


I ate rice today

Mourning the loss of my sag she was kinda hot if she didn’t smile

A bit Mr burnsish when she did

Plus she had manly feet size 38 eu at 5’1
Emotionally stunted provocateurs please form an orderly line and I’ll get to you when, and if, I feel like it.
PlayStation bros assemble!!!!

Don’t worry dxp bald agent smith is here to stop the attack so he can ask you boring sex questions and send you $ 100 in gifs
Jaythefantastic is going to assemble all the PlayStation bros here for his birthday Tongue 😹😹😹 #DxpnetisMcdonaldsNow
Transiting pure cardinal energy. I guess we're all getting our shit done.
Happy birthday little rams and lambs 🎂

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Transits Right Now
Aspects Right Now
Current Date and Time: 2025-03-22 18:09 UTC

The Zodiac Signs