


Saw this online 😅😂🤣

“Can I feed raw chicken to crows”

“They used to feed the ravens at the Tower of London pieces of traitors... they can handle some raw chicken”
Mercury boss had issues with payroll yesterday and it said that I wasn't getting paid after she did payroll. So she called them to fix it. Woke up this morning and they paid me twice now. 🙃 called her first thing this morning cause one of the transactions is still pending so hopefully they can do something about it. I don't mind giving her the money back but I can't give her back all the taxes they took out 😬
Mercury rx is pushing me to contact Cap...but I don't really want to. I'm just concerned if he's alive and ok given that he's in a war zone...but don't want him to think I care...yup I know I make no sense🤦🏼‍♀️
The 'algorithm' is so invasive. I believe nearly everything that comes up on any feed is generated bullshit. A year ago you could smell it trickling thru but now..
Does this explain the dxp resurgence?


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