Wow I can’t believe these women are this entitled. I do believe the one who does the inviting should pay unless otherwise stated, but even if I get invited I always bring money and I still offer to pay. And I don’t agree with the one dude who said why should I pay for you when you won’t even let me touch you. It was the first date and he wanted to take her home and take her to bed. These women are crazy though!
Something that just fucked me up was someone trying to prove we are living in a simulation by bringing up the fact we never dream about our phones in our dreams. Not only phones, but computers and TVs too. That's got me all fucked up because I have vivid dreams I remember every single night. Yet I've never actually had a dream with a cellphone, computer, or TV present. Anyone else agree/ disagree?
The Libra is asleep and I’m still awake. Had way too much to drink. Have a horrible headache, but hoping the more I drink the more the pain will go away.