


Alright. Who the ghost that gave me 2 notifications?
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Omg I absolutely hate dealing with other Sags! 🤦🏼‍♀️
Having an Aries mars may as well be a disability. This placement… just lmao. When it goes good we can achieve a lot. But we mostly just fuck up everything doing THE MOST 😭 Like Im so embarrassed trying to take the stairs with a nearly sprained ankle. Ma’am theres an elevator around the corner
Ive been doing everything in my power to not snap so fucking hard at certain people irl, but Im staying on silent mode for now 🧘🏻‍♀️ mercury rx during aries season is tough
When I say higher, this is what I mean:

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People are brutal & feel horrible for her! That said….. 🤣

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Current Date and Time: 2025-03-25 12:39 UTC

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