Posted by DonnaLibraAnd still he keeps calling me everyday... I don't move, don't call, don't text and he keeps calling me...
Since he doesn't feel the same way you do maybe it's best to stay away from him and protect your heart. I'm married to a Gemini and have dated others, I do know that when they want you they will chase you down. Unrequited love is painful, I would just stay away from him if I were you.
Posted by geminiflybyI was looking for advice... Thanks a lot for mocking
.........her desire consumed her with unstoppable flame. Finding herself alone in the barn with the object of her desire, she knew she would not be able to hold back. She flung the horse dung from the stall in slow, deliberate motions, sensing his presence coming nearer and nearer. Finally, his hot breath was on her neck, she turned and he tore the flannel shirt from her glistening body in one sweep of his strong arms.......together they dropped to the fragrant hay beneath them....she had cleared all the poop so it was all good.......locked in embrace they satisfied their mutual hunger.....the horses were embarrased.
Posted by geminiflybySorry I didn't see you question... Only the three posts about romance novel...
I asked a legit question before it though, so I might actually offer advice. @Wizardz_ is a bad influence on me. Carry on!
Posted by Creamcheese113Posted by DonnaLibra
Since he doesn't feel the same way you do maybe it's best to stay away from him and protect your heart. I'm married to a Gemini and have dated others, I do know that when they want you they will chase you down. Unrequited love is painful, I would just stay away from him if I were you.
And still he keeps calling me everyday... I don't move, don't call, don't text and he keeps calling to expand
Posted by DonnaLibraYeah probably… That and the fact that before sleeping together he said it was not a good idea as I am technically his boss…Posted by Creamcheese113Posted by DonnaLibra
Since he doesn't feel the same way you do maybe it's best to stay away from him and protect your heart. I'm married to a Gemini and have dated others, I do know that when they want you they will chase you down. Unrequited love is painful, I would just stay away from him if I were you.
And still he keeps calling me everyday... I don't move, don't call, don't text and he keeps calling me...
Hmmm, friendzone maybe?click to expand
Posted by Creamcheese113Posted by DonnaLibraPosted by Creamcheese113Posted by DonnaLibra
Since he doesn't feel the same way you do maybe it's best to stay away from him and protect your heart. I'm married to a Gemini and have dated others, I do know that when they want you they will chase you down. Unrequited love is painful, I would just stay away from him if I were you.
And still he keeps calling me everyday... I don't move, don't call, don't text and he keeps calling me...
Hmmm, friendzone maybe?
Yeah probably… That and the fact that before sleeping together he said it was not a good idea as I am technically his boss…click to expand
Posted by DonnaLibraPosted by Creamcheese113Posted by DonnaLibraPosted by Creamcheese113Posted by DonnaLibra
Since he doesn't feel the same way you do maybe it's best to stay away from him and protect your heart. I'm married to a Gemini and have dated others, I do know that when they want you they will chase you down. Unrequited love is painful, I would just stay away from him if I were you.
And still he keeps calling me everyday... I don't move, don't call, don't text and he keeps calling me...
Hmmm, friendzone maybe?
Yeah probably… That and the fact that before sleeping together he said it was not a good idea as I am technically his boss…
Hopefully you don't get in trouble for sexing a to expand
Posted by karlsmagpieHe was really flirty two weeks before we went on that trip and two nights before he also made several comments while calling me at 11pm--- while sleeping in the room next to me. I dismissed it because I knew I had feeling for him... I deeply regret sleeping with him... SInce then I am the same, showing no emotions at all, simply being friendly and letting time do its work...
What I gather is you slept with him too quickly, the two of you barely knew each other. He saw it as a fling and maybe a fun time when he comes around but nothing to get wrapped up in especially given that you seem to "be in love" already. I've noticed that with Cancers of any placement you fall so quickly for anyone and it's unfair to the object of your desire because they have to live out the fantasy you've cooked up in your head about the two of you. You also work together that's just messy. Chalk it up as a fling, cry in private, and put on a brave face until you are over it. One thing about gemini is they're always running their mouth about one thing or another so let him talk but understand it's all just talk, hot air. You'll notice his pattern of flakiness. If you're seeking LTR, gemini's are for fun but nothing to be taken seriously in my experience.
Posted by karlsmagpieI used to ride but now only doing horse trade for show jumping.Posted by Creamcheese113Posted by karlsmagpie
What I gather is you slept with him too quickly, the two of you barely knew each other. He saw it as a fling and maybe a fun time when he comes around but nothing to get wrapped up in especially given that you seem to "be in love" already. I've noticed that with Cancers of any placement you fall so quickly for anyone and it's unfair to the object of your desire because they have to live out the fantasy you've cooked up in your head about the two of you. You also work together that's just messy. Chalk it up as a fling, cry in private, and put on a brave face until you are over it. One thing about gemini is they're always running their mouth about one thing or another so let him talk but understand it's all just talk, hot air. You'll notice his pattern of flakiness. If you're seeking LTR, gemini's are for fun but nothing to be taken seriously in my experience.
He was really flirty two weeks before we went on that trip and two nights before he also made several comments while calling me at 11pm--- while sleeping in the room next to me. I dismissed it because I knew I had feeling for him... I deeply regret sleeping with him... SInce then I am the same, showing no emotions at all, simply being friendly and letting time do its work...
To the ones talking about abuse... I am certainly not in a position to fire him for anything due to sleeping with your boss thing... Here in Finland it is seen as two adults dealing with their personal lives... His boss is my partner but you can't cause trouble to someone for something like that let alone pressuring someone to have sex with you... We are both in our thirties, both divorced and both parents....
don't feel bad about caring for someone, even if it was quickly. I guess you can't help what you feel. Maybe I'm a bit cynical anyway don't beat yourself up about it. It happens, putting yourself through the wringer about it won't change anything and you'll only feel worse. It appears that you've dealt with this best you can and are letting it wash over you. Get back on your horse and ride again. [pun intended]
Speaking of horses, I'd love to know more I love horses, I live in the city and have no place for a horse lol. I've ridden a few times and have gone to a few shows. Do you ride? Are your horses for show, riding, racing?click to expand
Posted by geminiflybyYep
Our work here is done.
Posted by ClaireDeLuneWe'll see who I meet in the future... Not ready yet lol
Awwww I'm sorry fellow cancer, Gemini men require a tooooon of mental stimulation and knowing when to set your boundaries with them. They'll respect you more when they see you're not too easy physically, emotionally and mentally. I think this pair could work, but it's knowing when to play and be stern together and being able to not only keep up with them mentally but surprising them with other random facts or knowledge to keep some interests.
Maybe a pisces or a Taurus will work better in the future
Posted by Wizardz_Posted by Creamcheese113Posted by ClaireDeLune
Awwww I'm sorry fellow cancer, Gemini men require a tooooon of mental stimulation and knowing when to set your boundaries with them. They'll respect you more when they see you're not too easy physically, emotionally and mentally. I think this pair could work, but it's knowing when to play and be stern together and being able to not only keep up with them mentally but surprising them with other random facts or knowledge to keep some interests.
Maybe a pisces or a Taurus will work better in the future
We'll see who I meet in the future... Not ready yet lol
It's still a bit painful even though I fully understand why it didn't and won't work
I feel like a fool for thinking he wanted something else but I will get other it and time will do its work
You're not a fool, Geminis don't know what they want. As soon as you genuinely act and feel like you don't want him he'll prob try to get into bed with you again 🤷♂️🤷♂️
Don't take it to heart too much. He's the crazy fucking Gemini not to expand
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Ahhh the days when I used to thought Gemini men and cancer women were compatable. Yep those were the days. Until years later I discovered my chart is sort of a windy and cloudy condition with a 50% chance of rain. They still can be compatible if both parties willing to compromise tho. I for one never believe in that compatability kind of stuff astrological wise. I used to let them do all the chasing. One even used to text me exotic messages on my phone late at night at work asking me if she can kiss me when I get off. When it got too much I ignored her. I don't know if it's cancer women or just women in general that they don't know when to leave a man alone when they get horny in bed by themselves.
Posted by Creamcheese113Oh ok I don't know what your chart look like as a whole other than being a leo aka lion rising as indicated to your title. And not that it's any of my concern now that I'm done with reading charts. And I wanna believe you right. I'm guessing it's those water down cancer women that do all the calling and texting all the time. I'm also guessing your Gemini is pretty fiery and does all the initiating. Don't sound shy at all. By the sound of some posts I read of yours he sound kind of like the playa type.
That's incredibly funny because I never text or call... In months I called him once... So not ALL CANCER women are the samePosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Ahhh the days when I used to thought Gemini men and cancer women were compatable. Yep those were the days. Until years later I discovered my chart is sort of a windy and cloudy condition with a 50% chance of rain. They still can be compatible if both parties willing to compromise tho. I for one never believe in that compatability kind of stuff astrological wise. I used to let them do all the chasing. One even used to text me exotic messages on my phone late at night at work asking me if she can kiss me when I get off. When it got too much I ignored her. I don't know if it's cancer women or just women in general that they don't know when to leave a man alone when they get horny in bed by to expand
by experience, if a man is interested he will initiate contact. To be honest, each time I had to call/text, I realized quickly that he was not interested at all... When I was married it was different but during first months/year of a relationship, I don't really show much... A male friend of mine once told me, if he doesn't call, he is not that into you, period. It's probably not 100% true, it depends on men I guess but I decided to follow that rule. I am pretty independent
Don't know if he is a playa but he keeps calling and talking about his life, his anxiety...Posted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by Creamcheese113
That's incredibly funny because I never text or call... In months I called him once... So not ALL CANCER women are the samePosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Ahhh the days when I used to thought Gemini men and cancer women were compatable. Yep those were the days. Until years later I discovered my chart is sort of a windy and cloudy condition with a 50% chance of rain. They still can be compatible if both parties willing to compromise tho. I for one never believe in that compatability kind of stuff astrological wise. I used to let them do all the chasing. One even used to text me exotic messages on my phone late at night at work asking me if she can kiss me when I get off. When it got too much I ignored her. I don't know if it's cancer women or just women in general that they don't know when to leave a man alone when they get horny in bed by themselves.
Oh ok I don't know what your chart look like as a whole other than being a leo aka lion rising as indicated to your title. And not that it's any of my concern now that I'm done with reading charts. And I wanna believe you right. I'm guessing it's those water down cancer women that do all the calling and texting all the time. I'm also guessing your Gemini is pretty fiery and does all the initiating. Don't sound shy at all. By the sound of some posts I read of yours he sound kind of like the playa to expand
Posted by Creamcheese113Oh I'm very different. If I'm interested I much prefer face to face initiation. Though sometimes I'm skeptic about that because I be getting those gut feelings that I'm being a pest. So I cut off the initiation and wait and see what her plans are. If I don't hear from her, oh well I guess. I really can't speak on behalf of other gems. I'm only speaking on behalf of my experience as a dude. Not as a Gemini.
I would say, by experience, if a man is interested he will initiate contact. To be honest, each time I had to call/text, I realized quickly that he was not interested at all... When I was married it was different but during first months/year of a relationship, I don't really show much... A male friend of mine once told me, if he doesn't call, he is not that into you, period. It's probably not 100% true, it depends on men I guess but I decided to follow that rule. I am pretty independent
Don't know if he is a playa but he keeps calling and talking about his life, his anxiety...Posted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by Creamcheese113
That's incredibly funny because I never text or call... In months I called him once... So not ALL CANCER women are the samePosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Ahhh the days when I used to thought Gemini men and cancer women were compatable. Yep those were the days. Until years later I discovered my chart is sort of a windy and cloudy condition with a 50% chance of rain. They still can be compatible if both parties willing to compromise tho. I for one never believe in that compatability kind of stuff astrological wise. I used to let them do all the chasing. One even used to text me exotic messages on my phone late at night at work asking me if she can kiss me when I get off. When it got too much I ignored her. I don't know if it's cancer women or just women in general that they don't know when to leave a man alone when they get horny in bed by themselves.
Oh ok I don't know what your chart look like as a whole other than being a leo aka lion rising as indicated to your title. And not that it's any of my concern now that I'm done with reading charts. And I wanna believe you right. I'm guessing it's those water down cancer women that do all the calling and texting all the time. I'm also guessing your Gemini is pretty fiery and does all the initiating. Don't sound shy at all. By the sound of some posts I read of yours he sound kind of like the playa to expand
Posted by Creamcheese113Now you get it. Go with the flow and enjoy his company while he's around and he will keep coming back. Bitch and complain and he will keep disappearing. He's there for a good time, not a bad time
He came back, he was flirty again and I told him nothing will happen again... He is back at his usual self, calling me 5 times a day but to be honest, I just see his flaky and unstable side now. I just roll my eyes when he becomes cold for no reason knowing he will become nice again in no time...
Posted by Creamcheese113What’s your moon, Mars, and Venus, if you don’t mind me asking 👀
That's incredibly funny because I never text or call... In months I called him once... So not ALL CANCER women are the samePosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Ahhh the days when I used to thought Gemini men and cancer women were compatable. Yep those were the days. Until years later I discovered my chart is sort of a windy and cloudy condition with a 50% chance of rain. They still can be compatible if both parties willing to compromise tho. I for one never believe in that compatability kind of stuff astrological wise. I used to let them do all the chasing. One even used to text me exotic messages on my phone late at night at work asking me if she can kiss me when I get off. When it got too much I ignored her. I don't know if it's cancer women or just women in general that they don't know when to leave a man alone when they get horny in bed by to expand
>My Venus is in Leo and my Mars is in ScorpioPosted by Sleepyquantro1Posted by Creamcheese113
That's incredibly funny because I never text or call... In months I called him once... So not ALL CANCER women are the samePosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Ahhh the days when I used to thought Gemini men and cancer women were compatable. Yep those were the days. Until years later I discovered my chart is sort of a windy and cloudy condition with a 50% chance of rain. They still can be compatible if both parties willing to compromise tho. I for one never believe in that compatability kind of stuff astrological wise. I used to let them do all the chasing. One even used to text me exotic messages on my phone late at night at work asking me if she can kiss me when I get off. When it got too much I ignored her. I don't know if it's cancer women or just women in general that they don't know when to leave a man alone when they get horny in bed by themselves.
What’s your moon, Mars, and Venus, if you don’t mind me asking 👀click to expand
is LibraPosted by Sleepyquantro1Posted by Creamcheese113
That's incredibly funny because I never text or call... In months I called him once... So not ALL CANCER women are the samePosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Ahhh the days when I used to thought Gemini men and cancer women were compatable. Yep those were the days. Until years later I discovered my chart is sort of a windy and cloudy condition with a 50% chance of rain. They still can be compatible if both parties willing to compromise tho. I for one never believe in that compatability kind of stuff astrological wise. I used to let them do all the chasing. One even used to text me exotic messages on my phone late at night at work asking me if she can kiss me when I get off. When it got too much I ignored her. I don't know if it's cancer women or just women in general that they don't know when to leave a man alone when they get horny in bed by themselves.
What’s your moon, Mars, and Venus, if you don’t mind me asking 👀click to expand
Posted by Creamcheese113Thanks for sharing! 🙂
And my moon is LibraPosted by Sleepyquantro1Posted by Creamcheese113
That's incredibly funny because I never text or call... In months I called him once... So not ALL CANCER women are the samePosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Ahhh the days when I used to thought Gemini men and cancer women were compatable. Yep those were the days. Until years later I discovered my chart is sort of a windy and cloudy condition with a 50% chance of rain. They still can be compatible if both parties willing to compromise tho. I for one never believe in that compatability kind of stuff astrological wise. I used to let them do all the chasing. One even used to text me exotic messages on my phone late at night at work asking me if she can kiss me when I get off. When it got too much I ignored her. I don't know if it's cancer women or just women in general that they don't know when to leave a man alone when they get horny in bed by themselves.
What’s your moon, Mars, and Venus, if you don’t mind me asking 👀click to expand