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Every Fire sign in existence.
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This year is staring to feel like a trial. My endurance is at test. My nerves are being played with and my buttons constantly pushed. My persistance and determination is at the greatest test ever - if I didn't have Mars in Scorpio I would have probably caved in long time ago and accepted failure. But nope, I believe so strongly in my goal that it borders with insanity. But I KNOW what I'm after and I know I can and will get it, but the wait is driving me crazy! And constantly being questioned on it by my own bf doesn't help either. "If I were in your place I wouldn't bare with so much incertainity". - my response to that: "what else is there for me to do"? "You're waiting for something, but you don't know IF or when you'll get it". My response - "I know I WILL get it, but I don't know how long I'll have to wait and you know it's impossible NOT to happen". Him -"If you had any afirmation it would work out, it would be worth waiting but like this..." - my response "but I DO have afirmation, you know his exacts words (and I quoted them for hundred times), you know his word is a promise"! And ofc then he goes as uncertain as he can be "then wait for it and that's it". The thing that annoys me even more in all this is that I have his support with the limitation - and that exactly is why my feelings faded away over time. He knows how much it means to me, but waiting more than a few months to him seems unreasonable and I should just find another job. That just pisses me off cause I would NEVER push someone like that in his place. He has more than enough to finance everything for much, much longer time but expects me to contribute asap. Put my dreams and goals aside for it. I'd never do that to him in his position. It only tells me I shouldn't rely on him if something happens to me and I'm not able to work or I fell means I'm on my own. If he won't bare woth me for a little while, what could I possibly expect in the long term? And I hate the fact I ended up depending on him. I hate myself for being in this position and I hate that I don't have anyone else to turn to. I wish I had a person with my mindset and his assets in my life right now. Or better said, I wish I was a person with my mind and his assets...
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Mercury rx reared its head and I got fired again for performance. Definitely blindsided. Asked my sister if I could move in with her to the bigger, more progressive city where she lives till I get a job and apartment out there. I've been wanting to leave this bumfuck town forever.
Watching Love Triangle UK
Excruciating πŸ₯΄πŸ˜¬
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Any 70s babies here who had jherri curls growing up in the 80s remember that?
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