Gemini Sun Virgo Moon woman and Pisces (Pisces_Aries cusp) sun Leo Moon man

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by chris19 on Friday, July 24, 2020 and has 15 replies.
What do you think?

Her Chat

Gemini 4

Moon 09°27'54" Virgo 7

Mercury 01°11'12" Gemini 3

Venus 03°25'07" Taurus 2

Mars 06°12'28" Gemini

My Chart

Pisces 4

Moon 20°11'11" Leo 8/9

Mercury 13°18'29" Pisces 3

Venus 23°57'31" Pisces 4

Mars 04°36'06" Gemini 6

Jupiter 01°11'44" Gemini
Posted by Loyal

virgo moon yikes
Are they difficulty (Virgo Moons)? No disrespect.

I recently joined a new company as an HR manager. Then this girl started asking me questions all over, like : Are you married? Do you have kids? . I knew she is a Gemini. Then I looked at her file, her date of birth and finally her chart. Today, I caught her staring at me, then I just stared at her with serious look on my face. I read somewhere that you have to give Gemini a stare for them to like you.
Posted by Loyal
Posted by chris19
Posted by Loyal

virgo moon yikes

Are they difficulty (Virgo Moons)?

Extremely, possessive, nag too much, I'm not one to stick around aa woman that nags II move on to the next lol.
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The other day she saw me talking to other women and she mentioned something like she was not happy. I could see she was jealous.

You are right. I some how found this interesting, but damn she is cute. You find that I am angry when she's nagging me then the next me minute I find it interesting. For instance, she asked me for a favor, I told her I couldn't and she kept nagging me over the same thing.

Posted by BlueStar
Posted by chris19
Posted by Loyal
Posted by chris19
Posted by Loyal

virgo moon yikes

Are they difficulty (Virgo Moons)?

Extremely, possessive, nag too much, I'm not one to stick around aa woman that nags II move on to the next lol.

The other day she saw me talking to other women and she mentioned something like she was not happy. I could see she was jealous.

You are right. I some how found this interesting, but damn she is cute. You find that I am angry when she's nagging me then the next me minute I find it interesting. For instance, she asked me for a favor, I told her I couldn't and she kept nagging me over the same thing.

Virgo Moons feel loved and cared for by acts of service. So she is probably testing you to see if you do actually care. With the Taurus Venus too she won’t give up easily.
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Does that mean I should probably fulfil her wish to gain trust. Because, this is the first time. Other times I did what she asked of me to do. It's like she keeps reminding me of what I should do.

I apologized for the thing I couldn't do and she said it's fine, I don't have to worry about it. The following day she kept asking me the same thing. I have to admit I was annoyed that she kept asking me the thing I couldn't do.
Posted by BlueStar
Posted by chris19
Posted by BlueStar
Posted by chris19
Posted by Loyal
Posted by chris19
Posted by Loyal

virgo moon yikes

Are they difficulty (Virgo Moons)?

Extremely, possessive, nag too much, I'm not one to stick around aa woman that nags II move on to the next lol.
The other day she saw me talking to other women and she mentioned something like she was not happy. I could see she was jealous.

You are right. I some how found this interesting, but damn she is cute. You find that I am angry when she's nagging me then the next me minute I find it interesting. For instance, she asked me for a favor, I told her I couldn't and she kept nagging me over the same thing.

Virgo Moons feel loved and cared for by acts of service. So she is probably testing you to see if you do actually care. With the Taurus Venus too she won’t give up easily.

Does that mean I should probably fulfil her wish to gain trust. Because, this is the first time. Other times I did what she asked of me to do. It's like she keeps reminding me of what I should do.

I apologized for the thing I couldn't do and she said it's fine, I don't have to worry about it. The following day she kept asking me the same thing. I have to admit I was annoyed that she kept asking me the thing I couldn't do.

I would just say that.

Ask if her if you can help her some other way because you care about her being taken care of but that it makes you less willing to help if she doesn’t respect your boundaries.
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She seemed unhappy. Then, I asked her another way I can help her. She gave a solution and what to do. I told her I am going to do it. That was yesterday. Today she keeps reminding me.
Posted by 7thHouse

Virgo moons aren't too bad if you're an interesting person. We adore smart people. We only nag when we know you don't get our point. We notice everything. We also don't give AF if we offend you. We just have to say it as it is because it's a fact. Lol

Interesting, today she held up to me, kind of like venting. She told me how she can do this and that. I was surprised, kind of gave me a challenge. She told me if I fail, she will do it on her own. She even showed me pictures on her phone how she managed to do crazy jobs on her own. And said she can do anything, she got 99 jobs.

I guess she finds me intriguing or a mystery which is a good thing. I come off as smart. I am kind of good at fixing things like computer hardware and software. So needed me to fix her stereo system of which I couldn't.

Sometimes, she questions me with strange questions and when I don't give a straight answer she will keeps asking me the same question. Her friends sometimes get suspicious to the questions she asks me.
Last week she kept asking me to take her out or at least with fellow co-workers. So we went out together with fellow work mates on the weekend. I kept observing her, she was very close to me and quite. She kept asking me to take photos of her, hold her stuff, buy her things and so on. I also didn't want to seem clingy, so she would spend time with her other fellow work mates.

The following day I saw her talking to this Leo Guy from work. I got jealous of their interaction, so I also started following one of her friends to get to talk to me. Funny enough, the Leo guy noticed me and started accusing me of flirting with the other girl, he was like "Do you want to sleep with her(other girl)". She also looked at me and asked the same question "Is that what you really want?" I was speechless. Then the other girl saved me by saying "No I can't do that, his like a brother/sister to me". I just laughed and said the same thing. However, she looked at me and seemed kind of upset and said ok. She didn't say a word. I tried to talk to her and couldn't get a response. Until this morning, I tried to talk to her nicely she gave me a compliment at work, "Everyday I see you doing the same work that others are supposed to be doing, you need to change the schedule".

This other Leo guy I don't how, but he seems to make me jealous when we are together. His always chatty with her and I usually get unconfutable with the situation. However, his somehow related to her. I believe his her uncle. His very protective of her, and doesn't want a man near her. I believe he knows I like her. I am also close to the Leo guy and I feel revealing my feelings for her jeopardize our friendship. So I keep my interactions with her on the low key.
Lately I have been trying to spend as much time with her and it seems to be working. Recently, she seemed so low, so I asked her if there was anything wrong. She opened up to me that she was having family problems back at home. Which affected her financial well being. I just listened to her and didn't offer any solution. She seemed reluctant to receiving my help.

The following day I helped her with work stuff and reports, and she seemed happy when her boss accepted it. She offered me to escort her home that same day. Her friend was curious, that she doesn't usually ask me to escort her, why she did that day. She kept quite and I escorted her. She made me breakfast the following morning.
Posted by Loyal
Posted by chris19
Posted by Loyal

virgo moon yikes

Are they difficulty (Virgo Moons)?

Extremely, possessive, nag too much, I'm not one to stick around aa woman that nags II move on to the next lol.
click to expand
No not possessive. Virgo isn’t possessive. Taurus and Capricorn more so. As far as a nag, yes, entirely possible. Because Virgo moons don’t like stupidity. We expect human beings to do something right, perfectly, and on time the first time, so since we deal with humans, were perpetually disappointed.

The real problem here is this dude has too much pieces in his chart!
Posted by chris19

What do you think?

Her Chat

Gemini 4

Moon 09°27'54" Virgo 7

Mercury 01°11'12" Gemini 3

Venus 03°25'07" Taurus 2

Mars 06°12'28" Gemini

My Chart

Pisces 4

Moon 20°11'11" Leo 8/9

Mercury 13°18'29" Pisces 3

Venus 23°57'31" Pisces 4

Mars 04°36'06" Gemini 6

Jupiter 01°11'44" Gemini
Too much pisces! Unless you’re Mr. Rogers, no way. Pisces can it be trusted. Some blame others for their miseries all their lives. They go into their little “pretend” or “fantasy” land all the time to get away from reality. She has a Virgo moon and she’ll hate that shit. Anything Virgo is about logic, perfection, sensibility..... logic.... details, honesty. She’ll appreciate your sensitivities but eventually you’ll be too sensitive for her and you’ll always be getting offended. She may be a Gemini but there’s no sign more wishy washy than the Pisces!

And she has mars in Gemini. And mercury too! Forget it.
Posted by 81gems
Posted by Loyal
Posted by chris19
Posted by Loyal

virgo moon yikes

Are they difficulty (Virgo Moons)?

Extremely, possessive, nag too much, I'm not one to stick around aa woman that nags II move on to the next lol.

No not possessive. Virgo isn’t possessive. Taurus and Capricorn more so. As far as a nag, yes, entirely possible. Because Virgo moons don’t like stupidity. We expect human beings to do something right, perfectly, and on time the first time, so since we deal with humans, were perpetually disappointed.

The real problem here is this dude has too much pieces in his chart!
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She is not that possessive, she kind of give me the independence to be alone. I also give her that much time alone. Though she does seem to hate stupidity. Recently, I observed her as she was talking to some drunk man. The same drunk man even mentioned something like "Hey you seem to hate me that much by the way you looking at me. Here some cash for you". I felt sad for the man. Furthermore, I have also gotten quite drunk in her presence. The first time I could see that she wasn't happy. She does come to my rescue sometimes, tells me "You are not having anymore drinks". The last time she seemed calmed, took me by the side asked me properly.

Posted by 81gems
Posted by chris19

What do you think?

Her Chat

Gemini 4

Moon 09°27'54" Virgo 7

Mercury 01°11'12" Gemini 3

Venus 03°25'07" Taurus 2

Mars 06°12'28" Gemini

My Chart

Pisces 4

Moon 20°11'11" Leo 8/9

Mercury 13°18'29" Pisces 3

Venus 23°57'31" Pisces 4

Mars 04°36'06" Gemini 6

Jupiter 01°11'44" Gemini

Too much pisces! Unless you’re Mr. Rogers, no way. Pisces can it be trusted. Some blame others for their miseries all their lives. They go into their little “pretend” or “fantasy” land all the time to get away from reality. She has a Virgo moon and she’ll hate that shit. Anything Virgo is about logic, perfection, sensibility..... logic.... details, honesty. She’ll appreciate your sensitivities but eventually you’ll be too sensitive for her and you’ll always be getting offended. She may be a Gemini but there’s no sign more wishy washy than the Pisces!

And she has mars in Gemini. And mercury too! Forget it.
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I am quite passed that buttery, I don't blame others for miseries. I rather prefer to live with the consequences of my actions that way I learn lessons the hard way and never to make same mistakes. I can be wishy/washy but my emotions and feelings are things that I deal differently. I am passionate about what I put myself into. Sometimes I can be logical (in fact most times I am logical) and other times I can illogical.

Other dimensions to me which I think might make us compatible is that I am Pisces-Aries Cusp (19-03). I have Aries tendencies which might blow the Gemini air sun. Furthermore, I am INFJ according to the MBTI and I believe she is an ENFP. In the MBTI paradigm we seem compatible. I Enneagram type 3 (3w4) which is associated with Gemini. I am life path number 4, which represents practicallity, security, steadiness and determination, all the virgo traits. I am going to love this girl regardless of what astrology says and I believe she does have feelings for me at least. After all we just have to do our best to make it work.
Posted by 81gems
Posted by chris19

What do you think?

Her Chat

Gemini 4

Moon 09°27'54" Virgo 7

Mercury 01°11'12" Gemini 3

Venus 03°25'07" Taurus 2

Mars 06°12'28" Gemini

My Chart

Pisces 4

Moon 20°11'11" Leo 8/9

Mercury 13°18'29" Pisces 3

Venus 23°57'31" Pisces 4

Mars 04°36'06" Gemini 6

Jupiter 01°11'44" Gemini

Too much pisces! Unless you’re Mr. Rogers, no way. Pisces can it be trusted. Some blame others for their miseries all their lives. They go into their little “pretend” or “fantasy” land all the time to get away from reality. She has a Virgo moon and she’ll hate that shit. Anything Virgo is about logic, perfection, sensibility..... logic.... details, honesty. She’ll appreciate your sensitivities but eventually you’ll be too sensitive for her and you’ll always be getting offended. She may be a Gemini but there’s no sign more wishy washy than the Pisces!

And she has mars in Gemini. And mercury too! Forget it.
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Strange but true, today I saw her come out emotional. We were helping one of my close friends' wife celebration party. This person was telling us how they fell in love, and I could with my own eyes of how she yearned for that kind of affection. She was also expressing love in some kind of poem. I usually see it in her eyes when I am talking to her every time. She acts strange and shy when I am talking to her with direct eye contact. She could be my soul-mate. She is eight years younger than me.

The good thing is that she is blunt sometimes when expressing her emotions to me and I find it aggressive. She could also start flirting with me in public which I am not conformable with. As a result I go into my fantasy world to escape her. I believe she understands me. She does share some of her deepest concerns with me. Like on 1 to 1 situations. Sometimes at work she just grab me and start telling whatever problem she is having at work or personal. Though I do tell her that I am here for her in case of anything, she can count on me. After telling her this, it's like the nagging has tripled now. The Taurus Venus now makes sense. Never the less I have been assisting her in anything she asks for help from me.
My Gemini asked me out again. She said she wants to take me out on a date.
The Leo guy warned me that she has contenders. I must be careful with what I wish for. I saw rage in his eyes. Despite, all this, I told him that I will fight for her.

I guess there must be something she is not telling me. Though I suspect it is something to do with a child. She mentioned to me that she has a 1 year old child but the (Fiancé) father of the child left her.