So this Virgo guy in my life shown me unbearable love and affection and when I was seeking unbearable love from him too, he cutted off ties with me. I don't know what happened. He suddenly disappeared from my life and not coming back still. Should I wait
How many minutes/hours do you spend on exercise a day?
I’ve downloaded an app which records brisk walking steps and i’m averaging between 45-60 mins a day (brisk and regular combined).
Just wondering what other people do?
Hey Pisces people..x
I just had this thought the other day.
I was reading about love & relationships (my favourite subjects), and just wondered how long you would wait for that special person, if you were not able to be together properly at the time
I am slightly depressed and having extremely insomnia. Been trying to work out, intake more water, and I’ve kept up a vitamin routine for a week.
Anyone experienced a stellium transit in the 6th house? What happened during that time?
Have you ever met someone that was/is truly into you in terms of romantic relationships? I can't say, because even if they were, they did not pursue anything. So maybe not. Initially it feels like someone is into you, they are different, but same story re
The truth shall set you free.
So why don’t we adhere to the truth when it’s told to us. Why do we fight it and make up excuses for others behaviour? Deep down I think we all know the truth and sometimes when spoken out loud it hurts and makes us become d
We're both 27 and met last November. At first we wrote regularly and got on really well. But suddenly he withdraws completely. No longer replying to my messages and that has been for almost 2 months. I've actually given up on it, but every time I link mut
I'm sure this has been posted before, but it is funny to look at the current leaders astrology signs and see how they act with one another. They're all fire or air signs!
Trump (06/14) and Pence (06/07) are both Gemini's and I believe they perfectly rep