Sharing personal planets with parents

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by applecherrypie on Wednesday, August 28, 2019 and has 16 replies.
For me, my mom is a cancer sun and I'm a cancer rising. My dad is an aquarius sun and I'm an aquarius moon. I always thought that was pretty neat and yeah my parents are really different lol but I feel I understand both very well. I can see things from both their perspective. I would say I'm definitely more like my dad but over the years I have been socialized to also be like my mom? My mom and I have similar expressions sometimes.

Do you share personal planets with your parents and how do you think that has affected you?
Posted by dilettante

i always find this pattern interesting.

my mom & brother are both aries w/ cancer rising.

my mom has a sag moon, i have a sag stellium. my brother is a scorpio moon, i am a scorpio.

neither of them have air in their chart & lemme tell you, they do not have a stitch of common sense.

Yeah I always thought it was pretty cool how we can share signs with family. Do you feel you understand each other well?
Posted by dilettante
Posted by applecherrypie
Posted by dilettante

i always find this pattern interesting.

my mom & brother are both aries w/ cancer rising.

my mom has a sag moon, i have a sag stellium. my brother is a scorpio moon, i am a scorpio.

neither of them have air in their chart & lemme tell you, they do not have a stitch of common sense.

Yeah I always thought it was pretty cool how we can share signs with family. Do you feel you understand each other well?

they drive me fucking crazy.

i have a lot of air in my chart so, the dramatic tendencies really grate my brain. their reactions to things are always SO extreme.

im always the one telling everyone to chill tf out.
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Lol. Everyone except me in my family have fire moons. But they are still really calm, oddly enough. Actually I find their charts (except sun sign) don't fit them that well. We are all kind of a mess of contradictions tho and have difficult sun-moon aspects... So maybe we just all struggle to express ourselves emotionally lmao. This literally just occured to me as I was typing it out. Wow.
Posted by dilettante
Posted by applecherrypie
Posted by dilettante
Posted by applecherrypie
Posted by dilettante

i always find this pattern interesting.

my mom & brother are both aries w/ cancer rising.

my mom has a sag moon, i have a sag stellium. my brother is a scorpio moon, i am a scorpio.

neither of them have air in their chart & lemme tell you, they do not have a stitch of common sense.

Yeah I always thought it was pretty cool how we can share signs with family. Do you feel you understand each other well?

they drive me fucking crazy.

i have a lot of air in my chart so, the dramatic tendencies really grate my brain. their reactions to things are always SO extreme.

im always the one telling everyone to chill tf out.

Lol. Everyone except me in my family have fire moons. But they are still really calm, oddly enough. Actually I find their charts (except sun sign) don't fit them that well. We are all kind of a mess of contradictions tho and have difficult sun-moon aspects... So maybe we just all struggle to express ourselves emotionally lmao. This literally just occured to me as I was typing it out. Wow.

another pattern, we all have earth house stelliums. mom is 6th / bro is 2nd / i am 10th

v v v interesting 🤔
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Yeah the more you think about it, the more you realize lmao.
Posted by applecherrypie

For me, my mom is a cancer sun and I'm a cancer rising. My dad is an aquarius sun and I'm an aquarius moon. I always thought that was pretty neat and yeah my parents are really different lol but I feel I understand both very well. I can see things from both their perspective. I would say I'm definitely more like my dad but over the years I have been socialized to also be like my mom? My mom and I have similar expressions sometimes.

Do you share personal planets with your parents and how do you think that has affected you?
Yes, my family jokes that I am a jr.

My father was a Cap Sun and I am a Cap Ascendant. We both are Gem Moons and have Venus in Aquarius.

What special to me is in my immediate family, me, my mom, dad, and my children have Juipiter at home in Pisces or exhalted in Cancer.
Cap sun dad, I’m Cap dominant with rising, merc, Venus, Mars

Mom aqua moon, me aqua moon.

Brother - aqua sun

Can’t remember all there placements but mom & brother have a LOT of air and can’t really relate me much.

Dad & me - we always fought a lot but we were both more sensitive, and into interesting concepts, and he taught me to never give up, the sky’s the limit, mind over matter etc.
Dad was a scorp sun and I'm a scorp rising. We could read each other like a book. Butted heads a lot because we were so similar. I don't have any placements in common with my mom and if we didn't look a wouldn't know she was my mom lol.
My mom is an Aries sun and mars

I have an Aries mercury, one of my bro’s has an Aries Venus and south node, and the other has an Aries rising

My dad is a Gemini and I have a venus and MC in Gemini

My bro’s and I don’t really have a great relationship with our parents.

My sun and moon match up to my both my little bro’s sun and moon which I thought was cool.

One bro is a Taurus moon and the other is a Cancer sun. Then their moons oppose each other. One is a Scorpio moon and the other is a Taurus moon.
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus

My mom is an Aries sun and mars

I have an Aries mercury, one of my bro’s has an Aries Venus and south node, and the other has an Aries rising

My dad is a Gemini and I have a venus and MC in Gemini

My bro’s and I don’t really have a great relationship with our parents.

My sun and moon match up to my both my little bro’s sun and moon which I thought was cool.

One bro is a Taurus moon and the other is a Cancer sun. Then their moons oppose each other. One is a Scorpio moon and the other is a Taurus moon.

Wow that's such a weird astrological dynamic with your brothers.
I have often though about this :-)



SUN - Libra

MOON - Gemini


VENUS - Virgo

MARS - Cancer



SUN - Scorpio

MOON - Libra


VENUS - Libra

MARS - Libra



SUN - Leo

MOON - Leo


VENUS - Cancer

MARS - Pisces


SUN - Libra

MOON - Gemini


VENUS - Virgo

MARS - Cancer

Eldest Son:


SUN - Virgo

MOON - Gemini


VENUS - Cancer

MARS - Cancer

Twin Sons:


SUN - Sag

MOON - Pisces

MERCURY - Capricorn

VENUS - Scorpio

MARS - Capricorn
My Aries ascendant shares my Dad's sun sign

My Capricorn MC shares my Mum's sun sign

I inherited his fire and enthusiasm and her practicality and ambition towards business and career

Great combination 👍

Thanks Mum and Dad wherever you are ❤️😇😇❤️
Our son is Virgo dom with Sun and Venus in Scorpio

His dad has a Virgo sun and Mercury

I have Sun and Venus plus three other planets in Scorpio

Astrology is inherited...🌟
Posted by applecherrypie
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus

My mom is an Aries sun and mars

I have an Aries mercury, one of my bro’s has an Aries Venus and south node, and the other has an Aries rising

My dad is a Gemini and I have a venus and MC in Gemini

My bro’s and I don’t really have a great relationship with our parents.

My sun and moon match up to my both my little bro’s sun and moon which I thought was cool.

One bro is a Taurus moon and the other is a Cancer sun. Then their moons oppose each other. One is a Scorpio moon and the other is a Taurus moon.

Wow that's such a weird astrological dynamic with your brothers.
click to expand

Right?! It makes sense because we had a pretty bad childhood, and I’m the oldest who had to pick up the pieces and take care of them both when my mom failed to. So when I saw this, it clicked in my head. I probably had to have my placements in order to really understand how to take care of them.

My aunt was our main caregiver and we all consider her more of a mother to us and she’s a cancer sun Scorpio moon. Same exact placements as one bro, then my moon and her sun are the same, my sun opposes her moon, and my other bro’s moon opposes her moon and they’re both water suns.
Posted by but_didyoudie

After doing some analysis, i think you are born with astrological aspects that would allow you to survive under that family clan.

Both my parents were Leo suns, expect my mom's moon was in Cancer and my dad's in Capricorn... and then they made me = same sun but moon in Scorpio. By far my mother takes the cake for moodiness (crabby people) but I had to learn how to survive amongst them two and other lions too.... I've had to learn how to control my attitude.

Truth be told, i was afraid of my mother the most... my dad not really, we're prob more alike than anything... but my mom, all she had to do was look at me and I'll quit my shit. Big Grin she would resort to pinching me sometimes though because I have a big mouth. I would say too much in a crude/vulgar manner pretty much as soon as i started speaking in Spanish. One time my dad was supposedly using the RR and I answered the phone and embarrassed him by saying he was taking a shit... I will never forget that story. Or how i tried to kill him with a hammer supposedly, well just hit him out of nowhere...while he was sleeping... but of course the leo that he is made it extra dramatic. I was not the best child I suppose but it was probably my survival instincts kicking in bc one time i think my brother tried to kill me when i was a baby... for some reason my mom had be covered with a blanket and my brother supposedly didn't know i was under the cover and he came and tackled the blanket like in one of those wwe fights... accident yeah right.

My brother... he was a cancer moon libra sun leo AC... when we were good, we were great but when we were bad it was war. Again control my attitude.

My sister... aqua moon leo sun libra AC... i just dont get her and have accepted i never will. Judgy as f. Control my attitude... again theme.

My cousin.. scorp moon leo sun sag AC... he is my favorite, no filter but has manners and a brain. I can just be myself because he is way worse than me.

Damn girl... That's a lot of leo suns in the family.
Na all my planets shared with my parents are in distant planets. I guess I'm the odd one in the bunch, you can say.