
Too long for me, I think it was when I was 28 and trying to run my own bussiness and trying to do a pretty basic job and I just couln't really get my head around it all. I just conceeded at that point and then things started to unfold and it really explai
Joined: Apr 10, 2023 · Topics: 25 · Posts: 1605
Vedic Astrology
Vedic astrology or western astrology?
Joined: Jul 24, 2019 · Topics: 93 · Posts: 7847
Astrology always a good convo starter I've noticed . Do you ever use it in daily conversation or with friends. Some friends I refer to simply as Aquarius Woman or Taurus Man. Some I refer to their celebrity sun and moon match. The possibilities are real
Joined: Sep 10, 2011 · Topics: 53 · Posts: 574
You have been lucky not to have had me as a guest here for the past 15 years. Now I have returned to demand a new digital relationship. Maybe you remember my crazy zodiac fetish/online relationship from the glory days of Altavista, maybe you don't. It doe
Joined: Mar 19, 2025 · Topics: 2 · Posts: 28
Sun - Capricorn Moon - Pisces Mercury - Sagittarius Venus - Scorpio Mars - Capricorn vs. Sun - Pisces Moon - Virgo Mercury - Aries Venus - Pisces Mars - Virgo -------- Based on astrology, who seems to care more about people and the environment? Who
Joined: Mar 04, 2025 · Topics: 4 · Posts: 124
Post yourself + your irl object of romantic interest and we'll tell you if they're out of your league
Joined: Mar 09, 2025 · Topics: 6 · Posts: 246
Which sign is the winner in a 1vs1 fight: Taurus or Libra?
Joined: May 02, 2024 · Topics: 33 · Posts: 263


It's 3/24 and today I decided not talk or think about him anymore (this is the only place I talk about him, no one irl knows about my feelings), it's time to permanently end this and stop torturing myself. It's been 1 year, 2 months and 14 days since the day I realized I like him. If nothing happened in this amount of time, nothing will ever happen and it's about the time I accept I might have simply saw what's not there and this is one sided crush. To make it easier for myself, I deleted all the previous comments (hopefully I didn't skip any) and the topic I made about him, deleted photos that I had and I'll make myself forget about him. Life goes on even without people that mean the world to us, it certainly can go on without those you never had in the first place.
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I'm digging through the "bottlegate" results in the search bar and Firebunny's misuse of the term "ayyy lmao" is driving me bananas
It's hard to go back to work after spending a weekend in Orlando/Disney.
My Dad passed 13 yrs ago and today is his birthday. I’ve not seen a Robin so close for a while but it came very close to my kitchen door ❤️

The well-known phrase, 'When robins appear, loved ones are near', alludes to the belief that the robin is a messenger

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Well that was disappointing...when I face something like that I just get these urges to send everything to hell and switch to something completely different. Why the hell do I get so stubborn about things and why am I a fucking emotional idiot about everything?!
I am every man’s nightmare until proved otherwise


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Current Date and Time: 2025-03-24 14:25 UTC

The Zodiac Signs