Moon sign and what irks you the most

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by PoshChickenLove1111 on Saturday, February 12, 2022 and has 36 replies.
Capricorn moon here, I don't like entitlement of any kind. It irks me to the core.
Passive aggressive behaviour. Aries moon
Mind/petty games, manipulations, power struggle. Scorpio moon.
Injustice (misogyny, racism, homophobia, etc.), rude people and close-mindedness. Gemini moon.
being told what to do, what to think, where to go, how to live - sagittarius moon
Fake people in all aspects. False pride, false laughter, etc.

It's the lack of foundation. There's no real life experience or ground from which its born. Emotions should be real and understood. I feel people don't respect emotions, especially their own.

Scorpio moon 2nd house
Liars. People who lack emotional intelligence and those who manipulate others. Gemini moon in 8th
Scorpio moon


Those easily triggered emotionally that then hurt others

around them [verbal abuse] or [physical abuse]

because they have 0% control of their actions fueled by their emotions.

& liars

Taurus moon: chatterboxes, domineering people, whiny people, crying children
Broken systems, corruption, lack of a moral compass, lack of fair-play and insecure or sadist cheaters - who try to abuse this systems - to cope with their lack of self worth. It's particularly irking to see someone capable - avoiding a fair challenge (by facing someone of same or similar level to prove one's actual worth - even the possibility to get stronger - which is what i tend to admire) - instead, aiming mainly for bully situations - by cheating a broken system that makes that possible. A lot like a school bully who bullies children 6 years younger to feel any self worth - or someone who joins the police force just to abuse the power that comes with the badge. And same goes for any other position of power implying an equal level of responsibility.

Then again, even capable people who are lazy at their job - can be particularly irking. Which brings me to next thing i find irking, as in... "Windows Updates that brake more than they fix (aka wasting my time and the stress that comes with the knowledge - that the system was perfectly functional before they were installed).

Then there's the movie industry - where they try to milk some successful show - by releasing a shitty sequel - denoting rushed/lazy writing and poor management of the available resources. There's so many examples in this regard, like - more recently: Boba Fett (a somewhat sequel to "The Mandalorian"). To make things worst - it started pretty good (was watchable at first - or at least - entertaining enough), only to turn in a shit show - with some of its last episodes (the last one - was the straw that broke the camel's back for me). Tho, to be fair - even the original show wasn't particularly extraordinary - yet, still good enough (a good source of entertainment - if you will).

People who waste good food or steal my stuff, which reminds me...

The Aries Moon club.😏

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Unkindness especially to children and animals



Taurus Moon 🌝
Posted by neves

Broken systems, corruption, lack of a moral compass, lack of fair-play and insecure or sadist cheaters - who try to abuse this systems - to cope with their lack of self worth. It's particularly irking to see someone capable - avoiding a fair challenge (by facing someone of same or similar level to prove one's actual worth - even the possibility to get stronger - which is what i tend to admire) - instead, aiming mainly for bully situations - by cheating a broken system that makes that possible. A lot like a school bully who bullies children 6 years younger to feel any self worth - or someone who joins the police force just to abuse the power that comes with the badge. And same goes for any other position of power implying an equal level of responsibility.

Then again, even capable people who are lazy at their job - can be particularly irking. Which brings me to next thing i find irking, as in... "Windows Updates that brake more than they fix (aka wasting my time and the stress that comes with the knowledge - that the system was perfectly functional before they were installed).

Then there's the movie industry - where they try to milk some successful show - by releasing a shitty sequel - denoting rushed/lazy writing and poor management of the available resources. There's so many examples in this regard, like - more recently: Boba Fett (a somewhat sequel to "The Mandalorian"). To make things worst - it started pretty good (was watchable at first - or at least - entertaining enough), only to turn in a shit show - with some of its last episodes (the last one - was the straw that broke the camel's back for me). Tho, to be fair - even the original show wasn't particularly extraordinary - yet, still good enough (a good source of entertainment - if you will).

People who waste good food or steal my stuff, which reminds me...

The Aries Moon club.😏

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Yes, the movie industry is complex.
People who write their moons incorrectly grates my ass raw.

8h Virgo moon
Scorpio moon.

People who constantly want to talk about all the anxiety driven shit they watch in the news, or on social media. The louder they get, the more I slowly unhinge. I just can't stand people who fill their existence with entertainment that only fuels anxiety and negativity. Though almost all of us do this, myself included. I still deeply believe any person who can easily pick a side is flawed in every aspect. It truly makes me hate, and not in the light way. Like the type of hate that makes me want them to not exist anymore. Because at that point they are nothing more then a source of bigoted opinionated toxicity. At my core I absolutely hate that. If I could sacrifice all people manipulated by personal opinions and corruption, myself included, so humanity as a whole could be a better existence, I would. Who am I kidding though, humans are shit. We deserve this world imo 🤣
Posted by Soul

Scorpio moon.

People who constantly want to talk about all the anxiety driven shit they watch in the news, or on social media. The louder they get, the more I slowly unhinge. I just can't stand people who fill their existence with entertainment that only fuels anxiety and negativity. Though almost all of us do this, myself included. I still deeply believe any person who can easily pick a side is flawed in every aspect. It truly makes me hate, and not in the light way. Like the type of hate that makes me want them to not exist anymore. Because at that point they are nothing more then a source of bigoted opinionated toxicity. At my core I absolutely hate that. If I could sacrifice all people manipulated by personal opinions and corruption, myself included, so humanity as a whole could be a better existence, I would. Who am I kidding though, humans are shit. We deserve this world imo 🤣

I know what you mean, I met someone like this. It's draining!
People who talks entirely too much. Ironically I have a Gemini moon. You would think I like that sort of thing being born with the moon in Gemini.

Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

People who talks entirely too much. Ironically I have a Gemini moon. You would think I like that sort of thing being born with the moon in Gemini.

I think I better elaborate exactly what I mean in case nobody understand this from a viewpoint stand.

Like this Libra dude I know talks way too much. What's irritating to me is that I have to run into this guy almost everyday. If there was a way to avoid him I most certainly would. If I so much as ask him a simple yes or no question not only he would answer it but I also gotta hear 5,000+ words too. Like dude I just ask a simple question. I dozed off to sleep and Dreamland on him one time and you think he stopped talking? Nope. I have to wonder if all libras are like that.
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

People who talks entirely too much. Ironically I have a Gemini moon. You would think I like that sort of thing being born with the moon in Gemini.

Posted by PoshChickenLove1111
Posted by neves

Broken systems, corruption, lack of a moral compass, lack of fair-play and insecure or sadist cheaters - who try to abuse this systems - to cope with their lack of self worth. It's particularly irking to see someone capable - avoiding a fair challenge (by facing someone of same or similar level to prove one's actual worth - even the possibility to get stronger - which is what i tend to admire) - instead, aiming mainly for bully situations - by cheating a broken system that makes that possible. A lot like a school bully who bullies children 6 years younger to feel any self worth - or someone who joins the police force just to abuse the power that comes with the badge. And same goes for any other position of power implying an equal level of responsibility.

Then again, even capable people who are lazy at their job - can be particularly irking. Which brings me to next thing i find irking, as in... "Windows Updates that brake more than they fix (aka wasting my time and the stress that comes with the knowledge - that the system was perfectly functional before they were installed).

Then there's the movie industry - where they try to milk some successful show - by releasing a shitty sequel - denoting rushed/lazy writing and poor management of the available resources. There's so many examples in this regard, like - more recently: Boba Fett (a somewhat sequel to "The Mandalorian"). To make things worst - it started pretty good (was watchable at first - or at least - entertaining enough), only to turn in a shit show - with some of its last episodes (the last one - was the straw that broke the camel's back for me). Tho, to be fair - even the original show wasn't particularly extraordinary - yet, still good enough (a good source of entertainment - if you will).

People who waste good food or steal my stuff, which reminds me...

The Aries Moon club.😏

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Yes, the movie industry is complex.
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In more ways than just one. Another irking thing about the American movie industry: around 70% of titles are poisoned by political correctness agendas. Like modern feminists forcing girl power roles - where the men are either feminist themselves or they're portrayed as weak, highly misogynistic, evil and/or stupid. Not to mention all the BS remakes - of past titles with male protagonists - replaced by female protagonists. Then there's LGBT being mixed in almost every movie title - as if this became a standard requirement to be allowed to make a movie in U.S.A. And same goes for racism - being used quite often as a tool for the sake of profit. Machiavellianism - at its best.

And that's just it... they're ruining part of the movie industry - by forcing all the political agendas "that are trendy right now" - while hopping to generate higher profits from those who support that agenda. Thus, even stories with potential (for a good movie) turn to shit. It's like trying to make some dish - while taking into account the tastes of everyone living in that house. As in, roasting a chicken - and bathing it in a sauce made of Rocky road ice cream, avocados, green juice and pepperoni pizza. Individually all this ingredients could do justice on their own - even a mix of two could work, but when you throw it all in a dish - while expecting the final result to please everyone, well... 🤢 🤮 🤧

LE.Funny thing (or ironical - if you will), the last good movies i watched (imo) - actually involved themes like racism and feminism. It's just that - those were about the real thing (actual prejudice and injustice). Since both titles are inspired or based on real stories. As in: "The Mauritanian" and "The Last Duel". Tho, i didn't binge every movie released in 2021 - 2022 - so, there's probably more good movies - involving similar political themes. It's just that - in a lot of other cases, it was easy to tell - that those political agendas were the main thing they were selling. While movies like the ones from above - sold a good story and good cinema, capitalizing on stuff that actually happened - instead of trying to force it in the narrative - and hopping that part alone would get them a larger audience.
People with no morals and no manners

Sag moon 🙂
Posted by karlsmagpie
Posted by karlsmagpie

lazy, whiny, passive aggressive, irresponsible, overly emotional, loud pushy people, virgo moon

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Same here. Add to that human beings. Period.
Leo moon and I cant stand a disrespectful mf. Quickest way for me to get loud and I mean real mf loud. And bullying. Ive stopped somebody earlier this year from picking on a woman. Those 2 things make me jump up before I can tell myself to chill
Posted by Midnite_Riser
Posted by jeane

being told what to do, what to think, where to go, how to live - sagittarius moon

The future is going to be painful for you. As all Moon in Saggs will be FORCED to have to live a very restricted life.
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How do you know this?
Posted by Midnite_Riser People who go on the whims of emotions and don't think about their actions... People who are too quiet. People who take too many risks and think it'll always be fine. Negative energy.
Oh no dude. Why people who are too quiet? Sad

You'll definitely be irked out by me in real life. I don't say nothing unless I'm being talked to by someone first. I feel safe if I stay quiet. But you seem to be cool on here though. You don't come off as talkative on here.
People who judge a book by its cover. Every one is at least some type of these negative traits at some point in time. Mostly I don't like being told what to do. Moon in FU





Posted by Midnite_Riser
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Midnite_Riser People who go on the whims of emotions and don't think about their actions... People who are too quiet. People who take too many risks and think it'll always be fine. Negative energy.

Oh no dude. Why people who are too quiet? Sad

You'll definitely be irked out by me in real life. I don't say nothing unless I'm being talked to by someone first. I feel safe if I stay quiet. But you seem to be cool on here though. You don't come off as talkative on here.

I am a Libra. I am cool, can be conceited and the braggy type which comes from my Lilith in Taurus and Moon in Taurus. However, I am a sweet person, fun, uplifting and funny/playful person. I have been disliked because of coming off as judgemental but sometimes I am not aware that I come off like that. I'm not perfect as I have my struggles too as a human being.

Optimistic Peachy06 at me again Big Grin There is always a Moon in Taurus vs Moon in Sagittarius rivalry ah?? Check Daniel Cormier vs Jon Jones
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Hm well ain't too much about me. In truth I'm mostly a boring being to be around. Nothing joyful and exciting about me. The fact that it takes a very long time for people to gain my trust and open up is really what I more than likely to get disliked about. Somehow I can feel that tension on this site as well.

And I'm sorry to say this but you on your own with that peachy character. Gemini moons usually dont want no involvement in those type masquerades.
Posted by Midnite_Riser
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Midnite_Riser
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Midnite_Riser People who go on the whims of emotions and don't think about their actions... People who are too quiet. People who take too many risks and think it'll always be fine. Negative energy.

Oh no dude. Why people who are too quiet? Sad

You'll definitely be irked out by me in real life. I don't say nothing unless I'm being talked to by someone first. I feel safe if I stay quiet. But you seem to be cool on here though. You don't come off as talkative on here.

I am a Libra. I am cool, can be conceited and the braggy type which comes from my Lilith in Taurus and Moon in Taurus. However, I am a sweet person, fun, uplifting and funny/playful person. I have been disliked because of coming off as judgemental but sometimes I am not aware that I come off like that. I'm not perfect as I have my struggles too as a human being.

Optimistic Peachy06 at me again Big Grin There is always a Moon in Taurus vs Moon in Sagittarius rivalry ah?? Check Daniel Cormier vs Jon Jones

Hm well ain't too much about me. In truth I'm mostly a boring being to be around. Nothing joyful and exciting about me. The fact that it takes a very long time for people to gain my trust and open up is really what I more than likely to get disliked about. Somehow I can feel that tension on this site as well.

And I'm sorry to say this but you on your own with that peachy character. Gemini moons usually dont want no involvement in those type masquerades.

You have a Gemini Moon?
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Yep. At 24 degree. The Aquarius moon decan. That could explain a little why I'm not nobody's average Gemini moon.
Posted by Midnite_Riser
Posted by Jan12girl
Posted by Midnite_Riser
Posted by jeane

being told what to do, what to think, where to go, how to live - sagittarius moon

The future is going to be painful for you. As all Moon in Saggs will be FORCED to have to live a very restricted life.

Restriction is also a state of mind. I am Sagg moon and even lockdowns of covid and following rules for greater good did not make me feel restricted . I think only someone who feels free inside can understand this state of bliss .

No, not lockdowns. I am talking about something far worse than lockdowns that's coming. I've gotta keep it under wraps until the world events come closer.
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Are you talking about the fallout/repercussions from

the vaccine?
Posted by Undine


Posted by Midnite_Riser
Posted by jeane

being told what to do, what to think, where to go, how to live - sagittarius moon

The future is going to be painful for you. As all Moon in Saggs will be FORCED to have to live a very restricted life.
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ha! and in typical fashion, i refuse to accept that.
Flakey unreliable people

2nd house Taurus 🌝


This ties in with entitlement but people who manipulate/lie playing with semantics and when you call them out, they are adamant and suddenly pretend their command in English is weak. For example, lately I’m coming across people who feel some embarrassment about something they do. For example, smoking pot or smoking cigarette, so when someone asks them, “do you smoke?” They say no. Later on when they get found and questioned on their lie, they start to make their own definitions that “I don’t smoke because I do it here and there casually.” 🤯 As you discuss more, you find out that they have some insecurities of their own about smoking and want a non-smoker for themselves, hence they felt the need to lie. Just bizarre and annoying. That’s just one example.
People who talk too much and rarely listen.

Those who complain and critisize.

Cancer moon
Posted by Subliminals

People who talk too much and rarely listen.

Those who complain and critisize.

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