They hired a new Nurse Practioner next door and I heard he was short but I was not prepared on how short he is. He's not a little person or anything like that but I saw him today and he looks like someone who was once tall and they shrunk him with AI. It reminded of me of how they made the short wolverine in the latest Deadpool movie with all the multiverse wolverines. It was the weirdest thing. Funny part is he drives this huge pick up truck too where he jumps down from. I'm not trying to be mean...I...I just wasn't prepared for what I saw today. 😳
Today I spent too much money on food, new eye make up, sunglasses, and shoes. I’ve been very restrained so it’s time I broke out I also received a Mother’s Day card 4 days early from our lovely son ❤️ Life is good 😊
I really wish I could depend on myself only in so many's so hard having to deal with nonchalant people, those who aren't bothered to taking things serious...and I have to say that Sag is a complete ahole! Didn't even bother contacting me and ofc went ahead to do it on his own and obviously made a mistake. A mistake that could cause several people significant losses. Fucking smartass! So shallow but loves to pretend to be smart. At this point I really wish I was only dealing with a Virgo F boss. Things would be so much more simple... Will see how this plays out eventually, I'm going to push as hard as I can to achieve what I want and will not let some ahole stand in my way.