There is this dead deer I pass everyday on the side of the road on the way to work. Each day it is decomposed a little more. It’s just wasting away right before my eyes. It makes me sad because I know we all are going to die. Our loved ones are just going to decompose little by little each passing day until there is nothing left but bones. Unless they are cremated then they will just turn out to be a pile of ashes. I don’t want to remember them that way, but I can’t help the constant images of them in my head…..burned to nothing or rotting away.😔
Taurus are the biggest bully. They don't give a fuck about anyone unless there's some kind of benefit. They don't mind if the people they choose mistreat them because they consider this natural, even in work settings. They'll make any wrong a right but will never take accountability. What a fucking cowardly sign.