead wrong. That is a very shallow interpretation of Virgo. Secondly you sound young so I'm assuming he is too. If this is the case neither of you probably know what you actually need or want yet. People change and adapt over time.

You are assuming waaaay to much about this guy based off of astrology.

If all you want is to use him as a fuck boy then own it and stop looking for justification. He will either be game for that or not.

This is what I get on Venus in Virgo men when I search google I'm not modest lol. And the chick he dated was exactly like the description below. So I'm just not getting why he would say he's attracted to me. He claims that he likes women with big tits but his ex basically had none lol it's insane.

Venus in Virgo Man

He prefers modest, humble, nice girls, but he can also get turned on by a bad girl in a “school girl” outfit with glasses. Men with Venus in Virgo are most attracted to women who are unassuming, unpretentious, even a little shy.
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Woman who are "put together" would be a better description.

There is room there for individual style s and expression in there.

You will find some virgos will try to impose this ideal on people. We want to help or enhance.

I know some people could feel like we are judging you or bring pretentious but it is not always the case.

Personally for me is like seeing a beautiful rose bush and wanting to prune it to bring out that beauty even more.

Learning when to mind our own business(keep our mouth shut) or not impose when it's not wanted is a life lesson for virgos.

This is what trips people up in astrology, when you get too hung up on literal definitions. Which are parroted or laced with personal bias. It's also more complicated then single placement interpretation too. It's not 1+1=2 thing. It's more like painting a picture with colors that mix and bleed into each other on a canvas.

All that is beside the point though. You guys sound young and don't know what you actually want or need "yet". Obviously there is something about him you like so you are entertaining the idea of getting involved.

Go check that out.