


Virgo and I are officially engaged and plan to marry in May. Things have been really wonderful, both professionally and personally. I feel bad I haven’t been checking posts very often. But I guess most of us don’t nowadays.
Image about Virgo and I are officially engaged and plan to marry in May. Things have been really wonderful, both
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One of my previous coworkers from my prior toxic job reached out to me tonight. She wanted to check in and see how I was liking my new job and to let me know she passed her realtors exam and how it won’t be long before she’s putting in her resignation. I’m truly happy for her as I wouldn’t wish that job on my worst enemy. She told me the job has gotten worse and management has gotten worse. (Didn’t think that was even possible!). She said they hire new people and they don’t even stay past the training period. I can’t blame them! It’s a fucking train wreck! I thank my lucky stars everyday that I’m finally out and free of that hell hole!
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This is the most life awakening video I ever seen. I 100% recommend watching it, and sharing with like-minded people.

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If you don't want fugly grey hair in your 30s the key is coconut & argan oil.
Do not use the 'P' brands.
And avoid petrol conditioners. Olive oil will tame it. Even you lionesses.
New IG update ain’t bad
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Words of affirmation but also my current mindset is exactly this
Image about Words of affirmation but also my current mindset is exactly this
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Current Date and Time: 2025-03-28 10:39 UTC

The Zodiac Signs