


Something I noticed about most of us Sags - no matter how brilliant mind (or at least ideas) we have, when we speak we sound like complete idiots. Like words that come out of our mouths make no sense to a normal person. It's somehow fprmed right in our minds but when it comes out through our mouth - it sounds retarded. - comment inspired by listening to a Sag politician. Can't say I'm much different than him, so this stands for me as well. That's why I refrain for public speaking πŸ˜‚ I know better than to humiliate myself by the nonsense I say in the heat of the moment
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somone lost (things) i lose all my so they feel better
I went on a couple dates with a Taurus man back around Christmas. Dates were fine but he tried to smash too soon and did the slow fade when I wasn’t down. Now he is texting me hateful messages months later. Any insight into this strange male behavior? I’m amused, but don’t respond. Which seems to make him angrier πŸ˜†
I’m down to host a dxp dating game if the masculine signs are down to fight for $ 100 bucks
On today’s episode of Love is Bald

$ 100 on a fish hook πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Staind was enjoyable for like 5 mins πŸ˜…


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Current Date and Time: 2025-03-20 23:40 UTC

The Zodiac Signs