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Sep 27, 2020Comments: 2 · Posts: 727 · Topics: 108
We all love the Phoenix version Scorpios who are evolved but for the ones who are always starting shit and trying to prey on people, what signs tend to check them hard?
From my experience, Capricorns put them in their place with ease but it is more of a "grow up kid" type of check.
Gemini call out their crap for the public and so do Aries.
Leos, once pissed off enough though, damage them for life whether it is a significant physical injury or something that will be a burden on the poor creepy crawly for the rest of their lives.
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Sep 23, 2020Comments: 1164 · Posts: 315 · Topics: 1
this is old shit - please come up with something else to obsess about
I knew a Gemini woman that would constantly call her Scorpio man out in front of everyone and I could just feel him seething. He would be mostly silent but every so often he would say something meant to destroy her like the time she shat his couch or that her vag tastes like soap because she can't wash herself right but she would shrug and keep going. I thought he would kill her one day but in the end she got arrested for stabbing him and he was heartbroken.