What do you know about this aspect? I heard, that this combo is really bad
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Oct 11, 2017Comments: 3 · Posts: 3195 · Topics: 7
Natal, Transit or Synastry?
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Feb 23, 2013Comments: 22238 · Posts: 25616 · Topics: 84
Sun square Saturn natal represents tests and challenges that have to be overcome to get ahead in life. This aspect may cause difficulties early in life with self-esteem as a result of criticism from people, especially authority figures like your father.
You may be too hard on yourself.
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Oct 11, 2017Comments: 3 · Posts: 3195 · Topics: 7
Sun Square Saturn
The Sun square Saturn in the birth chart is an obstacle placed between the development of the Self and rationality. It can make you so introverted, or habitually self-analyzing, that it ends up clouding your intelligence.
The Self feels threatened by its own inability to see clearly, or to accept certain unavoidable limitations of the will. An inferiority complex sometimes derives from all this. Sometimes, there is a guilt complex that leads to self-repressive or self-punishing behavior. There can be a weakening of the mental faculties.
Sun square Saturn, like the opposition, generally represents conflicts with the father figure, or with authority in general.
Ancient astrologers believed that Sun square Saturn in the birth chart indicates that the person will have much sickness. And also that the person’s father will have misfortunes. Ptolemy wrote in Tetrabiblos:
Saturn himself in an unfavourable aspect to the Sun brings about the father’s death by disease and illnesses caused by gatherings of humours.
In a woman’s chart, even though ancient astrologers believed that any Sun-Saturn aspect would describe her husband as steadfast, prosperous and industrious, they also believed that Sun square (or opposition) Saturn would also mean trouble in love and marriage.