Pluto: I have been to many funerals recently. I have been to one with a packed full house where all seats were full and hardly anyone could stand. Ive been to one where there didn't seem to be anyone hardly there. This isn't about whether or not someone i
Some questions for my DXP census:
1. What country are you in?
2. Male or female or other?
3. Age range:
18 - 25
26 - 35
36 - 45
46 - 55
4. Are you:
A student
Independently wealthy
I have used bitcoin for purchases and to swap money between formats/accounts peer to peer. I am a fan of it. It's great for anonymous non-regulated transactions online
However, it is massively overvalued imo
The vast majority of people only consider bit
Natural hair color.
Too bad me and gemitati's hair color ain't in the link.
Gemitati= yellow hair
Me= gray hair
I see this site like a hallway that leads to a very important part of your life. Many of us have found it while finding something so new to us such as astrology. The ones who fall into depression also, a breakup, a new relationship, or a birth of a child.
Is one not allowed the treasures of the earth if one does not give? Should serving others be the number one thing to care about? Not the "only" thing but the number one thing. How much do you love your oxygen? How much do you love your ground you are stan
They don't understand the Z Gen. That generation sees right through your Boomer lies. They will not support Israel.
Every college will be protesting. It will end the genocide like the protests that ended the Vietnam War. Israel is up for a huge awa
Okay.. I promise I was out minding my own business. Couple friends asked if I was going to the bar Saturday.. I show up around midnight right. I decided to wear overalls and I think this caught cancer moon's attention.
Her chart:
Gemini Sun
Cancer moon