Im an Aries woman seeing a Gemini man for 5 months. Long-distance, meeting once a month. Overall we are ok, have good and positive communication, good sexual tension etc..
Yet, for past week I have acted out quite bad, threw unreasonable jealousy scene (he posted a pic with cute colleagues) and went crazy when he did not call me, when we were supposed to talk. So, we kinda moved on from it, but then I said a stupid joke, which he completely missunderstood, as if Im watching each of his step. That was not true, but I see how he thought its shitty, as Ive been acting out lately..
Now, he is angry with me for getting on his nerves for my scenes. He asked for some time to calm down. I couldnt wait and next day asked if he is better, to which he said - I asked you for some time, and you could not even wait for 24h.
Question - is that normal for Gems? Should I worry he is pulling himself away? Or does he really just need some time to calm down.. but for how long!? (he said he does not know)
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 285 · Posts: 30788 · Topics: 649
Let him be, yall not even in a relationship
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Aug 16, 2011Comments: 3 · Posts: 7849 · Topics: 52
Has he done something else to inspire these feelings in you?
Took him whole day, but this morning I woke up with a message from him, that he misses me. Relief.
Like I said, I understand that I messed up and where his annoyance came from. Maybe I'm justifying his ''need for space'', but this is how I used to deal with things before, giving hard silent-treatments to whoever pissed me off. So I kind of understand. Now Ive learned to speak up, but to an extent that might not respect others' need to take some time to calm down.
As to LDR - yes, this is tough and is my first experience. He has a specific shift-based work, when he is all over the world, so we try to plan and work this out as much as we can. Of course I am considerate with where it leads to, just unfortunate we met right at the time, he decided to move away, but we addressed it right away and decided to ''give it a try''.
I am crazy, I know that. Im impatient, demanding and all over the place. But Im also understanding, flexible and can adapt when its reasonable to. Gemini is my first experience, so its important to understand him to make it work,
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Feb 23, 2013Comments: 22238 · Posts: 25616 · Topics: 84
lol at so much controlling drama. Be that mans peace! Leave him a lone and let him come back if he likes you.
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Jan 05, 2015Comments: 14 · Posts: 5462 · Topics: 94
Aries woman, gem man thats a big NOPE. Aries is impulsive, so is Gem. Aries is stubborn, so can Gem be and you better believe it won’t seem “reasonable” do you like kids? Gem is like an overgrown toddler at times so have fun 😂 Gem don’t like drama or demanding woman soooo 😬
Haha I 💕 💎 😎
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
I joked with my dude yesterday. Why you taking a shower? Whose pussy you been in? Whip it out lemme smell it just to make sure.
Context: he just had a haircut and had to jump into the shower. Lol he could tell I was fucking with him. But if I pulled that move over text it might not have been all laughs. He wouldn't have seen my shit eating grin and might've gotten butt hurt, taken it seriously and all that. Gotta be careful when it comes to communication thats not face to face, sometimes wires get crossed and intent/vibes get lost in translation.
Gems can give it but (sometimes) can't take it. Big softies like that.
In fact - I think I lack his attention sometimes, so maybe my tantrums is just a scream for attention. As an aries - I demand, not ask, you know? So, when he would not respond or be too rational when planning flights (costs vs meeting for 2 days only), drives me nuts but all I want is just to hear something sweet putting ''emotional value'' over financial, you know?