Posted by CoffeeAndCreamI think the women are more chill then the men honestlyPosted by ELIGAB
I think my Leo hairstylist is purposely cut extra off my hair... luckily my hair grows fast
Also when she was cutting my hair, her convo on the phone was about violence....
I still wanna smash and IDGAF
women of all signs can be psychos, but Leo men to me are manly and chillclick to expand
Posted by ELIGAB
I think the women are more chill then the men honestly
Leo works better for females.....
Posted by CoffeeAndCreamIf you happen to outshine a Leo, they can become all bitter, etc;.. it's actually quite vicious too... 🤭Posted by ELIGABPosted by CoffeeAndCreamPosted by ELIGAB
I think my Leo hairstylist is purposely cut extra off my hair... luckily my hair grows fast
Also when she was cutting my hair, her convo on the phone was about violence....
I still wanna smash and IDGAF
women of all signs can be psychos, but Leo men to me are manly and chill
I think the women are more chill then the men honestly
Leo works better for females.....
The bad traits about LEO men for me is that
1) They are traditional and want to be catered too
2) Most of them seek women who are on the same wavelength, if they are a powerhouse, they want a woman on the same A game (which isn't a bad thing, but sheet sounds exhausting)
3) They like their Ego stroked
4) They can be cold like colder than the Himalayas
Otherwise No I don't find them manipulative, dark, bitter, etc, at all, i find them the opposite actually unless they have HEAVY Water placementsclick to expand
Posted by Piscivore
Leos (especially the men) are actually more insecure than they let on but, at the same time, they are easily envious of others.
Combine that with their selfishness, overbearing pride and boundary issues, this would largely explain why they often tend to screw over those closest to them.
Posted by blackphvsePosted by PiscivorePosted by blackphvse
I call bullshit. I've had the pleasure of many Leo men in my life (family, friends, relationships, roommates) Leos ain't like that at all.
But you're not a man, so the dynamics are completely different.
When Leos feel insecure or threatened by your mere presence, that's when the knives covertly come out.
Find a Leo woman who feels intimidated by you (for whatever reason and beyond your control) and you'll soon find out.
So they only feel insecure or threatened by the same sex? I would think the opposite sex could easily also make them feel insecure.
You said the men were worse than the women, but given what you just said and not being a man yourself, how did you come to that conclusion? I've seen Leo men threatened and not act like this. They deal with it at the time, then it's done. At least from what I have seen of my Leo brother, 2 close male friends growing up, a male roommate and an ex of 5 years (all Leo men) I've never once seen this kind of behaviour coming from them. Also, none of them have Scorpio in their chart.. maybe the Leos that act like that have strong Scorp placements?click to expand
Posted by LunamaraPosted by Piscivore
Leos (especially the men) are actually more insecure than they let on but, at the same time, they are easily envious of others.
Combine that with their selfishness, overbearing pride and boundary issues, this would largely explain why they often tend to screw over those closest to them.
Leo ex was appearantly envious of my family stating I was too dependent. Lies I’m independent just love my family. So he made sure I distanced slowly throughout the years. He admitted it in the to expand
Posted by blackphvseWhat makes you think that Piscivore is not a man?Posted by PiscivorePosted by blackphvse
I call bullshit. I've had the pleasure of many Leo men in my life (family, friends, relationships, roommates) Leos ain't like that at all.
But you're not a man, so the dynamics are completely different.
When Leos feel insecure or threatened by your mere presence, that's when the knives covertly come out.
Find a Leo woman who feels intimidated by you (for whatever reason and beyond your control) and you'll soon find out.
So they only feel insecure or threatened by the same sex? I would think the opposite sex could easily also make them feel insecure.
You said the men were worse than the women, but given what you just said and not being a man yourself, how did you come to that conclusion? I've seen Leo men threatened and not act like this. They deal with it at the time, then it's done. At least from what I have seen of my Leo brother, 2 close male friends growing up, a male roommate and an ex of 5 years (all Leo men) I've never once seen this kind of behaviour coming from them. Also, none of them have Scorpio in their chart.. maybe the Leos that act like that have strong Scorp placements?click to expand
Posted by CoffeeAndCreamPosted by UndinePosted by blackphvsePosted by PiscivorePosted by blackphvse
I call bullshit. I've had the pleasure of many Leo men in my life (family, friends, relationships, roommates) Leos ain't like that at all.
But you're not a man, so the dynamics are completely different.
When Leos feel insecure or threatened by your mere presence, that's when the knives covertly come out.
Find a Leo woman who feels intimidated by you (for whatever reason and beyond your control) and you'll soon find out.
So they only feel insecure or threatened by the same sex? I would think the opposite sex could easily also make them feel insecure.
You said the men were worse than the women, but given what you just said and not being a man yourself, how did you come to that conclusion? I've seen Leo men threatened and not act like this. They deal with it at the time, then it's done. At least from what I have seen of my Leo brother, 2 close male friends growing up, a male roommate and an ex of 5 years (all Leo men) I've never once seen this kind of behaviour coming from them. Also, none of them have Scorpio in their chart.. maybe the Leos that act like that have strong Scorp placements?
What makes you think that Piscivore is not a man?
is it that bastard gobells or whatever
no wonder such a negative userclick to expand
Posted by CoffeeAndCreamPosted by LunamaraPosted by blackphvsePosted by PiscivorePosted by blackphvse
I call bullshit. I've had the pleasure of many Leo men in my life (family, friends, relationships, roommates) Leos ain't like that at all.
But you're not a man, so the dynamics are completely different.
When Leos feel insecure or threatened by your mere presence, that's when the knives covertly come out.
Find a Leo woman who feels intimidated by you (for whatever reason and beyond your control) and you'll soon find out.
So they only feel insecure or threatened by the same sex? I would think the opposite sex could easily also make them feel insecure.
You said the men were worse than the women, but given what you just said and not being a man yourself, how did you come to that conclusion? I've seen Leo men threatened and not act like this. They deal with it at the time, then it's done. At least from what I have seen of my Leo brother, 2 close male friends growing up, a male roommate and an ex of 5 years (all Leo men) I've never once seen this kind of behaviour coming from them. Also, none of them have Scorpio in their chart.. maybe the Leos that act like that have strong Scorp placements?
Again liars manipulation ect is not Scorpio placements!
yes it is . maybe you're not like that neither is my brother
but I've come across Scorpio women that are liars and venomousclick to expand
Posted by PiscivoreI think they are extremely competitive as you say. I think it goes hand in hand with their insecurity. They want what you have and think they are deserving of it, just as much, if not more then you.Posted by blackphvse
I call bullshit. I've had the pleasure of many Leo men in my life (family, friends, relationships, roommates) Leos ain't like that at all.
But you're not a man, so the dynamics are completely different.
When Leos feel insecure or threatened by your mere presence, that's when the knives covertly come out.
Find a Leo woman who feels intimidated by you (for whatever reason and beyond your control) and you'll soon find to expand
Posted by CoffeeAndCreamI agree with that. I think they are too sweet to be Psychos. Too childlike and playful, similar to Aquarius.Posted by saggurl88Posted by PiscivorePosted by blackphvse
I call bullshit. I've had the pleasure of many Leo men in my life (family, friends, relationships, roommates) Leos ain't like that at all.
But you're not a man, so the dynamics are completely different.
When Leos feel insecure or threatened by your mere presence, that's when the knives covertly come out.
Find a Leo woman who feels intimidated by you (for whatever reason and beyond your control) and you'll soon find out.
I think they are extremely competitive as you say. I think it goes hand in hand with their insecurity. They want what you have and think they are deserving of it, just as much, if not more then you.
Sounds like ambition though. They bitch and whine, but still will be competitive and work for it.
They're not going to make midnight phone calls to your parents.
Just lol of course LEO men are competitive but they're not psychos like that. At least the majority, there may be a few out to expand
Posted by CoffeeAndCreamLMAO! Not Goebbels. His name was Gobby.Posted by blackphvsePosted by xiongmaoPosted by blackphvsePosted by CoffeeAndCreamPosted by UndinePosted by blackphvsePosted by PiscivorePosted by blackphvse
I call bullshit. I've had the pleasure of many Leo men in my life (family, friends, relationships, roommates) Leos ain't like that at all.
But you're not a man, so the dynamics are completely different.
When Leos feel insecure or threatened by your mere presence, that's when the knives covertly come out.
Find a Leo woman who feels intimidated by you (for whatever reason and beyond your control) and you'll soon find out.
So they only feel insecure or threatened by the same sex? I would think the opposite sex could easily also make them feel insecure.
You said the men were worse than the women, but given what you just said and not being a man yourself, how did you come to that conclusion? I've seen Leo men threatened and not act like this. They deal with it at the time, then it's done. At least from what I have seen of my Leo brother, 2 close male friends growing up, a male roommate and an ex of 5 years (all Leo men) I've never once seen this kind of behaviour coming from them. Also, none of them have Scorpio in their chart.. maybe the Leos that act like that have strong Scorp placements?
What makes you think that Piscivore is not a man?
is it that bastard gobells or whatever
no wonder such a negative user
In my head I thought it was Pisco.. I think I was wrong. LMAOO
Nah, not Pisco.
But she is on dxp right now.
Now I feel bad for thinking that user was her. I can't keep track of peoples accounts here anymore, when I saw that name I just assumed it was her. My bad.
Well it does look like her old user name so its understandable, but this person is mad negative, they never say anything nice
it's GOEBBELS - that cap guyclick to expand
Posted by blackphvsePosted by LunamaraPosted by blackphvsePosted by PiscivorePosted by blackphvse
I call bullshit. I've had the pleasure of many Leo men in my life (family, friends, relationships, roommates) Leos ain't like that at all.
But you're not a man, so the dynamics are completely different.
When Leos feel insecure or threatened by your mere presence, that's when the knives covertly come out.
Find a Leo woman who feels intimidated by you (for whatever reason and beyond your control) and you'll soon find out.
So they only feel insecure or threatened by the same sex? I would think the opposite sex could easily also make them feel insecure.
You said the men were worse than the women, but given what you just said and not being a man yourself, how did you come to that conclusion? I've seen Leo men threatened and not act like this. They deal with it at the time, then it's done. At least from what I have seen of my Leo brother, 2 close male friends growing up, a male roommate and an ex of 5 years (all Leo men) I've never once seen this kind of behaviour coming from them. Also, none of them have Scorpio in their chart.. maybe the Leos that act like that have strong Scorp placements?
Again liars manipulation ect is not Scorpio placements!
Didn't say they were.. I am only speaking about what was mentioned in the thread "vindictive, hateful, dark, paranoid, and masters at screwing others over, revenge seeking".. You threw Liars and manipulation in there, not me. And I'm Scorpio dominant, Moon, Asc, Pluto with 8th House Sun.. I know what we are like and I don't think Lying was ever considered a Scorp trait.. so idk where you are even getting that to expand
Posted by PiscivoreYes , yes. I can see this. I actually like that about them. But that's as a woman looking up to a man. I like that they are in the spotlight. I want to be in a mans shadow.Posted by saggurl88Posted by PiscivorePosted by blackphvse
I call bullshit. I've had the pleasure of many Leo men in my life (family, friends, relationships, roommates) Leos ain't like that at all.
But you're not a man, so the dynamics are completely different.
When Leos feel insecure or threatened by your mere presence, that's when the knives covertly come out.
Find a Leo woman who feels intimidated by you (for whatever reason and beyond your control) and you'll soon find out.
I think they are extremely competitive as you say. I think it goes hand in hand with their insecurity. They want what you have and think they are deserving of it, just as much, if not more then you.
Sounds like ambition though. They bitch and whine, but still will be competitive and work for it.
I half-agree.
It's more about always having this INSATIABLE desire to be in the spotlight for EVERYTHING. That's not competitiveness but an acute lack of perspective - no-one can be the best at everything and no-one is perfect.
Ultimately, Leos don't like it when someone inadvertently places a mirror in front of them.
Like lions, Leos want to be kings... even though no-one else was consciously competing with them in the first frigging to expand
Posted by CoffeeAndCreamLol. Yup! They always want to put our fire out!Posted by saggurl88Posted by PiscivorePosted by saggurl88Posted by PiscivorePosted by blackphvse
I call bullshit. I've had the pleasure of many Leo men in my life (family, friends, relationships, roommates) Leos ain't like that at all.
But you're not a man, so the dynamics are completely different.
When Leos feel insecure or threatened by your mere presence, that's when the knives covertly come out.
Find a Leo woman who feels intimidated by you (for whatever reason and beyond your control) and you'll soon find out.
I think they are extremely competitive as you say. I think it goes hand in hand with their insecurity. They want what you have and think they are deserving of it, just as much, if not more then you.
Sounds like ambition though. They bitch and whine, but still will be competitive and work for it.
I half-agree.
It's more about always having this INSATIABLE desire to be in the spotlight for EVERYTHING. That's not competitiveness but an acute lack of perspective - no-one can be the best at everything and no-one is perfect.
Ultimately, Leos don't like it when someone inadvertently places a mirror in front of them.
Like lions, Leos want to be kings... even though no-one else was consciously competing with them in the first frigging place.
Yes , yes. I can see this. I actually like that about them. But that's as a woman looking up to a man. I like that they are in the spotlight. I want to be in a mans shadow.
But I don't think they are too competitive with me, so I don't see their bad parts. I don't even see the arrogance or ego they are supposed to have, but maybe it's because I have it too, so it's familiar and unrecognizable.
anybody that displays any kind of confidence is arrogant or has ego these daysclick to expand
Posted by RomanRdPosted by saggurl88that's as a woman looking up to a man. I like that they are in the spotlight. I want to be in a mans shadow.
Perfect! That’s Sag woman‘s best trait. I also read in the Sag s forum hiw a lot of Sag women on there write about awful experiences with abusive men. How do I win him back? They ask for advice.
I think the chemistry between Sagittarius women and Leo men is fyreclick to expand
Posted by CoffeeAndCream
2) Most of them seek women who are on the same wavelength, if they are a powerhouse, they want a woman on the same A game (which isn't a bad thing, but sheet sounds exhausting)
Posted by RomanRdLOL Sagittarius are selfish and self absorbed.
I see Sag being quite skilled at brown-nosing Leo even when Leo hasn’t done anything worthy of appraisal
They don’t seem too upset by Leo’s incessant need for praise. Maybe it’s a mutable vs fixed Sign thing? A Fixed Sign Being Awesome = a mutable in AWE ?
Posted by saggurl88Agree about Sags being self centred & Nice quote about the Sun x Leo, appreciate the panachePosted by RomanRd
I see Sag being quite skilled at brown-nosing Leo even when Leo hasn’t done anything worthy of appraisal
They don’t seem too upset by Leo’s incessant need for praise. Maybe it’s a mutable vs fixed Sign thing? A Fixed Sign Being Awesome = a mutable in AWE ?
LOL Sagittarius are selfish and self absorbed.
If "brown nosing" a Leo gets us what we want. What harm is there in it?
I tell my Leo all day "You're too good to me" because it's true and he keeps doing it![]()
A little praise and appreciation goes a long way.
They are the Sun after all.
'When a Leo's sun shines on you, you feel it. But when the sun is shining elsewhere, it's cold. A Leo can cast quite a shadow.”click to expand
Posted by RomanRdHow do you know I didn't come up with that salacious Leo quote?Posted by saggurl88Posted by RomanRd
I see Sag being quite skilled at brown-nosing Leo even when Leo hasn’t done anything worthy of appraisal
They don’t seem too upset by Leo’s incessant need for praise. Maybe it’s a mutable vs fixed Sign thing? A Fixed Sign Being Awesome = a mutable in AWE ?
LOL Sagittarius are selfish and self absorbed.
If "brown nosing" a Leo gets us what we want. What harm is there in it?
I tell my Leo all day "You're too good to me" because it's true and he keeps doing it![]()
A little praise and appreciation goes a long way.
They are the Sun after all.
'When a Leo's sun shines on you, you feel it. But when the sun is shining elsewhere, it's cold. A Leo can cast quite a shadow.”
Agree about Sags being self centred & Nice quote about the Sun x Leo, appreciate the panache
Who said that? Susan Miller? Hardly. She s an Aries she wouldn’t describe Leo in such epic terms.
The ass kissing doesn’t bother Sags because they use it strategically?click to expand
Posted by deckedandecker
I almost feel like if Pluto is domicile in Scorpio, it should be exalted in Leo.
Everything people say about Scorpios being vindictive, hateful, dark, paranoid, and masters at screwing others over is more true for Leos. I find that Leo men are heavily driven by pride to the point where they will go as low as possible and abuse every rule to get even. If they have to ruin countless lives to do it, they will do just that.
The difference is, I feel like Leos just hide it better. Like a Leo is that friendly neighborhood cop who you find is corrupt and can hurt you more than a crook can. A Leo is like that friendly neighbor you thought was good all along but he has had his fair share of dark things he has done.
Posted by RomanRdQuite the opposite. I find at least with Sag women, they will be the very first ones to target a Leo and bring him down. Like a Leo will win something big with the crowd cheering him on while the Sag woman will undermine that accomplishment. I think deep down inside, Sag women just have an inferiority complex.
I see Sag being quite skilled at brown-nosing Leo even when Leo hasn’t done anything worthy of appraisal
They don’t seem too upset by Leo’s incessant need for praise. Maybe it’s a mutable vs fixed Sign thing? A Fixed Sign Being Awesome = a mutable in AWE ?
Posted by CoffeeAndCreamA Scorpio man is all bark no bite in many cases.
Leos are generally alpha males
Scorpio men are wimps, hide behind the internet to attack women is a Scorpio move, you never see Leo men do that shit. They too busy building their little empires
I'm offended on behalf of Leo men
Posted by deckedandecker😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
while chemistry sucks overall between Leo men and Sag women, damn is their sexual compatibility off the maps
feel bad for Leo men here though, how do they put up with that nasty stank coming off of a Sag woman?
Posted by saggurl88what was the humor?Posted by deckedandecker
while chemistry sucks overall between Leo men and Sag women, damn is their sexual compatibility off the maps
feel bad for Leo men here though, how do they put up with that nasty stank coming off of a Sag woman?
At least you still have a sense of humorclick to expand