Sharing one of my recent transit discussions on the themes of the recent Cancer Lunar Eclipse that happened on January 10 2020.
Transit talk with Rae Reinhartz chaos astrologer discussing the upcoming Lunar Ecl
Sharing one of my latest transit discussions about Saturn changing signs from Capricorn to Aquarius on March 22 2020.
Transit talk with Rae Reinhartz about the upcoming Saturn in Aquarius transit beginning Mar
Just sharing my latest transit discussion video about the upcoming themes for Aquarius and Pisces season 2020.
Transit Talk with Rae Reinhartz about major transit aspects on-going since the recent Cancer Lunar
If scorpios dont evolve into Phoenix, they devolve into cockroach. That is all
So the Virgo is coming with my fam and I for spring break wherever we go. My fam and the Virgo don’t have the adamant desire that I have to travel (sag trine) so they’ve left the planning, place to go, itinerary all to me. Probably for the best lmaooo
Anyone have this? Would this aspect indicate you’re more prone to variety & non traditional relationships?
Wheres my compensation for my picture?
Random youtubing and i found this tarot reader 😄
Good read. Refreshing energy.
Is he filipino?
Does anyone know about Mars square Uranus in synastry? I’m Mars he’s Uranus. He doesn’t want to commit right now. I’m going to move on.
I’m just curious if he’s only seeing me as not worthy of commitment or if that’s how he is with everyone? Is Uranus m