Leo moon and Capricorn moon?

This topic was created in the Moon Signs forum by Gemalit on Thursday, July 2, 2020 and has 12 replies.
I’m not good with my moon signs, so I was wondering if this is compatible? And if not, what’s the best “match” for a Leo moon?

Posted by LittleStar_II

Sagittarius Moon is the best Big Grin

I feel like this is a little hard. You are looking at Saturn and Sun in a relationship. Leo Moon may feel censored and Capricorn may be annoyed or overwhelmed by Leo Moon.

But I would never say one aspect is make or break. It’s all just things to look out for.

Like Capricorn Moon should learn that Leo Moon needs affection and Leo Moon should recognize that Capricorn Moon needs consistency.
I never realised how much attention I needed until now. I always thought I was sooo independent but I really wasn’t. If I didn’t get attention from one person I’d get it from someone else (my friend pointed this out to me).

This Capricorn moon hasn’t really seemed all that interested the last couple of days, and for the first few I was almost going insane as we’d clicked so well. But now I’m in the “hmph!” Phase. I may chase but not people who don’t want it so I’m backing off, begrudgingly.

Tell me more about Sagittarius moons?
moon in Leo here, girl has Cap Moon....works very well....She's cool as hell, not clingy or over-emotional, puts up with my shit...can't really ask for more than that...I think, bc of how generally content she is, and how little she needs in the way of emotional maintenance or attention, it can make you feel a little needy yourself, as you mention...and I had the same experience - that was entirely new for me. I like it though...
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by Metatron

moon in Leo here, girl has Cap Moon....works very well....She's cool as hell, not clingy or over-emotional, puts up with my shit...can' really ask for more than that...I think, bc of how generally content she is, and how little she needs in the way of emotional maintenance or attention, it can make you feel a little needy yourself, as you mention...and I had the same experience - that was entirely new for me. I like it though...


You are Taurus Sun and she is Sag Sun too right?

It’s nice to have the Sun-Moon connection especially when it goes both ways. Venus and Mars similarly.
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yeah...I think it helps that I'm an earth sun that's fire dominant, and she's a fire sun that's earth (Cap) dominant....Seems to be a mutual understanding of one another. I think she's more chill than the average Sag lol - at least the many that I've known....I've also found I can understand her Leo Asc. which I consider to be a big factor in our relationship...

Posted by Metatron

moon in Leo here, girl has Cap Moon....works very well....She's cool as hell, not clingy or over-emotional, puts up with my shit...can't really ask for more than that...I think, bc of how generally content she is, and how little she needs in the way of emotional maintenance or attention, it can make you feel a little needy yourself, as you mention...and I had the same experience - that was entirely new for me. I like it though...
The cap moon sounds very similar, but yes it does make me feel needy and I don’t like it. I’ve backed off completely now so I guess that chapters ended. But I’m glad yours is going so well, it sounds super cute!

(Are you a Taurus? They’re a Taurus sun as well).
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by Gemalit
Posted by LittleStar_II

Sagittarius Moon is the best Big Grin

I feel like this is a little hard. You are looking at Saturn and Sun in a relationship. Leo Moon may feel censored and Capricorn may be annoyed or overwhelmed by Leo Moon.

But I would never say one aspect is make or break. It’s all just things to look out for.

Like Capricorn Moon should learn that Leo Moon needs affection and Leo Moon should recognize that Capricorn Moon needs consistency.

I never realised how much attention I needed until now. I always thought I was sooo independent but I really wasn’t. If I didn’t get attention from one person I’d get it from someone else (my friend pointed this out to me).

This Capricorn moon hasn’t really seemed all that interested the last couple of days, and for the first few I was almost going insane as we’d clicked so well. But now I’m in the “hmph!” Phase. I may chase but not people who don’t want it so I’m backing off, begrudgingly.

Tell me more about Sagittarius moons?

It’s not a bad thing to want attention or affection. You should feel special to your partner.

Sagittarius Moon can be a little too blunt and teasing at times (not out of trying to hurt anyone, just don’t have a filter or think so much before they speak at times) but they are also very affectionate and playful and will be up for anything. They are less uptight than Aries Moon and more go with the flow and positive. Sagittarius can find Leo Moon entertaining and funny and can hold space for their ego but also won’t hold back on their opinions either so it can be constructive for both people. Leo Moon will be protective and be a place for Sag Moon to come back to when they need rest from all they have going on.

Once of my exes has Leo Moon and another dude I dated has it. Both were super great. I love their vibes and still have really good feelings toward both.
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The sag sun actually sounds perfect for me. All I want is a playmate, someone who doesn’t take the world to serious, but who can also be as sturdy as a rock. Every Sagittarius I’ve come across I’ve liked.

Posted by Gemalit
Posted by Metatron

moon in Leo here, girl has Cap Moon....works very well....She's cool as hell, not clingy or over-emotional, puts up with my shit...can't really ask for more than that...I think, bc of how generally content she is, and how little she needs in the way of emotional maintenance or attention, it can make you feel a little needy yourself, as you mention...and I had the same experience - that was entirely new for me. I like it though...

The cap moon sounds very similar, but yes it does make me feel needy and I don’t like it. I’ve backed off completely now so I guess that chapters ended. But I’m glad yours is going so well, it sounds super cute!

(Are you a Taurus? They’re a Taurus sun as well).
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Yes...I can see a Taurus Sun w/a Cap Moon being a little difficult to handle, like extremely self-sufficient and pre-occupied maybe....with her, I don't feel ignored or rejected in any way, but I do have to swallow my pride, walk over and annoy her out of her pre-occupations occasionally...she's receptive though....
Posted by Gemalit

I was wondering if this is compatible?

no, not really.

they are quincunxes signs, so different that they just can't understand each other feelings.

specially because in the case of cap mooners, there aren't any 🤣 we are dead inside like a cold turkey.
Scorp mooners are the best for leo mooners...that fixed energy is hot... stubborn but hot lol.

Gem mooners are ok...too flakey on their emotions tho...at least the ones I've dealt with.

I tend to like chiller moons since I can be dramatic ....they bring me back down but I still need them to be none cold in their expressions of emotion. Scorp moons can be like that until they let you "in"...since they don't really let anyone totally in lol

Never been with a cap moon that I know of and probably never will 🤷🏼‍♀️
Cap moon here; i was with a Leo moon for a few years while younger. She was cool. Being a cancer/leo sun, the sun/moon conjunction was one of several soulmate connections you can have; i got caught up in the fun to her drama; i was the able to be a rock for her to rely on, i was strong enough to keep up and i guess i provided a calm space for her to drain her mind of all problems when alone. She'd talk to me about everything. In the end i just wasn't that into her, overall she just didn't have long term qualities to keep around. But we reappeard in eachother's lives quite a few times, and always went out for lunch, opened up to eachoher like it was yesterday, and wished eachother the best.

Also, the very last time we met up, she wanted to move in together; i think she'd been around the block with all these other, "emotional, and cooler moons Winking" and realized that i was always the consistent rock that could earn a living, and was willing to understand her in a strong, silent way with few interruptions.

Lastly, as a cardinal rule when dealing with Leo, i never stole her spotlight, or outright judged her need for it. (But

I did privately analyze why she needed it and what was cooking underneath..).

i never, ever took her sh*t from her, established from

the get-go. I could tell she respected that.
i love leo moons
I like Cap moons. They are not dramatic people and won't wear you down like a water moon. I like earth moons in general. Idk why. Fire and earth have something I guess.....