somehow my ex and bf and guys (acquaintances) in general were more open to zodiac discussion even things like moon signs/venus. Most female friends/ work are acquaintances said they didn’t believe in it 😭 but it’s hard not to compare to the signs lmao
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Jan 08, 2025Comments: 440 · Posts: 171 · Topics: 2
Rarely. People are subjective when it comes to astrology and quite rigid about their beliefs imo those who don't believe in it and completely ignore it tend to see those who do believe in it as lunatics and straight away for bad opinion on them. Also those who do believe in it tend to be judgemental about the signs they dislike so it's kinda tabu topic still
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Jul 24, 2019Comments: 3594 · Posts: 7857 · Topics: 93
Is this about whether we talk to people about astrology in real life? In that case...hell fuckin no! It's only when I'm angry at someone I'll use their zodiac sign to my advantage to gain the upperhand.
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Jan 15, 2014Comments: 1642 · Posts: 2155 · Topics: 139
If anyone asks, I'll tell them, but I'm mostly the secret spy who remembers everyone and anyone's sign. It's mostly harmless as I don't interact often and I prefer to go by their own social preferences than a pre-set disposition. So if there's a shy Leo, I'm not going to put them and try to be jokey.
Even if I tried to use VPN, I couldn't open reddit. Sigh.
That forum seems great fun.
Anyways I posted something earlier than realized that it didn't really match up with the topic lol
Nobody ever asked me what my sign is, I wish there were.
I will definitely say my sun sign. Just to give off a scare lol
Unfortunately nobody asked and even when I let them know my sign, they didn't seem to know much about it.
Really wish I could find someone irl whom I can talk all day long about astrology.
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Apr 26, 2013Comments: 4942 · Posts: 19297 · Topics: 148
no, it's cringe, whichever way you look at it
I use it at work to pair people together for project tasks. They don't know I'm doing that. Before every project, I work in "When's your birthday" and make a mental note.
I have a Libra and a Cancer going at each other rn trying to flex their rank. If I didn't know anything about astrology, I'd be annoyed at that but since I do - I'm just amused and slightly
I use it in my marriage all the time. My husband (Cap/Pisces Moon) is the reason I explored astrology. I landed here (dxp) 16 years ago not knowing a damn thing and doing a deep dive into his chart. Never looked back. (*shakes fists at the Aqua Venus*)
I've taught my youngest son what I know (Pisces) and it's helped him navigate thru his Scorpio Moon Son's unique demeanor. He's walking into puberty now (fun times).
My oldest son (Virgo) challenges me on it all the time (Sag Moon) but he actually chose his wife based on a reading I gave him (Libra/Aries Moon). He used to send me birth date information as he was dating. There were many but she immediately stuck out to me and I responded - Do not play with this woman, if you are serious about her - make her your wife. If you are not serious, walk away now. They've been together since. I love her, she is one of a handful of my favourite people in this world.
Every one of my Grandchildren (3) have one of my placements - Scorpio Mars, Venus Libra, Aries Moon. They all also have multiple 12th house placements like me. I accent those placements when interacting with them so they get their own unique experience from me. That has balanced all my Libra bits because raising my kids, I had to have everything painstakingly fair - which wasn't the right thing to do raising a Virgo and a Pisces.
I've grown to understand and respect my mother and we speak about her placements all the time, Gemini/Pisces moon. I can now embrace the challenges she's endured throughout her life.
Probably more information than you wanted but I haven't been here in awhile and my merc in sag is a little wonky and exposed during this retrograde 😂🤣😂