Posted by MadTwins80Thanks what you're saying actually makes sense, especially the coming and going behaviour anyway!Posted by twiglet
I am a sag female who has been dating a gemini guy for the last year, he was single when i met him although he failed to tell me about his ex of 22 years who he was apparently trying to work things out with (she is also a saggi) For the last year he has basically gone between me and her. He is the one who finishes things every time, he will spend a month with me, while still talking to her as they have children together, he was always open with me and showed me her texts that she sent etc. We got on extremely well and talked about anything and everything.
We even discussed getting married, when he finished with me he never actually finished with me, he would just block me everywhere and go back to his ex for a couple of weeks, he would then unblock me everywhere and get back round me. All the time i would be getting grief off of his ex, his family and his grown up children! The last time we were together was at the end of november, he actually moved in this time with all of his things, told me he was excited to start a new journey and all that, then less than a week later, his sister called to ask me to pack his things as he was moving out! When i called him and asked him what was going off, he said we dont really know each other do we so im moving out! So it was finished again.
This time though he hasnt gone back to his ex and he hasnt blocked me anywhere but hes playing games, im on a dating app, the same one i met him on, im not dating, just chatting, he keeps making fake profiles to ask me what im up to and if ive met anyone or if ive been on any dates, also asked me which particular store i work at (he knows the company but not which store) and for my new phone number (which i havent given) once he gets the information he wants he deletes the profiles, he also made one christmas day and wished me merry xmas on it before deleting it, hes been doing this since we split up this time, he did this same thing back at the start of november for about 2 weeks before his friend contacted me saying he wanted us to give it another go!
I just want to know why he keeps doing this to me, ive asked him every time to just leave me alone and he does for a month or two but then starts with the wierd checking up on the dating app etc. Is this some sort of major game chase thing hes in to? At this point after his behaviour im not even sure if i believe that his feelings for me were genuine now, he told me he loved me, never felt this way before etc. Told me that when we are apart he sits on our favourite spot thinking about me, that he looks for me in the place i used to walk to meet him, that he thinks about me all the time and cant stop. Im just wondering if its all a game, ive never been involved with a gemini before so any insight from gemins would be great right now! As a side note, i did email him recently because i was getting some hassle from his exes friends and i asked him if he would sort that and he did because it has stopped! Its just for clarity really, im hoping some insight from geminis might help me a bit!
We are fucking mental tbh
Idk how to say it, everything is compartmentalised . There is a place for you in his heart/mind and you are there and he wants you when he is in that area of his mind but when he goes to another place you aren't there anymore
That's why he can want you and not want you at the same time
As I said, we're mental, for realclick to expand
Posted by Centaur12Wow youre going through it aswell! Since i made this post he has actually gone back to his ex, i just know he will contact me because he gets bored! I at this point am pretty much done, i do love him but i cant keep playing these games its ridiculous, the one thing i found out off his ex and his family is that he has cheated on her for the whole 22 years they have been together, i am the first one hes been with for a while and left her for, that however doesnt make me feel better because im just repeating the same cycle with him over and over!
Here is what I have learned, my situation is different to yours however I am a Sagittarius male with a Gemini woman.
My Gem has an ex partner who she was on and off with for years as he also is a Sag male.
She has two young children with him and they two years ago never went back to eachother as he is an alcoholic and use to smash her house up with the children there and also want to come back to her house kicking her door in every weekend etc.
However she did sleep with him last October time 2019 she did say she made a mistake and stopped it right away being true or not I don't know nor do I care as that was before we was together we got together in December 2019.
The worry does come across my mind that she will eventually end up back there with him as they have children together etc who knows? I hope not as I love her.
She has also told me she loves me never felt this way before never had a connection in the bedroom like this before wants to marry me.
But then I get from her I wouldn't marry you right now because of whats gone on lately in the relationship etc.
I get the vibe that my partner wants me and that life together and the other half she wants her independence and I would never strip her of that it would just mean a different thing.
A gemini is repersented by the twins one twin wants one thing and the other wants something else this is why they are so dam hard to tie down or figure out what they want so usually they shoot there self in the foot.
There's no doubt he loves you or would of loved you. He just doesn't no what he wants, hasn't figured it out for him self and if you think he is the one or whatever you want to call it then be the person he's afraid to loose but do not let him walk all over you at the same time.
Me and my partner I am still trying to figure her out we are always hot and cold strange really as being a Sag I am full of adventure and she also being a gem is as well, however she gets some bad mood swings and it let's her down and I also question alot if she really loves and cares about me the way she says as one minuet she's all over me and the next she can be quiet reserved and cold.
Posted by blackphvseI know my mum said the same! His family have harrassed me to the point where ive had to involve the police and change my number, they contacted my children and allsorts! My mum did no better though, she took all his clothes from my house and threw them all over his work place yard whilst screaming at him!
Wow.. getting his family to do his dirty work.. and this is a grown man with children?? He needs to grow some balls and get his head screwed on right. Too many games and he sounds like a spineless coward. Don't keep letting him back in. He won't stop this behaviour cause you are allowing it and it's too late to correct it now. Forget him, you're better off without that bs. I'd have been gone as soon as his family starting getting involved in your personal lives.
And for the record, we ain't all like that. haha
Posted by twigletSorry to hear this.Posted by Centaur12
Here is what I have learned, my situation is different to yours however I am a Sagittarius male with a Gemini woman.
My Gem has an ex partner who she was on and off with for years as he also is a Sag male.
She has two young children with him and they two years ago never went back to eachother as he is an alcoholic and use to smash her house up with the children there and also want to come back to her house kicking her door in every weekend etc.
However she did sleep with him last October time 2019 she did say she made a mistake and stopped it right away being true or not I don't know nor do I care as that was before we was together we got together in December 2019.
The worry does come across my mind that she will eventually end up back there with him as they have children together etc who knows? I hope not as I love her.
She has also told me she loves me never felt this way before never had a connection in the bedroom like this before wants to marry me.
But then I get from her I wouldn't marry you right now because of whats gone on lately in the relationship etc.
I get the vibe that my partner wants me and that life together and the other half she wants her independence and I would never strip her of that it would just mean a different thing.
A gemini is repersented by the twins one twin wants one thing and the other wants something else this is why they are so dam hard to tie down or figure out what they want so usually they shoot there self in the foot.
There's no doubt he loves you or would of loved you. He just doesn't no what he wants, hasn't figured it out for him self and if you think he is the one or whatever you want to call it then be the person he's afraid to loose but do not let him walk all over you at the same time.
Me and my partner I am still trying to figure her out we are always hot and cold strange really as being a Sag I am full of adventure and she also being a gem is as well, however she gets some bad mood swings and it let's her down and I also question alot if she really loves and cares about me the way she says as one minuet she's all over me and the next she can be quiet reserved and cold.
Wow youre going through it aswell! Since i made this post he has actually gone back to his ex, i just know he will contact me because he gets bored! I at this point am pretty much done, i do love him but i cant keep playing these games its ridiculous, the one thing i found out off his ex and his family is that he has cheated on her for the whole 22 years they have been together, i am the first one hes been with for a while and left her for, that however doesnt make me feel better because im just repeating the same cycle with him over and over!
I hope your journey with your Gemini goes better than mine! I truly have never felt a connection like it but this gemini is the wrong one for me!click to expand
Posted by Centaur12He told me that his ex is toxic and all they do is argue, when he leaves her they all harrass him all day and night until he finishes with me goes back to her, its ridiculous, i just dont think he has the balls to leave her and keep away from her.Posted by twigletPosted by Centaur12
Here is what I have learned, my situation is different to yours however I am a Sagittarius male with a Gemini woman.
My Gem has an ex partner who she was on and off with for years as he also is a Sag male.
She has two young children with him and they two years ago never went back to eachother as he is an alcoholic and use to smash her house up with the children there and also want to come back to her house kicking her door in every weekend etc.
However she did sleep with him last October time 2019 she did say she made a mistake and stopped it right away being true or not I don't know nor do I care as that was before we was together we got together in December 2019.
The worry does come across my mind that she will eventually end up back there with him as they have children together etc who knows? I hope not as I love her.
She has also told me she loves me never felt this way before never had a connection in the bedroom like this before wants to marry me.
But then I get from her I wouldn't marry you right now because of whats gone on lately in the relationship etc.
I get the vibe that my partner wants me and that life together and the other half she wants her independence and I would never strip her of that it would just mean a different thing.
A gemini is repersented by the twins one twin wants one thing and the other wants something else this is why they are so dam hard to tie down or figure out what they want so usually they shoot there self in the foot.
There's no doubt he loves you or would of loved you. He just doesn't no what he wants, hasn't figured it out for him self and if you think he is the one or whatever you want to call it then be the person he's afraid to loose but do not let him walk all over you at the same time.
Me and my partner I am still trying to figure her out we are always hot and cold strange really as being a Sag I am full of adventure and she also being a gem is as well, however she gets some bad mood swings and it let's her down and I also question alot if she really loves and cares about me the way she says as one minuet she's all over me and the next she can be quiet reserved and cold.
Wow youre going through it aswell! Since i made this post he has actually gone back to his ex, i just know he will contact me because he gets bored! I at this point am pretty much done, i do love him but i cant keep playing these games its ridiculous, the one thing i found out off his ex and his family is that he has cheated on her for the whole 22 years they have been together, i am the first one hes been with for a while and left her for, that however doesnt make me feel better because im just repeating the same cycle with him over and over!
I hope your journey with your Gemini goes better than mine! I truly have never felt a connection like it but this gemini is the wrong one for me!
Sorry to hear this.
Thing is being a Sag we are always thinking forward and thinking about our future.
Geminis live for now not the future.
Its a hard one as I left my Sagittarius ex for my partner now I know this makes me sound terrible however I went through hell with my ex to the point it made me feel sick.
My relationship was pretty much built on guilt and trust issues but we have got past all that now.
I do however wonder if we will ever work out and what direction we are actually going in yet my partner has had number of occasions to walk away and has told me she loves me to much to do that and its too hard for her.
Basically she hates the fact my ex who I have two young children with is still hanging around some of my family members however she has known them and made relationships for the past 10 to expand
Posted by blackphvseTheyre both adults but youre right they dont like the way he has been treating me as ive raised them both to respect women above all else so they see me being treated like that and they hate it! I am trying to move on and up to now he can only contact me via the dating app or by coming to my house, i have him blocked everywhere else and changed my phone number!Posted by twigletPosted by blackphvse
Wow.. getting his family to do his dirty work.. and this is a grown man with children?? He needs to grow some balls and get his head screwed on right. Too many games and he sounds like a spineless coward. Don't keep letting him back in. He won't stop this behaviour cause you are allowing it and it's too late to correct it now. Forget him, you're better off without that bs. I'd have been gone as soon as his family starting getting involved in your personal lives.
And for the record, we ain't all like that. haha
I know my mum said the same! His family have harrassed me to the point where ive had to involve the police and change my number, they contacted my children and allsorts! My mum did no better though, she took all his clothes from my house and threw them all over his work place yard whilst screaming at him!
Its been an insane year with him lol bit like a soap opera really!
Daymn, yeah it sounds like things have gotten a bit messy. Relationships like this do not provide much happiness, just a lot of drama, headaches and heartache. My best advice would be to completely detach from this relationship. I'm not sure how old your children are, but think of them.. would you want to see them in a relationship like this? I bet they don't want to see you in this sort of relationship either. Gain the strength to walk away, even if it's just to set an example for your children. That's a great reason on it's own right there. Children see their parents putting up with behaviour like that and it can set a standard as to how they accept to be treated in relationships as well. Show them that they deserve more, because you do too!click to expand
Posted by blackphvseI had a message request today from his partners friend asking me if we are talking, i just dont get left alone! He doesnt do the ive changed thing with me he uses emotions, every time, i am trying this time though, he has been making fake profiles on the dating app to ask me what im up to, ive just been blocking them, so believe me im trying! Ive never had to deal with this kind of thing before, all my other exes walked away and was done, why the hell is this one being so difficult lol! I have truly never been in this position before.Posted by twigletPosted by blackphvsePosted by twigletPosted by blackphvse
Wow.. getting his family to do his dirty work.. and this is a grown man with children?? He needs to grow some balls and get his head screwed on right. Too many games and he sounds like a spineless coward. Don't keep letting him back in. He won't stop this behaviour cause you are allowing it and it's too late to correct it now. Forget him, you're better off without that bs. I'd have been gone as soon as his family starting getting involved in your personal lives.
And for the record, we ain't all like that. haha
I know my mum said the same! His family have harrassed me to the point where ive had to involve the police and change my number, they contacted my children and allsorts! My mum did no better though, she took all his clothes from my house and threw them all over his work place yard whilst screaming at him!
Its been an insane year with him lol bit like a soap opera really!
Daymn, yeah it sounds like things have gotten a bit messy. Relationships like this do not provide much happiness, just a lot of drama, headaches and heartache. My best advice would be to completely detach from this relationship. I'm not sure how old your children are, but think of them.. would you want to see them in a relationship like this? I bet they don't want to see you in this sort of relationship either. Gain the strength to walk away, even if it's just to set an example for your children. That's a great reason on it's own right there. Children see their parents putting up with behaviour like that and it can set a standard as to how they accept to be treated in relationships as well. Show them that they deserve more, because you do too!
Theyre both adults but youre right they dont like the way he has been treating me as ive raised them both to respect women above all else so they see me being treated like that and they hate it! I am trying to move on and up to now he can only contact me via the dating app or by coming to my house, i have him blocked everywhere else and changed my phone number!
These type don't seem to care about or respect what blocking means. They will find a way to contact you at all costs. I went through this with my ex as well. Broke up a year and a half ago, he still makes fake emails to try and contact me. The hard part is continuing to keep the door shut through all of his attempts to get you back. Stay strong and don't believe his "I changed" bs, cause that will come too. We only get one life, choose a path that makes you happy!click to expand
Posted by blackphvseYea i don't want him spoiling any other potential relationship i could have, most people can be put off by exes, i can't believe you're faked an illness!! What is wrong with people, beggars belief. I hope you're in a better place yourself, thank-you for your advice today it's much appreciated and it's also good to see im not alone with crazy ex! I blame 2020 for mine lol.Posted by twigletPosted by blackphvsePosted by twigletPosted by blackphvsePosted by twigletPosted by blackphvse
Wow.. getting his family to do his dirty work.. and this is a grown man with children?? He needs to grow some balls and get his head screwed on right. Too many games and he sounds like a spineless coward. Don't keep letting him back in. He won't stop this behaviour cause you are allowing it and it's too late to correct it now. Forget him, you're better off without that bs. I'd have been gone as soon as his family starting getting involved in your personal lives.
And for the record, we ain't all like that. haha
I know my mum said the same! His family have harrassed me to the point where ive had to involve the police and change my number, they contacted my children and allsorts! My mum did no better though, she took all his clothes from my house and threw them all over his work place yard whilst screaming at him!
Its been an insane year with him lol bit like a soap opera really!
Daymn, yeah it sounds like things have gotten a bit messy. Relationships like this do not provide much happiness, just a lot of drama, headaches and heartache. My best advice would be to completely detach from this relationship. I'm not sure how old your children are, but think of them.. would you want to see them in a relationship like this? I bet they don't want to see you in this sort of relationship either. Gain the strength to walk away, even if it's just to set an example for your children. That's a great reason on it's own right there. Children see their parents putting up with behaviour like that and it can set a standard as to how they accept to be treated in relationships as well. Show them that they deserve more, because you do too!
Theyre both adults but youre right they dont like the way he has been treating me as ive raised them both to respect women above all else so they see me being treated like that and they hate it! I am trying to move on and up to now he can only contact me via the dating app or by coming to my house, i have him blocked everywhere else and changed my phone number!
These type don't seem to care about or respect what blocking means. They will find a way to contact you at all costs. I went through this with my ex as well. Broke up a year and a half ago, he still makes fake emails to try and contact me. The hard part is continuing to keep the door shut through all of his attempts to get you back. Stay strong and don't believe his "I changed" bs, cause that will come too. We only get one life, choose a path that makes you happy!
I had a message request today from his partners friend asking me if we are talking, i just dont get left alone! He doesnt do the ive changed thing with me he uses emotions, every time, i am trying this time though, he has been making fake profiles on the dating app to ask me what im up to, ive just been blocking them, so believe me im trying! Ive never had to deal with this kind of thing before, all my other exes walked away and was done, why the hell is this one being so difficult lol! I have truly never been in this position before.
I feel your pain girl. I never had an ex like that either until my most recent. A year and a half later and he still doesn't leave me alone. Partly my fault because I did open the door a crack when he faked a life threatening illness (cause I felt bad for him). There is no limit to the crazy ass shit they will pull to get your attention, don't buy it. And don't make my mistake, ya don't want him still bugging you after a year and a half, it fkn sucks. Trust me. Escape while you to expand
Posted by blackphvsePosted by twigletPosted by blackphvsePosted by twigletPosted by blackphvsePosted by twigletPosted by blackphvsePosted by twigletPosted by blackphvse
Wow.. getting his family to do his dirty work.. and this is a grown man with children?? He needs to grow some balls and get his head screwed on right. Too many games and he sounds like a spineless coward. Don't keep letting him back in. He won't stop this behaviour cause you are allowing it and it's too late to correct it now. Forget him, you're better off without that bs. I'd have been gone as soon as his family starting getting involved in your personal lives.
And for the record, we ain't all like that. haha
I know my mum said the same! His family have harrassed me to the point where ive had to involve the police and change my number, they contacted my children and allsorts! My mum did no better though, she took all his clothes from my house and threw them all over his work place yard whilst screaming at him!
Its been an insane year with him lol bit like a soap opera really!
Daymn, yeah it sounds like things have gotten a bit messy. Relationships like this do not provide much happiness, just a lot of drama, headaches and heartache. My best advice would be to completely detach from this relationship. I'm not sure how old your children are, but think of them.. would you want to see them in a relationship like this? I bet they don't want to see you in this sort of relationship either. Gain the strength to walk away, even if it's just to set an example for your children. That's a great reason on it's own right there. Children see their parents putting up with behaviour like that and it can set a standard as to how they accept to be treated in relationships as well. Show them that they deserve more, because you do too!
Theyre both adults but youre right they dont like the way he has been treating me as ive raised them both to respect women above all else so they see me being treated like that and they hate it! I am trying to move on and up to now he can only contact me via the dating app or by coming to my house, i have him blocked everywhere else and changed my phone number!
These type don't seem to care about or respect what blocking means. They will find a way to contact you at all costs. I went through this with my ex as well. Broke up a year and a half ago, he still makes fake emails to try and contact me. The hard part is continuing to keep the door shut through all of his attempts to get you back. Stay strong and don't believe his "I changed" bs, cause that will come too. We only get one life, choose a path that makes you happy!
I had a message request today from his partners friend asking me if we are talking, i just dont get left alone! He doesnt do the ive changed thing with me he uses emotions, every time, i am trying this time though, he has been making fake profiles on the dating app to ask me what im up to, ive just been blocking them, so believe me im trying! Ive never had to deal with this kind of thing before, all my other exes walked away and was done, why the hell is this one being so difficult lol! I have truly never been in this position before.
I feel your pain girl. I never had an ex like that either until my most recent. A year and a half later and he still doesn't leave me alone. Partly my fault because I did open the door a crack when he faked a life threatening illness (cause I felt bad for him). There is no limit to the crazy ass shit they will pull to get your attention, don't buy it. And don't make my mistake, ya don't want him still bugging you after a year and a half, it fkn sucks. Trust me. Escape while you can.
Yea i don't want him spoiling any other potential relationship i could have, most people can be put off by exes, i can't believe you're faked an illness!! What is wrong with people, beggars belief. I hope you're in a better place yourself, thank-you for your advice today it's much appreciated and it's also good to see im not alone with crazy ex! I blame 2020 for mine lol.
You're not alone girl. And you're right, it can and will spoil future potential relationships. I haven't even been able to begin the dating process again after being single a year and a half cause my ex is still determined not to be left in my past. I don't want that baggage still trying to follow me when I finally meet someone decent. Best advice I can give is to keep that door shut.. no matter what he throws at you to try and win you back, keep in mind all the drama and turmoil he has caused you. Do whatever you have to in order to remind yourself that this wasn't worth to expand
Posted by twigletHe probably got attached to her along the way and needs that buzz from her basically using her as a play toy by the sounds of it you to.Posted by Centaur12Posted by twigletPosted by Centaur12
Here is what I have learned, my situation is different to yours however I am a Sagittarius male with a Gemini woman.
My Gem has an ex partner who she was on and off with for years as he also is a Sag male.
She has two young children with him and they two years ago never went back to eachother as he is an alcoholic and use to smash her house up with the children there and also want to come back to her house kicking her door in every weekend etc.
However she did sleep with him last October time 2019 she did say she made a mistake and stopped it right away being true or not I don't know nor do I care as that was before we was together we got together in December 2019.
The worry does come across my mind that she will eventually end up back there with him as they have children together etc who knows? I hope not as I love her.
She has also told me she loves me never felt this way before never had a connection in the bedroom like this before wants to marry me.
But then I get from her I wouldn't marry you right now because of whats gone on lately in the relationship etc.
I get the vibe that my partner wants me and that life together and the other half she wants her independence and I would never strip her of that it would just mean a different thing.
A gemini is repersented by the twins one twin wants one thing and the other wants something else this is why they are so dam hard to tie down or figure out what they want so usually they shoot there self in the foot.
There's no doubt he loves you or would of loved you. He just doesn't no what he wants, hasn't figured it out for him self and if you think he is the one or whatever you want to call it then be the person he's afraid to loose but do not let him walk all over you at the same time.
Me and my partner I am still trying to figure her out we are always hot and cold strange really as being a Sag I am full of adventure and she also being a gem is as well, however she gets some bad mood swings and it let's her down and I also question alot if she really loves and cares about me the way she says as one minuet she's all over me and the next she can be quiet reserved and cold.
Wow youre going through it aswell! Since i made this post he has actually gone back to his ex, i just know he will contact me because he gets bored! I at this point am pretty much done, i do love him but i cant keep playing these games its ridiculous, the one thing i found out off his ex and his family is that he has cheated on her for the whole 22 years they have been together, i am the first one hes been with for a while and left her for, that however doesnt make me feel better because im just repeating the same cycle with him over and over!
I hope your journey with your Gemini goes better than mine! I truly have never felt a connection like it but this gemini is the wrong one for me!
Sorry to hear this.
Thing is being a Sag we are always thinking forward and thinking about our future.
Geminis live for now not the future.
Its a hard one as I left my Sagittarius ex for my partner now I know this makes me sound terrible however I went through hell with my ex to the point it made me feel sick.
My relationship was pretty much built on guilt and trust issues but we have got past all that now.
I do however wonder if we will ever work out and what direction we are actually going in yet my partner has had number of occasions to walk away and has told me she loves me to much to do that and its too hard for her.
Basically she hates the fact my ex who I have two young children with is still hanging around some of my family members however she has known them and made relationships for the past 10 years.
He told me that his ex is toxic and all they do is argue, when he leaves her they all harrass him all day and night until he finishes with me goes back to her, its ridiculous, i just dont think he has the balls to leave her and keep away from to expand
Posted by Centaur12He has been doing this to her for 22 years and she has let him, thankfully he has only done this to me for a year, i have no interest in starting anything back up with him, my head is ruling my heart now, to me it doesnt matter how i feel about him, im done with his games, he can continue doing it to her but not me, im ashamed to say she is the same sign as me lol because i only put up for so long and im gone, she has done this with him for 22 years with 4 children along the way, his daughters are also in similar relationships, they break up they get back together etc. Sad really! I am 47 and he is 40, all i want is for the wierd stalking to stop on the dating app, its getting to a point where i darent speak to anyone incase its him! Plus i would like his partners friends to stop messaging me asking me if i am talking to him, its just getting to be a bore!Posted by twigletPosted by Centaur12Posted by twigletPosted by Centaur12
Here is what I have learned, my situation is different to yours however I am a Sagittarius male with a Gemini woman.
My Gem has an ex partner who she was on and off with for years as he also is a Sag male.
She has two young children with him and they two years ago never went back to eachother as he is an alcoholic and use to smash her house up with the children there and also want to come back to her house kicking her door in every weekend etc.
However she did sleep with him last October time 2019 she did say she made a mistake and stopped it right away being true or not I don't know nor do I care as that was before we was together we got together in December 2019.
The worry does come across my mind that she will eventually end up back there with him as they have children together etc who knows? I hope not as I love her.
She has also told me she loves me never felt this way before never had a connection in the bedroom like this before wants to marry me.
But then I get from her I wouldn't marry you right now because of whats gone on lately in the relationship etc.
I get the vibe that my partner wants me and that life together and the other half she wants her independence and I would never strip her of that it would just mean a different thing.
A gemini is repersented by the twins one twin wants one thing and the other wants something else this is why they are so dam hard to tie down or figure out what they want so usually they shoot there self in the foot.
There's no doubt he loves you or would of loved you. He just doesn't no what he wants, hasn't figured it out for him self and if you think he is the one or whatever you want to call it then be the person he's afraid to loose but do not let him walk all over you at the same time.
Me and my partner I am still trying to figure her out we are always hot and cold strange really as being a Sag I am full of adventure and she also being a gem is as well, however she gets some bad mood swings and it let's her down and I also question alot if she really loves and cares about me the way she says as one minuet she's all over me and the next she can be quiet reserved and cold.
Wow youre going through it aswell! Since i made this post he has actually gone back to his ex, i just know he will contact me because he gets bored! I at this point am pretty much done, i do love him but i cant keep playing these games its ridiculous, the one thing i found out off his ex and his family is that he has cheated on her for the whole 22 years they have been together, i am the first one hes been with for a while and left her for, that however doesnt make me feel better because im just repeating the same cycle with him over and over!
I hope your journey with your Gemini goes better than mine! I truly have never felt a connection like it but this gemini is the wrong one for me!
Sorry to hear this.
Thing is being a Sag we are always thinking forward and thinking about our future.
Geminis live for now not the future.
Its a hard one as I left my Sagittarius ex for my partner now I know this makes me sound terrible however I went through hell with my ex to the point it made me feel sick.
My relationship was pretty much built on guilt and trust issues but we have got past all that now.
I do however wonder if we will ever work out and what direction we are actually going in yet my partner has had number of occasions to walk away and has told me she loves me to much to do that and its too hard for her.
Basically she hates the fact my ex who I have two young children with is still hanging around some of my family members however she has known them and made relationships for the past 10 years.
He told me that his ex is toxic and all they do is argue, when he leaves her they all harrass him all day and night until he finishes with me goes back to her, its ridiculous, i just dont think he has the balls to leave her and keep away from her.
He probably got attached to her along the way and needs that buzz from her basically using her as a play toy by the sounds of it you to.
I would definitely call him bluff, say to him this ends now or I will never come back and then instead of him blocking you, you block him.
Stand up for your self like the fire sign you are, you deserve better never let anyone bring you down to there level!!.
Also what age are you guys just to expand
Posted by twigletAmazing really, two different ages apart, as I am 29 and my partner also yet had similar things.Posted by Centaur12Posted by twigletPosted by Centaur12Posted by twigletPosted by Centaur12
Here is what I have learned, my situation is different to yours however I am a Sagittarius male with a Gemini woman.
My Gem has an ex partner who she was on and off with for years as he also is a Sag male.
She has two young children with him and they two years ago never went back to eachother as he is an alcoholic and use to smash her house up with the children there and also want to come back to her house kicking her door in every weekend etc.
However she did sleep with him last October time 2019 she did say she made a mistake and stopped it right away being true or not I don't know nor do I care as that was before we was together we got together in December 2019.
The worry does come across my mind that she will eventually end up back there with him as they have children together etc who knows? I hope not as I love her.
She has also told me she loves me never felt this way before never had a connection in the bedroom like this before wants to marry me.
But then I get from her I wouldn't marry you right now because of whats gone on lately in the relationship etc.
I get the vibe that my partner wants me and that life together and the other half she wants her independence and I would never strip her of that it would just mean a different thing.
A gemini is repersented by the twins one twin wants one thing and the other wants something else this is why they are so dam hard to tie down or figure out what they want so usually they shoot there self in the foot.
There's no doubt he loves you or would of loved you. He just doesn't no what he wants, hasn't figured it out for him self and if you think he is the one or whatever you want to call it then be the person he's afraid to loose but do not let him walk all over you at the same time.
Me and my partner I am still trying to figure her out we are always hot and cold strange really as being a Sag I am full of adventure and she also being a gem is as well, however she gets some bad mood swings and it let's her down and I also question alot if she really loves and cares about me the way she says as one minuet she's all over me and the next she can be quiet reserved and cold.
Wow youre going through it aswell! Since i made this post he has actually gone back to his ex, i just know he will contact me because he gets bored! I at this point am pretty much done, i do love him but i cant keep playing these games its ridiculous, the one thing i found out off his ex and his family is that he has cheated on her for the whole 22 years they have been together, i am the first one hes been with for a while and left her for, that however doesnt make me feel better because im just repeating the same cycle with him over and over!
I hope your journey with your Gemini goes better than mine! I truly have never felt a connection like it but this gemini is the wrong one for me!
Sorry to hear this.
Thing is being a Sag we are always thinking forward and thinking about our future.
Geminis live for now not the future.
Its a hard one as I left my Sagittarius ex for my partner now I know this makes me sound terrible however I went through hell with my ex to the point it made me feel sick.
My relationship was pretty much built on guilt and trust issues but we have got past all that now.
I do however wonder if we will ever work out and what direction we are actually going in yet my partner has had number of occasions to walk away and has told me she loves me to much to do that and its too hard for her.
Basically she hates the fact my ex who I have two young children with is still hanging around some of my family members however she has known them and made relationships for the past 10 years.
He told me that his ex is toxic and all they do is argue, when he leaves her they all harrass him all day and night until he finishes with me goes back to her, its ridiculous, i just dont think he has the balls to leave her and keep away from her.
He probably got attached to her along the way and needs that buzz from her basically using her as a play toy by the sounds of it you to.
I would definitely call him bluff, say to him this ends now or I will never come back and then instead of him blocking you, you block him.
Stand up for your self like the fire sign you are, you deserve better never let anyone bring you down to there level!!.
Also what age are you guys just asking.
He has been doing this to her for 22 years and she has let him, thankfully he has only done this to me for a year, i have no interest in starting anything back up with him, my head is ruling my heart now, to me it doesnt matter how i feel about him, im done with his games, he can continue doing it to her but not me, im ashamed to say she is the same sign as me lol because i only put up for so long and im gone, she has done this with him for 22 years with 4 children along the way, his daughters are also in similar relationships, they break up they get back together etc. Sad really! I am 47 and he is 40, all i want is for the wierd stalking to stop on the dating app, its getting to a point where i darent speak to anyone incase its him! Plus i would like his partners friends to stop messaging me asking me if i am talking to him, its just getting to be a bore!click to expand
Posted by Centaur12Posted by twigletPosted by Centaur12Posted by twigletPosted by Centaur12Posted by twigletPosted by Centaur12
Here is what I have learned, my situation is different to yours however I am a Sagittarius male with a Gemini woman.
My Gem has an ex partner who she was on and off with for years as he also is a Sag male.
She has two young children with him and they two years ago never went back to eachother as he is an alcoholic and use to smash her house up with the children there and also want to come back to her house kicking her door in every weekend etc.
However she did sleep with him last October time 2019 she did say she made a mistake and stopped it right away being true or not I don't know nor do I care as that was before we was together we got together in December 2019.
The worry does come across my mind that she will eventually end up back there with him as they have children together etc who knows? I hope not as I love her.
She has also told me she loves me never felt this way before never had a connection in the bedroom like this before wants to marry me.
But then I get from her I wouldn't marry you right now because of whats gone on lately in the relationship etc.
I get the vibe that my partner wants me and that life together and the other half she wants her independence and I would never strip her of that it would just mean a different thing.
A gemini is repersented by the twins one twin wants one thing and the other wants something else this is why they are so dam hard to tie down or figure out what they want so usually they shoot there self in the foot.
There's no doubt he loves you or would of loved you. He just doesn't no what he wants, hasn't figured it out for him self and if you think he is the one or whatever you want to call it then be the person he's afraid to loose but do not let him walk all over you at the same time.
Me and my partner I am still trying to figure her out we are always hot and cold strange really as being a Sag I am full of adventure and she also being a gem is as well, however she gets some bad mood swings and it let's her down and I also question alot if she really loves and cares about me the way she says as one minuet she's all over me and the next she can be quiet reserved and cold.
Wow youre going through it aswell! Since i made this post he has actually gone back to his ex, i just know he will contact me because he gets bored! I at this point am pretty much done, i do love him but i cant keep playing these games its ridiculous, the one thing i found out off his ex and his family is that he has cheated on her for the whole 22 years they have been together, i am the first one hes been with for a while and left her for, that however doesnt make me feel better because im just repeating the same cycle with him over and over!
I hope your journey with your Gemini goes better than mine! I truly have never felt a connection like it but this gemini is the wrong one for me!
Sorry to hear this.
Thing is being a Sag we are always thinking forward and thinking about our future.
Geminis live for now not the future.
Its a hard one as I left my Sagittarius ex for my partner now I know this makes me sound terrible however I went through hell with my ex to the point it made me feel sick.
My relationship was pretty much built on guilt and trust issues but we have got past all that now.
I do however wonder if we will ever work out and what direction we are actually going in yet my partner has had number of occasions to walk away and has told me she loves me to much to do that and its too hard for her.
Basically she hates the fact my ex who I have two young children with is still hanging around some of my family members however she has known them and made relationships for the past 10 years.
He told me that his ex is toxic and all they do is argue, when he leaves her they all harrass him all day and night until he finishes with me goes back to her, its ridiculous, i just dont think he has the balls to leave her and keep away from her.
He probably got attached to her along the way and needs that buzz from her basically using her as a play toy by the sounds of it you to.
I would definitely call him bluff, say to him this ends now or I will never come back and then instead of him blocking you, you block him.
Stand up for your self like the fire sign you are, you deserve better never let anyone bring you down to there level!!.
Also what age are you guys just asking.
He has been doing this to her for 22 years and she has let him, thankfully he has only done this to me for a year, i have no interest in starting anything back up with him, my head is ruling my heart now, to me it doesnt matter how i feel about him, im done with his games, he can continue doing it to her but not me, im ashamed to say she is the same sign as me lol because i only put up for so long and im gone, she has done this with him for 22 years with 4 children along the way, his daughters are also in similar relationships, they break up they get back together etc. Sad really! I am 47 and he is 40, all i want is for the wierd stalking to stop on the dating app, its getting to a point where i darent speak to anyone incase its him! Plus i would like his partners friends to stop messaging me asking me if i am talking to him, its just getting to be a bore!
Amazing really, two different ages apart, as I am 29 and my partner also yet had similar things.
Also funny as my partner Gem her ex being a Sag and me also a Sag and your side two female Sag with one Gem male 😅.
I have found my Gem loves in a different way to me tho like we both love eachother just show it in different ways and sometimes that can lead to misunderstandings between us .click to expand
Posted by twigletCompletely get it we too have the same sort of problem when it comes to familys accepting.Posted by Centaur12Posted by twigletPosted by Centaur12Posted by twigletPosted by Centaur12Posted by twigletPosted by Centaur12
Here is what I have learned, my situation is different to yours however I am a Sagittarius male with a Gemini woman.
My Gem has an ex partner who she was on and off with for years as he also is a Sag male.
She has two young children with him and they two years ago never went back to eachother as he is an alcoholic and use to smash her house up with the children there and also want to come back to her house kicking her door in every weekend etc.
However she did sleep with him last October time 2019 she did say she made a mistake and stopped it right away being true or not I don't know nor do I care as that was before we was together we got together in December 2019.
The worry does come across my mind that she will eventually end up back there with him as they have children together etc who knows? I hope not as I love her.
She has also told me she loves me never felt this way before never had a connection in the bedroom like this before wants to marry me.
But then I get from her I wouldn't marry you right now because of whats gone on lately in the relationship etc.
I get the vibe that my partner wants me and that life together and the other half she wants her independence and I would never strip her of that it would just mean a different thing.
A gemini is repersented by the twins one twin wants one thing and the other wants something else this is why they are so dam hard to tie down or figure out what they want so usually they shoot there self in the foot.
There's no doubt he loves you or would of loved you. He just doesn't no what he wants, hasn't figured it out for him self and if you think he is the one or whatever you want to call it then be the person he's afraid to loose but do not let him walk all over you at the same time.
Me and my partner I am still trying to figure her out we are always hot and cold strange really as being a Sag I am full of adventure and she also being a gem is as well, however she gets some bad mood swings and it let's her down and I also question alot if she really loves and cares about me the way she says as one minuet she's all over me and the next she can be quiet reserved and cold.
Wow youre going through it aswell! Since i made this post he has actually gone back to his ex, i just know he will contact me because he gets bored! I at this point am pretty much done, i do love him but i cant keep playing these games its ridiculous, the one thing i found out off his ex and his family is that he has cheated on her for the whole 22 years they have been together, i am the first one hes been with for a while and left her for, that however doesnt make me feel better because im just repeating the same cycle with him over and over!
I hope your journey with your Gemini goes better than mine! I truly have never felt a connection like it but this gemini is the wrong one for me!
Sorry to hear this.
Thing is being a Sag we are always thinking forward and thinking about our future.
Geminis live for now not the future.
Its a hard one as I left my Sagittarius ex for my partner now I know this makes me sound terrible however I went through hell with my ex to the point it made me feel sick.
My relationship was pretty much built on guilt and trust issues but we have got past all that now.
I do however wonder if we will ever work out and what direction we are actually going in yet my partner has had number of occasions to walk away and has told me she loves me to much to do that and its too hard for her.
Basically she hates the fact my ex who I have two young children with is still hanging around some of my family members however she has known them and made relationships for the past 10 years.
He told me that his ex is toxic and all they do is argue, when he leaves her they all harrass him all day and night until he finishes with me goes back to her, its ridiculous, i just dont think he has the balls to leave her and keep away from her.
He probably got attached to her along the way and needs that buzz from her basically using her as a play toy by the sounds of it you to.
I would definitely call him bluff, say to him this ends now or I will never come back and then instead of him blocking you, you block him.
Stand up for your self like the fire sign you are, you deserve better never let anyone bring you down to there level!!.
Also what age are you guys just asking.
He has been doing this to her for 22 years and she has let him, thankfully he has only done this to me for a year, i have no interest in starting anything back up with him, my head is ruling my heart now, to me it doesnt matter how i feel about him, im done with his games, he can continue doing it to her but not me, im ashamed to say she is the same sign as me lol because i only put up for so long and im gone, she has done this with him for 22 years with 4 children along the way, his daughters are also in similar relationships, they break up they get back together etc. Sad really! I am 47 and he is 40, all i want is for the wierd stalking to stop on the dating app, its getting to a point where i darent speak to anyone incase its him! Plus i would like his partners friends to stop messaging me asking me if i am talking to him, its just getting to be a bore!
Amazing really, two different ages apart, as I am 29 and my partner also yet had similar things.
Also funny as my partner Gem her ex being a Sag and me also a Sag and your side two female Sag with one Gem male 😅.
I have found my Gem loves in a different way to me tho like we both love eachother just show it in different ways and sometimes that can lead to misunderstandings between us .
My gemini is extremely affectionate, i too am a really affectionate person with my partner, it was instant when we saw each other, he said he doesnt get that kind of affection from his partner, he actually said its like living with his sister! Not sure if he meant that or not, either way he keeps going back, his youngest daughter is only 15 so i think a lot of it is to do with her, as it is now and the year we have all had though, i know his family would never accept me and thats important to me, so in reality regardless of feelings me and him are never going to work, it's difficult because ive truly never felt a connection like it but at some point common sense has to kick in, it hurts a little more every time he does it and i genuinely can't do it to myself anymore, i do hope you have more success though!click to expand
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