


Image about Mah-jongg
Really hope I don’t have toxoplasmosis
In the spirit of Venus in Pisces 💖
Image about In the spirit of Venus in Pisces 💖
Did the PlayStation bros attack the servers? What happened!Laughing Big Grin
One thing I love about living alone is being able to get up in the middle of the night to make tea or pee and not have to worry about disturbing someone. The other thing is …….. everything😃. For me it truly is bliss and I sure couldn’t live with someone again 🥴
Is this place on the blink again?
Seems very very sloooooooow 😒
So my mom calls me over to help wash her cat we wash her cause she was dirty then she decides it’s a good idea to dry her off with a blow dryer and I get scratched in 3 different places on my hand now it looks like I have a red hand. Taurus women are fucking stupid.


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Aspects Right Now
Current Date and Time: 2025-03-29 01:54 UTC

The Zodiac Signs